Draft Minutes of OASIS TOSCA TC Meeting


DATE: 2017-01-19

TIME: 12pm (ET)

Scribe: Karsten Beins, Fujitsu

Meeting was quorate: YES

Observers: none


[The co-chairs maintain the roster based on the TC Process rules. Since rights are gained/lost at the end of a meeting and the co-chairs update between meetings, the roster should be accurate at the start of each meeting. You can view it at: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tosca/members/roster.php]

Approval of Minutes

The chair proposed to postpone the approval of minutes from meeting of January 12th, 2017 at https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=59823&wg_abbrev=tosca
to the next TC meeting in order to provide the TC members sufficient time for review. That proposal was unanimously accepted.

Approved Agenda:

Based on review and discussion of the proposed agenda, the chair motioned for the below agenda to be approved. Seconded by Karsten Beins. Motion PASSES by unanimous consent.

Welcome / Roll
Co-chair appoints a scribe (continues to solicit volunteers for future meetings, as needed)
Review/approve draft proposed agenda
Review/approve draft minutes
* January 12: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=59823&wg_abbrev=tosca
** Thanks to John Crandall for scribing

Welcome to recently joined TC Members and Observers: Dr. Matej Artac from XLAB (Member; introduced at our January 12th meeting!), Dr. Franck Chauvel from SINTEF (Member), and Michael Kloberdans from NetCracker (Member)

Co-chair remarks, notables, possible motions, etc.
* Also, other News from TC members (outside of Ad Hoc group reports)?

NOTE: Ad Hoc and SubCommittee Reports (Exact Order to be Determined During Meeting by Co-Chairs)
See explanation of OASIS document types and typical cadence

DETAILED REPORT: Instance Model Ad Hoc Group (co-leaders: Derek Palma and Alessandro Rossini)
* TOSCA-275 (general group activity, and suggestions/questions/contributions from TC members)
* 2017-01-18 meeting notes: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=59829&wg_abbrev=tosca

DETAILED REPORT: NFV and SDN Ad Hoc Group (co-leaders: Shitao Li and Fengkai Li)
* TOSCA-221 (general group activity, and suggestions/questions/contributions from TC members)
* Latest Liaison Statement to ETSI NFV candidate (TC-approved): https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=58759&wg_abbrev=tosca
* Latest Liaison Statement from ETSI NFV (informational, not received through OASIS official channels): look here
* 2017-01-18 meeting notes: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=59817&wg_abbrev=tosca
* NOTE: Latest TC-approved milestone is CSD03 of 2016-03-17! See spec here.
* 2017-01-16 latest NFV working draft (WD04, REV5) can be found here.

Interoperability Subcommittee Report (Chair: Luc Boutier)
NOTE: Expect a motion to recognize the first group of submitted assertions here as a Committee Note!
* JOIN HERE (remember to remind your OASIS Primary Representative to approve afterwards)
* Find the OASIS TOSCA Test Assertion Repo here
* * To contribute to the Repo, you will need to sign an individual CLA (see FAQ for more on individual (and optional entity) CLAs here)
** Please contact the TC Co-Chairs (Paul and/or John), if you are interested in being a co-maintainer of the repo
* 2016-11-09 meeting notes: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=59337&wg_abbrev=tosca

YAML Simple Profile Ad Hoc (co-leaders: Luc Boutier and Matt Rutkowski)
* TOSCA-7 (general group activity, and suggestions/questions/contributions from TC members)
* 2017-01-17 meeting notes: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tosca/email/archives/201701/msg00033.html
* 2017-01-17: Latest v1.2 Working Draft (wd01, rev 4, draft 1) can be found here
* Older v1.0 OASIS Standard documents

Technical Marketing & Education Ad Hoc (co-leaders: Jeremy Hess and Lowell Higley)
IMPORTANT! Please post (or contact co-leaders for help): See the Wiki list of references
** contains links to the TOSCA LinkedIN Group, Implementations, Academic Papers and Blog Posts, and the TOSCA NFV and SDN ad hoc group page
** All current TC approved videos at the OASIS TOSCA YouTube Playlist
* TOSCA-131 (general group activity, and suggestions/questions/contributions from TC members)
* 2017-01-10 meeting notes: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=59771&wg_abbrev=tosca

Monitoring Ad Hoc Group (co-leaders: Luca Gioppo and Saji Thoppil)
* TOSCA-216 (general group activity, and suggestions/questions/contributions from TC members)

Newly-Introduced Issues -- Brief Introduction by Issue Reporter, Q&A, and Identifying any Interested Parties To Help, etc.
* TOSCA-278 (Complex Compute + Docker + Network + Apache + MySQL Use case) - Luca (9 Sept)
* TOSCA-286 (NetworkInfo example missing 'properties' keyname) - Matt (22 Mar)
* TOSCA-287 (Substitution mappings need to allow for mapping inputs/outputs to/from props/attrs) - Matt (22 Mar)
* TOSCA-288 (Specification must state whether TOSCA string names are case sensitive or not) - Chris (23 Mar)
* TOSCA-289 (Invalid definition for tosca.capabilities.Compute.Container.Architecture) - Chris (28 Mar)
* TOSCA-290 (Error in type of port in doc) - Luca (31 Mar)
* TOSCA-292 (Normative tosca.interfaces.relationship.Configure doesn't work for HostedOn relationship) - Chris (05 Apr)
* TOSCA-295 (Missing definitions for compute architectures) - John (03 Jun)
* TOSCA-296 (Forwarding graph examples) - John (03 Jun)
* TOSCA-297 (Add Network Service Descriptor (NSD) using substitution mapping) - John (03 Jun)
* TOSCA-298 (Add Virtual Network Function Component (VNFC)) - John (03 Jun)
* TOSCA-299 (Fix VNF Forwarding Graph schema) - John (03 Jun)
* TOSCA-300 (Inconsistent specification for Interface Types) - Chris (13 Jun)
* TOSCA-301 (Wrong grammar definition pointing to non existent type) - Luca (11 Jul)
* TOSCA-302 (Missing unique requirement for properties) - Luca (11 Jul)
* TOSCA-303 (Attribute status pointing to property one) - Luca (11 Jul)
* TOSCA-306 (Proposal of mapping of VNFD IEs to TOSCA Types) - Thinh (18 Jul)
* TOSCA-307 (tosca.nodes.nfv.CP: tosca.nodes.network.Port profile contains parms that are not mapping with IFA011 elements requirements) - Thinh (18 Jul)
* TOSCA-308 (tosca.nodes.nfv.VL-> tosca.nodes.network.Network profile contains parameters that are not mapping with IFA011 elements requirements) - Thinh (18 Jul)
* TOSCA-309 (tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF is required changes to align with IFA011 requirements) - Thinh (18 Jul)
* TOSCA-311 (Adding vEPC NSD example) - Shitao (29 Jul)

Cross-cutting Concerns, Issues, Suggestions, Questions for ALL Documents and Deliverables
NOTE: All the below issues at the discretion of the co-chairs and time permitting. As always, technical issues must be posted in JIRA issues at least 48 hours to be considered by the TC. Naturally, any TC member can create or comment on a JIRA issue. Upload related documents to the OASIS website (please add links to the uploaded document in the JIRA issue). Please contact the co-chairs if you have any questions or problems.
* TOSCA-108: Catch-all for All Editorial Suggestions That Do NOT Change Semantics, e.g., spelling, grammar, readability

REMINDER: While a general approach can be decided by motion, specific proposals and contributions need to be JIRA issue

Other Motions and Results (broken out from below):

No other motions made in this TC meeting.

Motion to Adjourn:

MOTION to adjourn by Paul Lipton. Seconded by John Crandall. Motion PASSES by unanimous consent. Meeting adjourned at 1:27 PM ET.

Raw Chat Log:

Paul Lipton (Co-Chair) public: Hello and welcome to today's meeting of the TOSCA TC! Please note that we may use a different phone bridge, web conferencing, and chatroom. Specific logistics information for this TC meeting was privately communicated to all TC members and observers. If you do not have this information, please send an email to the co-chairs using the email address that you are registered with at OASIS requesting the information.

ATTENDANCE RECORDING: Participants are responsible to log their attendance on the OASIS calendar event at

https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tosca/event.php?event_id=43912. When you join the meeting, use this page to record your attendance by clicking "Record My Attendance". If you are not on the internet, you can request the co-chair to record your attendance on your behalf.

LEAVES OF ABSENCE (for the minutes as per OASIS process (and to be helpful for planning)):



* John Crandall - Jan. 12

* Matt Rutkowski - Dec. 8

* Damian Tamburri - Nov. 17

* Juergen Meynert - Nov. 10

* Damian Tamburri - Oct. 20

* Chris Lauwers - Oct. 6

SCRIBE QUEUE (please volunteer for a future meeting in the chat room or speak up now!)

* Karsten Beins - Jan. 19

* Lowell Higley - Jan. 26

* Karsten Beins - Feb. 2 (a double volunteer!)

* ???? - Feb. 9

* Canceled - Feb. 16

* ???? - Feb. 23

!!! Today's meeting: Please Use Paul's phone and bridge


!!! Co-chairs will respond to reminder requests from your OASIS-REGISTERED email only.




Karsten Beins (Fujitsu) morphed into Karsten Beins (Fujitsu - scribe)

anonymous morphed into Luc Boutier

anonymous morphed into Alessandro Rossini (SINTEF)

Karsten Beins (Fujitsu - scribe) : We are quorate

Paul Lipton (Co-Chair) public: Welcome / Roll

Co-chair appoints a scribe (continues to solicit volunteers for future meetings, as needed)

Review/approve draft proposed agenda

Review/approve draft minutes

* January 12: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=59823&wg_abbrev=tosca

** Thanks to John Crandall for scribing

Welcome to recently joined TC Members and Observers: Dr. Matej Artac from XLAB (Member; introduced at our January 12th meeting!), Dr. Franck Chauvel from SINTEF (Member), and Michael Kloberdans from NetCracker (Member)

Co-chair remarks, notables, possible motions, etc.

* Also, other News from TC members (outside of Ad Hoc group reports)?

NOTE: Ad Hoc and SubCommittee Reports (Exact Order to be Determined During Meeting by Co-Chairs)

See explanation of OASIS document types and typical cadence

DETAILED REPORT: Instance Model Ad Hoc Group (co-leaders: Derek Palma and Alessandro Rossini)

* TOSCA-275 (general group activity, and suggestions/questions/contributions from TC members)

* 2017-01-18 meeting notes: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=59829&wg_abbrev=tosca

DETAILED REPORT: NFV and SDN Ad Hoc Group (co-leaders: Shitao Li and Fengkai Li)

* TOSCA-221 (general group activity, and suggestions/questions/contributions from TC members)

* Latest Liaison Statement to ETSI NFV candidate (TC-approved): https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=58759&wg_abbrev=tosca

* Latest Liaison Statement from ETSI NFV (informational, not received through OASIS official channels): look here

* 2017-01-18 meeting notes: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=59817&wg_abbrev=tosca

* NOTE: Latest TC-approved milestone is CSD03 of 2016-03-17! See spec here.

* 2017-01-16 latest NFV working draft (WD04, REV5) can be found here.

Interoperability Subcommittee Report (Chair: Luc Boutier)

NOTE: Expect a motion to recognize the first group of submitted assertions here as a Committee Note!

* JOIN HERE (remember to remind your OASIS Primary Representative to approve afterwards)

* Find the OASIS TOSCA Test Assertion Repo here

* * To contribute to the Repo, you will need to sign an individual CLA (see FAQ for more on individual (and optional entity) CLAs here)

** Please contact the TC Co-Chairs (Paul and/or John), if you are interested in being a co-maintainer of the repo

* 2016-11-09 meeting notes: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=59337&wg_abbrev=tosca

YAML Simple Profile Ad Hoc (co-leaders: Luc Boutier and Matt Rutkowski)

* TOSCA-7 (general group activity, and suggestions/questions/contributions from TC members)

* 2017-01-17 meeting notes: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tosca/email/archives/201701/msg00033.html

* 2017-01-17: Latest v1.2 Working Draft (wd01, rev 4, draft 1) can be found here

* Older v1.0 OASIS Standard documents

Technical Marketing & Education Ad Hoc (co-leaders: Jeremy Hess and Lowell Higley)

IMPORTANT! Please post (or contact co-leaders for help): See the Wiki list of references

** contains links to the TOSCA LinkedIN Group, Implementations, Academic Papers and Blog Posts, and the TOSCA NFV and SDN ad hoc group page

** All current TC approved videos at the OASIS TOSCA YouTube Playlist

* TOSCA-131 (general group activity, and suggestions/questions/contributions from TC members)

* 2017-01-10 meeting notes: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=59771&wg_abbrev=tosca

Monitoring Ad Hoc Group (co-leaders: Luca Gioppo and Saji Thoppil)

* TOSCA-216 (general group activity, and suggestions/questions/contributions from TC members)


Newly-Introduced Issues -- Brief Introduction by Issue Reporter, Q&A, and Identifying any Interested Parties To Help, etc.

* TOSCA-278 (Complex Compute + Docker + Network + Apache + MySQL Use case) - Luca (9 Sept)

* TOSCA-286 (NetworkInfo example missing 'properties' keyname) - Matt (22 Mar)

* TOSCA-287 (Substitution mappings need to allow for mapping inputs/outputs to/from props/attrs) - Matt (22 Mar)

* TOSCA-288 (Specification must state whether TOSCA string names are case sensitive or not) - Chris (23 Mar)

* TOSCA-289 (Invalid definition for tosca.capabilities.Compute.Container.Architecture) - Chris (28 Mar)

* TOSCA-290 (Error in type of port in doc) - Luca (31 Mar)

* TOSCA-292 (Normative tosca.interfaces.relationship.Configure doesn't work for HostedOn relationship) - Chris (05 Apr)

* TOSCA-295 (Missing definitions for compute architectures) - John (03 Jun)

* TOSCA-296 (Forwarding graph examples) - John (03 Jun)

* TOSCA-297 (Add Network Service Descriptor (NSD) using substitution mapping) - John (03 Jun)

* TOSCA-298 (Add Virtual Network Function Component (VNFC)) - John (03 Jun)

* TOSCA-299 (Fix VNF Forwarding Graph schema) - John (03 Jun)

* TOSCA-300 (Inconsistent specification for Interface Types) - Chris (13 Jun)

* TOSCA-301 (Wrong grammar definition pointing to non existent type) - Luca (11 Jul)

* TOSCA-302 (Missing unique requirement for properties) - Luca (11 Jul)

* TOSCA-303 (Attribute status pointing to property one) - Luca (11 Jul)

* TOSCA-306 (Proposal of mapping of VNFD IEs to TOSCA Types) - Thinh (18 Jul)

* TOSCA-307 (tosca.nodes.nfv.CP: tosca.nodes.network.Port profile contains parms that are not mapping with IFA011 elements requirements) - Thinh (18 Jul)

* TOSCA-308 (tosca.nodes.nfv.VL-> tosca.nodes.network.Network profile contains parameters that are not mapping with IFA011 elements requirements) - Thinh (18 Jul)

* TOSCA-309 (tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF is required changes to align with IFA011 requirements) - Thinh (18 Jul)

* TOSCA-311 (Adding vEPC NSD example) - Shitao (29 Jul)

Cross-cutting Concerns, Issues, Suggestions, Questions for ALL Documents and Deliverables

NOTE: All the below issues at the discretion of the co-chairs and time permitting. As always, technical issues must be posted in JIRA issues at least 48 hours to be considered by the TC. Naturally, any TC member can create or comment on a JIRA issue. Upload related documents to the OASIS website (please add links to the uploaded document in the JIRA issue). Please contact the co-chairs if you have any questions or problems.

* TOSCA-108: Catch-all for All Editorial Suggestions That Do NOT Change Semantics, e.g., spelling, grammar, readability

REMINDER: While a general approach can be decided by motion, specific proposals and contributions need to be JIRA issue

Karsten Beins (Fujitsu - scribe) : Paul is calling the meeting to order.

Karsten Beins (Fujitsu - scribe) : Paul moves to accept the agenda as posted. Seconded by Karsten. No discussion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.

Karsten Beins (Fujitsu - scribe) : Approval of last minutes has been postponed to next meeting.

Karsten Beins (Fujitsu - scribe) : Paul moves on to welcoming recently joined TC Members and Observers and encourages them to briefly introduce themselves.