Poetry Web Quest
Group Members:
Task one: Poetry Terms
1. Use this internet page to define the poetry terms in step 2: http://www.shadowpoetry.com/resources/wip/types.html Once on this page go to handbook at the top of the page, this will take you to the glossary of terms. Remember to put the definitions in your own words and provide an example to show that you understand each word.2. Type these terms and definitions into Microsoft Word: rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, repetition, imagery, metaphor, similie, personification, onomatopoeia. Label the page "Poetry Terms." If you use more than one page label 2nd page "poetry terms 2"
Task two: Forms of Poetry
1. Use GOOGLE or the link from above to search for examples of the following types of poetry: acrostic, haiku, cinquain, diamante, free verse, shape poem, couplet, limerick, sonnet, ode
2. Look at several different examples of each type of poetry.
3. Choose your favorite example of each type and copy and paste it into your word document. For each form of poetry, include the following information:
· The title should be the type of poem.
· Write a short definition that shows you understand this type of poem
· Paste a sample of that type of poem that you found from the internet.
· Include the title of the poem and author, also list the website where you found the poem.
· Reread each poem and find examples of the poetic elements/ terms from task 1. Highlight or underline any examples that are present, at the end of the poem list what poetic term it is. You need to find at least 1 example in each poem.
Task 3: Original Poems
1. Choose your three favorite types of poems from the list of poems you researched.
2. Write your own original example based on the poetry type you selected. These poems should be written together with your partner(s).
3. Each poem must contain at least one example of one of the poetry terms from task #1, highlight or underline your example, at the end of the poem list the terms you used.
4. Write the poems with your partner.
5. Insert clipart for each poem. You may also change text and font color. Don't be afraid to be creative for this part.
*Remember to save all work to your flashdrive. Submit to Mrs. Schumacher when you have completed all three tasks.