as written by Charles P. Staubach and submitted by John E. Mellick.
1. EGBERT SANDERZEN ( - 1662) m ( ) Harmentje Harmens
Just when he came from his native Holland to New Amsterdam (New York City), does not appear; that his parents came to America seems doubtful. His father would in any event be difficult to trace, as there would be little to go on except that his first name would be Sander or Sanders; his sons would all be Sanderszons (sons of Sanders). In like manner, Egbert Sanderszon’s son, of our line, was Tunis Egbertszon, and Tunis’ son was James Tunison; all according to the old Dutch custom of giving children the first instead of the second name of their father to use as a family name. When the English took over, they found identities so difficult to record that they forced the Dutch to also establish a distinct family name and stick to it in the generations to follow. In this operation, the children of Tunis Egbertszen chose Egbert as a permanent family name in place of the temporary “Tunison” under which they had appeared in the Staten Island census of 1706/8.
Egbert Sanderszen was the father of the Egbert families of Staten Island and many of those of New Jersey. Perhaps he had brothers in New Amsterdam; the records of the Dutch Church there show; 1643, Thomas Sanders, smith, baptized Robert; 1644, Cornelius; 1647, Thomas.” In 1644 an Egbert Egbertsen and Arent Corssen made an affidavit to Governor Kieft. In 1658, Barent Egbertsen and Aechtje Alberts baptized Tryntie in New Amsterdam.
In “Bergen’s Long Island Families”, we find: “Egbert Sanders, whose wife was Harmentje Harmens, owned a lot in Flatbush, which he sold in 1661 to Jan Cornelius Buys.” In 1661, he and Jan Theunisen Van Dyclduysen petitioned for land to erect a sawmill in Bergen, New Jersey, and move their families there; Dutch MSS page 224. Also: ”In 1661 Peter Mactein brought suit against Egbert Sander in Flatbush; his son was baptized Theunis 1662.”
Dutch Church, New York, records show that July 9, 1662, Egbert Sanderszen and his wife Hermenttje Harmens baptized a son Theunis; witness, Grietje Jacobs. Evidently the father died not long afterward; November 29, 1664 is recorded marriage of “Harmentje Harmens, Wede ‘van (widow of) Egbert Sanders, to Gerrit Thyszen Van (from) Amsterdam.” Harmentje was probably a sister or otherwise related to Elbert Harmense of New York, who married Catherine, daughter of Jan Louwe Bogert; her name does not appear in the Harmens (Dussing) family line of New York.
Other records located by the late Laurence LaTourette Driggs of New York City and the late Br. Seneca Egbert of Wayne, PA., with both of whom the compiler of these family records (Charles P. Staubach), had considerable correspondence; both descendants and close students of the Egbert family lines and who loaned all their finding to this compiler, show that Egbert Sanderszen left two sons, “Sanders Agbertszen” and “Tunis Egbertsen;” also a daughter “Geartje Egberts”, who married Laurence Ackerman in 1679. Harmentje Harmens, mother of Geartje, witnessed, with Jan Wilmensen, baptized in 1680 of Lysboth, daughter of Geertje Egberts and Laurens Ackerman.
Long and Davis (Staten Island and its People page 312) express the thought that the Staten Island Egbert family may have been headed by Govert Egbert, who crossed from Holland in the ship “Spotted Cow”, and settled on Manhattan Island; he evidently went to New Jersey. “Garret Egbert, Dutch,” was recorded as one of the seventy-six men who, on September 11, 1673, took an oath of allegiance in Elizabethtown, N.J. (Hatfield’s History of Elizabeth). He was registered there as a taxable in 1685 and is said to have a brother Berent Egbert. However, the name Govert and Garret have never been found among Staten Island Egberts, nor the name Barent in any early generation.
As far as known, the children of Egbert Sanderszen and his wife Harmentje Harmans were:
1) Sanders Egbert (c 1660 - ) m ( 1682 ) to Elsie Pieters Staats
m ( 1701 ) to Magdalena Van Gysse (Giesen)
Born probably prior to 1660 in 1677, “Sander Egbertsen” of Wallabout was a member of the Dutch Church in Brooklyn. In 1682, Sander Egbertse married in Brooklyn, Elsie Pieters Staats of New Utrecht, daughter of Peter Johnson or Jansen. They lived in Gowanus, L.I., their daughter Armetje was baptized in Brooklyn in 1683. In 1684, Sander Egbertsen bought for 15 pounds, 27 acres of land and 2 acres of meadow from William Claus of Staten Island. Staten Island cattle-mark was assigned to him in 1684. In 1697 Sander Agbertsen and wife Elsie sold to George Hoagland, land “Bounded east by my honored father Peter Jansen, west by land of Geret Cruse, north by river;” the deed refers to Peter Staats, “Brother-in-law to Sander Egberts.” Sanders Egbertszen was Constable on Staten Island in 1703; his wife had probably died about 1700; in 1701, “Sanders Egbertszen, widower of Elsie Staats, married in Hackensack Church, New Jersey, Magdalena Van Gysse, widow of Cornelius Poclofse Van Hauten, in Bergen Church.) Children: Annetje, Elsie and Egbert Sanders; also, perhaps, Marritje, Elizabeth, Anna and Sara Sanders.
2) Tunis Egbert(szen) ( 1661 – 1721 ) m ( ) Susanne Leteliers; md 1682c.
3) Geartje Egbert(szen) m (1679 ) Laurens Ackerman (1640 - ), son of David Ackerman; with his brothers David and Lodewyck, he and his wife helped organize the church in Hackensack, New Jersey, in 1686. Children: Lysbeth baptized 1680, wit: Jan Wilmensen, Harmentje Harmens; Egbert baptized 1685; wit. Lodwyck Ackerman; Marritje Loockmanns. Lysbeth md Cornelius Vanderhoof, Albany; Jannetje, born 1682, md Jacobus Van Voorhees; Egbert md Elizabeth Bryant; Catherine, born 1687 md John Verwey; David, born 1689, md Sarah Culver; Johannes, born later, md Jacomine Demarest.
II. TUNIS EGBERT (1661-1721) M (1682) Susanne Letelier; 2nd c 1712, Jannetje de Chesne. Son, born 1661, or Egbert Sanderszen and his wife Harmentje Harmens. Dutch Church in New York: “July 9, 1662, (see p. 753 Seneca Co. History) Egbert Sanderszen and Hermentje Harmens baptized Theunis; Greetje Jacobs, witness.” His first wife was Susanne Letelier (Tilje, Tillyer); the Huguenot Memorial Society Magazine states: Jan LeTillier, a Huguenot of Brooklyn, was appointed a magistrate of Bushwick (Long Island) in 1661; he was from Normandy in France; his daughter Susanne married Tunis Egbert of Fresh Kills (Staten Island).
Tunis Egbert probably lived in New Utrecht, Long Island, prior to his settling on Staten Island. He bought, 1691, from Mark Disoway, patent to 80 acres on Fresh Kills, Staten Island, originally granted 1680, to Johnsson Garret (Gorssen, Cruse) by Governor Andros, recorded transferred by patent 1697 by Governor Fletcher to Tunis Egbert. This original patent was placed in the records in 1730 by James Egbert, no doubt son of Tunis. Other records indicate, however, that Tunis Egbert sold part of the tract in 1692 to John Belleville, who gave an acre of it to the French Church of Staten Island in 1698; Jean Latourville was one of the French committee to take possession, a notation states this plot was originally patented Abraham Lockerman in 1680.
Tunis Egbert and his wife Susanne conveyed, 1692, 33 acres on Fresh Kills, S.I. to John Balleville, originally patented by Francis Lee. Tunis Egbert and his wife Susanne Tilje (Tillyer-Letelier) signed mortgage to Poillen in 1698; this may be the year of recording an earlier instrument for, 1697, Tunis Egbertsen, yeoman of Staten Island, deeded for 62 pounds, the same original 80 acres of the Johnson Garret patent of 1680, to Jollis Inyard. According to Clute, Tunis Egbert bought land on Staten Island in 1698 and sold land to John Andrevet in 1699. Cattle mark was recorded to Tunis Egbert in 1698. Tunis Egbert witnessed will of John Van Nay, May 13, 1699, proved April 10, 1708.
In 1701, Tunis Egbertse and Barent Tise (Tysen) deeded the former Dutch Church House property (in Richmond) to (our) Louis Du Bois. Tunis Egbert was constable in Staten Island, 1702, Supervisor 1704, 1707, and 1709, and Assessor in various years including 1702, 1705, 1709 and 1715. In Staten Island Census of 1706/8, he was erroneously listed as “Henry Egbert”, head of family; the name “Henry” appears nowhere else on any Staten Island record. The age is stated as 45, placing birth in 1661, which agrees with the baptism record of Tunis Egbert.
Susanne Letelier was the mother of the children (elder) and lived at least until 1693 and a few years thereafter, but probably died prior to 1706, as her name does not appear with her husband in the Staten Island Census of 1706/8. Considerable data regarding her father, Jean Letelier, and her mother, Christina Cresson; her grandfather Pierre Cresson and grandmother Rachel Cloos, appears in the chapters, herewith, devoted to those ancestral families.
In the Staten Island Census of 1706/8, taken during the dying throes of the old Dutch surname switching system, appears the names of Tunis Egbert’s children in the form: Egbert Tunison, Abraham Tunison, James Tunison, Isaac Tunison, Harminthe Tunison and Christine Tunison; all thereby identified as “children of Tunis.” All these given names appear in Tunis Egbert’s will of 1721 as his children, except Christine. The will also includes sons John and Laurence, who had probably moved to New Jersey prior to the Staten Island Census completion. Two daughters were evidently named for Harmentje Harmens and Christine Cresson, respectively.
The second marriage of Tunis Egbert, widower; to Jannetje de Chesne (du Chene), daughter of Anthony de Chesne and his wife Annette Boucquet, took place some time prior to 1713. Tunis Egbert and Janette du Chesne appear on record as sponsors together at baptism of Abraham, son of Egbert Egbert, in the Staten Island Dutch Church, in the form “Theunis Egberts” and “Antie de sien. Will of Anthony Dechene April 3, 1711 proved May 12, 1712, name among his children, Jannette Mangels and Franette Egberts, the latter being the wife of Egbert Egberts, son of Tunis. The “Janette Mangles” would indicate that Jannette du Chesne had been married prior to her becoming the second wife of Tunis Egbert. The name “Rol. Peter Mangels” appears among Staten Island cattlemarks in 1697, but there is no Mangels in the 1706/8 Staten Island Census.
Janettje du Chesne, being named as she was in the 1711 will and appearing with Tunis Egbert in 1712 in the ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: proved in 1721; she appeared alone as witness at baptism of Anna, daughter of Jacob and Ann Ryt, 1722, Dutch Church.
Will (NYW EX 258) of “Teunis Egbertse, county Richmond, yeoman, July 6 proved August 25, 1721, names wife Janette and son Jacques as executors, and provides for children Egbert, eldest son; John, Abraham, Jacques, Isaac, Laurence, Teunis, Harmyntie, Mary and Sarah; all but Teunis, Mary and Sarah being by the first wife, Susanna Letelier. Details:
1. Egbert Egberts (1684 - ) m (1710) Francyntie du Chesne
Eldest son, age 22 in 1706/8 Staten Island Cencus. In Staten Island Militia 1715. Wife appears in 1711 will of her father, Anthony Duchene, as “Fraethe Egberts”. Egbert Egberts, planter, sold farm south side of Fresh Kills, inherited from his father, to his brother Jacques, miller, 1722, Edward Tillyer witness; understood to have removed with his family, to Delaware River Settlements, accompanying his wife’s family, the du Chesnes. Children: baptized S.I., Abraham July 13, 1713, Isaac April 12, 1720, Johannes May 20, 1722 probably born Delaware. Jacques 1732, Marie 1734.
2. John Egbert
Probable second son, not in 1706/8 Staten Island Cencus; had not doubt moved to New Jersey.
3. Abraham Egbert ( ) m ( ) Francyntieje Parain (Perine)
In 1706/8 Staten Island Cencus; Staten Island Militia 1715. Witness will Anthony Sceams with John Dupuis June 6, 1719. Died some years prior to 1729; widow married Hendrick Jansen and had daughter baptized August 31, 1729. Children: Abraham (1715-1756) married Elizabeth Gerreson; Johannes (1720) married Margaret; Elizabeth (1722)
4. James (Jacques) Egbert (1695-1768) m (1715) Catherine Dey * (Denny) see p 753 Seneca Co.History married second, Catherine Backer (See further).
5. Isaac Egbert (1697-1789) m ( ) Catherine
In Staten Island Census of 1706/8; Staten Island Militia 1715; moved to New Brunswick, Middlesex County, New Jersey about 1718; there acquiring large farm. It is said that he, as did his children, had interests in New York City. Died in New Brunswick where his will of 1768 was probated December 1769. His daughter Barbara married July 31, 1766 Joseph Rose. She lies in grave next to her husband in Old Trinity Churchyard at head of Wall Street, New York City; the tombstone: “Sacred to the memory of Barbara, wife of Captain Joseph Rose, who departed this life the 13th of April, 1806, in the 62nd year of her age.” References: Data by National Publications Americana, N.Y. City; Wills and Deeds Hall of Records, New York City, Staten Island, New York; Middlesex County New Jersey. Publications of New York Historical Society. Records and Tombstones Trinity Church, New York. “Staten Island and Its People.”
Children: Barbara, Francyntje, Femmetje, Thomas (Major in American Revolution), Susannah, Maria, Jacobus, Fennetje.
6. Harmentje Egbert. In Staten Island Census 1706/8; in father’s will 1721
7. Christine Egbert. In Staten Island Census 1706/8; not in father’s will 1721; a Christian Egbert md 1736, John Wenshaer.
8. Laurence Egbert (1699-1764) m ( ) Elizabeth; md 2nd Christina. Not in Staten Island Census of 1706/8; had removed to Woodbridge, New Jersey. Described as a weaver in deed of 1750 to his brother Jacques, for 25 pounds, of Staten Island lands left him under his father’s will of 1721. His will 1761 proved 1764 as yeoman of Elizabeth, New Jersey; left widow Christina, Administratrix with son Laurence.