Drugs of Abuse

- Acid/LSD


- Alcohol


- Club Drugs

- Cocaine


- Ecstasy/MDMA


- Heroin

- Inhalants


- Marijuana


- Methamphetamine

- PCP/Phencyclidine


- Prescription Medications


- Smoking/Nicotine

- Steroids (Anabolic)

/ /

Symptoms & Warning Signs

- Mood swings, overly emotional
- Giving up activities / - Changes in appearance, personality, friends,eating habits
- Speech pattern change
- Overly self-centered / - Defensiveness
- School, work problems / - Withdrawal, strained communication
- Fatigue, Frequent colds


- Hereditary (disease runs in family) / - Pressure from friends -Low self-esteem
- Stress in family / - Life hassles

Tips to Resist Peer Pressure to Drink or Use Drugs

·  Have a “game plan” before going to a party/out with friends

·  Stand up straight

·  Make eye contact

·  Say how you feel

·  Don’t make excuses

·  Stick up for yourself

How Can I Talk to My Friend-What Do I Say?

·  Make sure the timing is right. Talk to your friend when he or she is sober or straight. Never accuse your friend of being an alcoholic or a drug addict, but do express your concern. Try not to blame your friend for the problem; if you do, he or she might be turned off right away. Speak in a caring and understanding tone of voice, not with pity but with friendship.

·  Talk about your feelings. Tell your friend you're worried, and how it feels for you to see him or her drunk or high on other drugs.

·  Tell your friend what you've seen him or her do when drinking or using other drugs. Give specific examples. Tell your friend you want to help.

·  Be prepared for denial and anger. Your friend may say there is nothing wrong and may get mad at you. Many people with alcohol and other drug problems react this way. When confronted, many users will defend their use, blame others for the problem, or give excuses for why they drink or use other drugs.

·  Find out where help is available. You could offer to go with your friend to get help, but be prepared to follow through. This gesture will show your friend that you really care.

Resources & Contacts

Akron Health Department Counseling Services and Alcoholism Division

177 South Broadway Akron, OH 44308 (330) 375-2984

Oriana House Alcohol/Drug/Mental Health Crisis Center

15 Frederick Street Akron, OH 44310 (330) 996-7730

Community Health Center Community Drug Board Inc

725 East Market Street Akron, OH 44305 (330) 434-4141


http://www.thewatershed.com/ Watershed 24 Help Hotline 1-800-861-1768

National Institute on Drug Abuse http://www.nida.nih.gov/

Alcoholics Anonymous http://www.aa.org/

Al-Anon (for friends/family) http://www.al-anon.org/

Narcotics Anonymous http://www.na.org/

Naranon (for friends/family) http://www.naranon.org/

National Association Alcohol Drug Addiction Counsel www.naadac.org

For Teens http://www.thecoolspot.gov/

Treatment Referrals 1-800-662-HELP or visit findtreatment.samhsa.gov