GRAPES! Civilizations: Mesoamerica (Mayans, Aztecs, Incans)
GRAPES! Civilizations: Mesoamerica (Mayans, Aztecs, Incans)
Maya (p. 395-399)
Aztec (p. 400-406)
Inca (p. 407-411)
- Location/region
- Physical features
- Environment
- Movement
- Neighbors
- From southern Mexico into northern Central America
- Includes the Yucatan Peninsula
- Jungle, forest, mountain landscape
- Cities: Tikal, Chichen Itza
- Located in central Mexico (“Valley of Mexico”)
- Situated around lakes in valley = access to fertile soil
- Major city: Tenochtitlan
- In South America (mod-day Peru); expanded to include 2500 miles
- Centered in mountainous region in the “Valley of Kuzco”
- Holy books
- Beliefs, teachings
- Deities
- Sin/salvation
- Conversion
- Polytheistic
- Gods associated with nature (EX: god of corn, death, rain, etc.)
- Gods associated with 4 cardinal directions
- Worshiped gods via offerings of food, flowers, etc.
- Believed in the power of human/blood sacrifice (at times) but did not use sacrifice a lot
- Polytheistic
- Major god: Quetzalcoatl
- Myth of Quetzalcoatl – that the god would come back one day influences Mayan culture heavily
- Involved ritual offerings to the gods
- Calendar of ritual religious festivals
- Carried out human sacrifice on a massive scale
- Polytheistic (fewer gods than Aztecs and Mayans)
- Gods represented different parts of nature
- Worship the sun = worship the king (King is descended from the sun god)
- Had religious ceremonies, sacrifices
- Arts/music
- Literature
- Philosophy
- Math/science
- Conquests
- Giant, elaborate pyramids, palaces, temples
- Stone carving dedicated to rulers and the gods
- Constructed ball courts (game had religious, political sig.)
- Created calendar
- Developments in math, science, astronomy
- Base 20 number system
- Writing system = glyphs
- Elaborate temples, pyramids, monuments to leaders/gods
- Developed planned cities
- Raised roadways
- Chinampas
- Extensive road system developed to connect vast empire
- Founded schools
- Elaborate temples, pyramids, and monuments to gods/leaders
- Engineers and stonemasons – but had no iron and did not use the wheel
- Built irrigation canals and agricultural fields; created a calendar (day/night)
- Developed a way to freeze-dry goods
- Created accounting device (quipu) to record numerical data
- Leaders, elites
- Gov’t structure
- War
- Diplomacy, treaties
- Courts, laws
- Series of independent city-states each ruled by a god-king
- City-states connected by alliances
- Theocracy
- Kinghood = hereditary
- Started out as city-states during Olmec, Toltec period, developed into empire when Aztecs officially took over
- Took over city-states as they formed the Aztec Empire
- Formed the Triple Alliance
- Demanded tribute from city-states, people that were conquered
- Empire, not city-states
- Organized into bureaucracy
- Theocracy (Incan leader had to be descended from the sun god)
- Worshipped dead rulers by preserving their bodies (mummies)
- Used force and conquest to create strong Incan empire
- Demanded tribute (mita) from the people they conquered
- Capital at Kuzco
- Type of system
- Technology, industry
- Trade, commerce
- Capital/money
- Types of businesses
- Agricultural and trade-based economy
- Grew beans, maize, squash
- Traded salt, flint, feathers, shells, and honey
- Economic alliances (trade) between city-states strengthened the bonds between Mayan cities
- Trade was important to Aztec econ.
- Traded obsidian, precious metals, etc.
- Had incredibly large market areas in cities to help trade
- Also grew some crops as well (grown on chinampas or floating plots of land in the lakes
- Efficient economic system (trade and agriculture-based)
- Used complex road system to facilitate trade
- Used system of runners (think Pony Express) to deliver messages and trade goods
- State-controlled economy
- Socialist almost in its economy (everything belonged to the entire civilization, no private or personal trade)
- Family
- Women’s rights
- Social classes
- Inequalities
- Daily life
- Social classes existed (not egalitarian)
- 1. King 2. Nobles 3. Merchants, specialized workers 4. Peasants
- 1. Emperor
- 2. Military leaders/nobles/priests
- 3. Commoners
- 4. Slaves
- Used clothing as a physical marker of social class
- 11 families = noble because they were descendants of the sun god
What happened to them?
- Disappeared
- B/c of Overuse of physical, natural resources
- Frequent warfare
- Soil depletion, overpopulation
- Problems of Montezuma’s death
- More and more tribute demanded = increased the # of uprisings against Aztec Empire
- Arrival of the Spanish
- Evil omen released by King Capac
- King’s son died, civil war broke out
- Atahualpa won the civil war, but could not reunite kingdom
- Spanish arrived