This form is used to record details of export business secured, jobs created and/or profit benefit* by companies participating in the Welsh Assembly Governments’ Trade Support Services
This information is required for monitoring purposes so that the impact and effectiveness of Trade Support Services can be measured. The information will not be used for any other purpose and will not be disclosed outside of the Welsh Assembly Government without permission of the participating company
Company Name:Company contact/Position
Local Authority
Total value of Business Secured
(please enter full details of business secured on Annex A)
Are you a new exporter?
(never exported or have not exported in the last 2 years) / Yes / No (delete as appropriate)
Profit Benefit* gained? / Yes / No (delete as appropriate)
If Yes, total value £____
Do you consent to havingyour success publicised in the national/local media? / Yes / No (delete as appropriate)
Have any new jobs been created as a result of this new business? / Yes / No (delete as appropriate)
If yes, please confirm how many ____
Have any jobs been safeguarded as a result of this new business
(jobs that would have been at significant risk if the new business had not been secured) / Yes* / No (delete as appropriate)
If yes, please confirm how many ____
Authorised Company Signature
Name (printed) /
Business Development Manager Signature
Name (printed)
Company CRM UR Number /
* Profit benefit is the amount of increased profit enterprises make from savings or productivity benefits, which have resulted from our support and advice. This is not the amount of business won.
Please complete the table below giving details of Export Business secured
Note: Each new deal should be listed separately indicating the name of the customer and their location. Please use additional sheets if required
Name of overseas customer / Customer’s Location(Country) / Customer’s
(select one sector from list* below) / Project Detail (Products / Service to be supplied, Contract Name etc) / Value of New Export Business Secured
£ / If you are not a newExporter, is this a new market for your company?
Yes / No
(If you answer ‘No’ move to next question) / If you are not anew exporter and this is not a newmarket, is it a new overseas customer?
Yes / No
Sectors List (Note - If customer does not fit into sectors categorised below please state their sector)
F & P Financial and Professional ServicesLSLife Sciences
ICTInformation Communication Technology CICreative Industries
AM & MAdvanced Materials & ManufacturingE & EEnergy & Environment