Dr Sibel Zehra Aydın

Associate Professor, MD

Address: Koc University, Mob: + 90 505 357 7486

Faculty of Medicine

Istanbul Turkey

Nationality: Turkish Email:


-Associate Prof in Rheumatology, 2012

Rheumatologist, Marmara University Medical School Hospital, Istanbul, 2009

- Internist, Marmara University Medical School Hospital, Istanbul, 2005

- MD, Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 2000


Nov 2009 –Feb 2011 Research Fellowship
University of Leeds, Leeds, UK

Aug 2005 – Nov 2009 Rheumatology Fellowship
Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey

Nov 2000- Dec 2004 Internal medicine Fellowship

Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey


March 2014- present: Associated Professor, Senior lecturer in Rheumatology

Koc University, Faculty of Medicine, Rheumatology department

March 2011- March 2014: Associated Professor, Senior lecturer in Rheumatology

Istanbul Medeniyet University, Rheumatology department


Author in 57 publications in peer reviewed journals. First author in 14 and last author in 4 articles, most of which are published in high-ranking rheumatology journals. The list of publications and impact factor of the journals are given below. First publication in the field of rheumatology was in 2008; with 371 citations and an H index of 13 so far.


2008-2009 Grant by ARTICULUM fellowship

2009 Grant by Turkish Education Foundation (TEV)

2009 Grant by Turkish Society of Research and Training in Rheumatology

2008 Membership of Turkish Medical Association (TMA)

2008 Membership of Turkish rheumatology association

Member of the OMERACT US group

Member of the OMERACT vasculitis group

2010 Targeted Ultrasound Initiative- as a part of UK TUI



2013 Targeted Ultrasound Initiative- as the formal ambassador of TUI- Turkey


2014 EULAR (European League of Rheumatism), Paris, France

2013 ACR (American College of Rheumatology), San Diego, USA

2013 Arthritis workshop, Leuven, Belgium

2013 EULAR (European League of Rheumatism), Madrid, Spain

2013 Belgian Society of Rheumatology, Brussels, Belgium

2013 INFORM meeting, Vienna, Austria,

2011 Musculoskeletal US course, EULAR, Leeds, UK

2010 Musculoskeletal US course, Sao Paolo, Brasil

2010 US of the hand in rheumatologic disorders , Bologna, Italy


International Delphi on disease activity assessment tools – Principal investigator of an international Delphi exercise; OMERACT Large vessel vasculitis subtask force

Accurate radiographic assessment methods in Ankylosing Spondylitis- principal investigator in collaboration with UK and Canada

Biomarkers in patients with remission in rheumatoid arthritis - Comparison with Ultrasound- principal investigator in collaboration with UK and USA- Crescendo.

Targeted Ultrasound Initiative (TUI) in rheumatoid arthritis- TUI ambassador of Turkey

Definitions of ultrasound findings in dactylitis- co-investigator in OMERACT ultrasound dactylitis subtask force


Training: Started musculoskeletal ultrasonography (MSUS) in 2006.

Attended more than 10 courses on MSUS including basic, intermediate and advanced levels.

Fellowship on MSUS, Ancona, Italy, 2007.

Research: MSUS is my main research area since 2007.

Most recent related articles:

· Ultrasonographic assessment of nail in psoriatic disease shows a link between onychopathy and distal interphalangeal joint extensor tendon enthesopathy. Dermatology 2013

· The link between enthesitis and arthritis in psoriatic arthritis: a switch to a vascular phenotype at insertions may play a role in arthritis development. Ann Rheum Dis. 2013

· Psoriasis patients with nail disease have a greater magnitude of underlying systemic subclinical enthesopathy than those with normal nails. Ann Rheum Dis. 2012

Trainer in MSUS:

MSUS trainer in national courses since 2006

MSUS trainer in international courses since 2009

Courses focusing on hand and feet US for rheumatologists

Brazil - 2010

Istanbul – 2009

EULAR US course – 2011 and 2014

Course on vascular imaging for giant cell arteritis

Oxford - 2010

Participation to US Advisory Boards for Industry-supported Events.

Membership: Has been a member of the OMERACT US task force since 2008

A member of OMERACT US osteoarthritis subgroup

A member of OMERACT US enthesitis subgroup

A member of OMERACT US tenosynovitis subgroup

A member of OMERACT US dactylitis subgroup

Most recent related articles:

· Defining enthesitis in spondyloarthritis by ultrasound: Results of a Delphi process and of a reliability reading exercise. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2013

· Ultrasound definition of tendon damage in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Results of an OMERACT consensus-based ultrasound score focussing on the diagnostic reliability. Ann Rheum Dis. 2013

· A systematic literature review of US definitions, scoring systems and validity according to the OMERACT filter for tendon lesion in RA and other inflammatory joint diseases. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2012

· Ultrasound in the evaluation of enthesitis: status and perspectives. Arthritis Res Ther. 2011

· The OMERACT ultrasound task force--status and perspectives. J Rheumatol. 2011

· A systematic literature review analysis of ultrasound joint count and scoring systems to assess synovitis in rheumatoid arthritis according to the OMERACT filter. J Rheumatol. 2011

Audit: Worked in University of Leeds in US clinics and in several projects between Nov 2009-March 2011, under supervision of Paul Emery and Richard Wakefield. During that time, I was the main investigator of the audit named ‘Targeted ultrasound initiative in rheumatoid arthritis’, aiming to understand the discrepancies between clinical and imaging remission in rheumatoid arthritis. The audit included 10 countries and I was involved in writing the protocol, data collection and analysing the data. The data is presented in ACR 2011.


1. Orbai AM1, Weitz J2, Siegel EL2, Siebert S2, Savage LJ2, Aydin SZ2, Luime JJ2, Elkayam O2, Neerinckx B2, Urbancek S2, de Vlam K2, Ritchlin CT2; GRAPPA Enthesitis Working Group. Systematic review of treatment effectiveness and outcome measures for enthesitis in psoriatic arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2014 Nov;41(11):2290-4.

2. Hatemi G, Merkel PA, Hamuryudan V, Boers M, Direskeneli H, Aydin SZ, Yazici H. Outcome Measures Used in Clinical Trials for Behcet Syndrome: A Systematic Review. J Rheumatol. 2014 Feb 1. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24488418.

3. Deniz R, Ozen G, Yilmaz-Oner S, Aydin SZ, Erzik C, Gunduz OH, Inanc N, Direskeneli H, Atagunduz P. Ankylosing spondylitis and a diagnostic dilemma: coccydynia. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2014 Jan 24. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24480355.

4. Merkel PA, Aydin SZ, Boers M, Cornell C, Direskeneli H, Gebhart D, Hatemi G, Luqmani R, Matteson EL, Milman N, Robson J, Seo P, Tomasson G. Current Status of Outcome Measure Development in Vasculitis. J Rheumatol. 2014 Jan 15. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24429177.

5. Bakewell CJ, Olivieri I, Aydin SZ et al, OMERACT Ultrasound Task Force. Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of psoriatic dactylitis: status and perspectives. J Rheumatol. 2013 Dec;40(12):1951-7.

6. Iagnocco et al OMERACT Ultrasound Task Force. Responsiveness in Rheumatoid Arthritis. A Report from the OMERACT 11 Ultrasound Workshop. J Rheumatol. 2013 Nov 15. [Epub ahead of print]

7. Terslev L, Naredo E, Iagnocco A, Balint PV, Wakefield RJ, Aegerter P, Aydin SZ et al on behalf of the OMERACT US Task Force. Defining enthesitis in spondyloarthritis by ultrasound: Results of a Delphi process and of a reliability reading exercise. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2013 Oct 21.

8. Bruyn GA, et al on behalf of the OMERACT Ultrasound Task Force. Ultrasound definition of tendon damage in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Results of an OMERACT consensus-based ultrasound score focussing on the diagnostic reliability. Ann Rheum Dis. 2013 Aug 22.

9. Naredo E et al on behalf of the OMERACT Ultrasound Task Force*. Reliability of a consensus-based ultrasound score for tenosynovitis in rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2013 Aug;72(8):1328-34.

10. Castillo-Gallego C, Aydin SZ et al. MRI assessment of Axial Psoriatic Arthritis: extent of disease relates to HLA-B27. Arthritis and Rheumatism 2013, epub ahead of print.

11. Karadag O, Aydin SZ. Comment on: The value of colour Doppler sonography of the knee joint: a useful tool to discriminate inflammatory from non-inflammatory disease? Rheumatology 2013, in press.

12. Güher Saruhan-Direskeneli G, Hughes T, Aksu K, Keser G, Coit P, Aydin SZ et al. Identification of multiple genetic susceptibility loci in Takayasu’s arteritis. American Journal of Human Genetics 2013, in press.

13. Merkel P, Direskeneli, H, Aydin SZ, Disease assessment in Takayasu’s arteritis: How useful is ITAS2010 for the researcher and the clinician? Rheumatology 2013, in press.

14. Aydin SZ, Tan AL, Hodsgon R et al. Comparison of Ultrasonography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Assesment of Clinically defined Knee Enthesitis in Spondyloarthritis. Clin Exp Rheum 2013, in press.

15. Aydin SZ, Castillo-Gallego C, Ash ZR et al. Potential use of Optical Coherence Tomography and High Frequency Ultrasound for the Assessment of Nail Disease in Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis. Dermatology, 2013. In press

16. Abignano G, Aydin SZ, Castillo-Gallego C et al. Virtual skin biopsy by optical coherence tomography: the first quantitative imaging biomarker for scleroderma. Ann Rheum Dis. 2013 Feb 20.

17. Yegin E, Can M, Yilmaz N, Aydin SZ et al. Activity and damage in granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Int J Rheum Dis. 2013 Feb;16(1):61-71.

18. Alibaz-Oner F, Aydin SZ, Direskeneli H. Advances in the diagnosis, assessment and outcome of Takayasu’s arteritis. Clin Rheumatol. 2012; 15(6):526-30.

19. Can M, Aydın SZ, Niğdelioğlu A, et al. Conventional DMARD therapy (methotrexate-sulphasalazine) may decrease the requirement of biologics in routine practice of ankylosing spondylitis patients: A real-life experience. Int J Rheum Dis. 2012 Dec;15(6):526-30.

20. Aydin SZ, Castillo-Gallego C, Ash ZR et al. Ultrasonographic assessment of nail in psoriatic disease shows a link between onychopathy and distal interphalangeal joint extensor tendon enthesopathy. Dermatology, 2012; 225(3):231-5.

21. Aydin SZ, Ash ZR, Tinazzi I, et al The link between enthesitis and arthritis in psoriatic arthritis: a switch to a vascular phenotype at insertions may play a role in arthritis development. Ann Rheum Dis. 2013 Jun;72(6):992-5.

22. McGonagle D, Aydin SZ, Tan AL. The Synovio-entheseal complex and its role in tendon and capsular associated inflammation. J Rheumatol Suppl. 2012 Jul;89:11-4.

23. Matteson EL, Maradit-Kremers H, Cimmino MA, et al Patient-reported outcomes in polymyalgia rheumatica. J Rheumatol. 2012 Apr;39(4):795-803.

24. Dasgupta B, Cimmino MA, Kremers HM, et al 2012 Provisional classification criteria for polymyalgia rheumatica: a European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology collaborative initiative. Arthritis Rheum. 2012 Apr;64(4):943-54.

25. Dasgupta B, Cimmino MA, Kremers HM, et al 2012 Provisional classification criteria for polymyalgia rheumatica: a European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology collaborative initiative. Ann Rheum Dis. 2012 Apr;71(4):484-92.

26. Alcalde M, D'Agostino MA, Bruyn GA, et al; OMERACT Ultrasound Task Force. A systematic literature review of US definitions, scoring systems and validity according to the OMERACT filter for tendon lesion in RA and other inflammatory joint diseases. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2012 Jul;51(7):1246-60.

27. Sahin Z, Bicakcigil M, Aksu K, et al, Turkish Takayasu Study Group. Takayasu's arteritis is associated with HLA-B*52, but not with HLA-B*51, in Turkey. Arthritis Res Ther. 2012 Feb 6;14(1):R27.

28. Direskeneli H, Tuna-Erdogan E, Gunduz F, et al PDCD1 polymorphisms are not associated with Takayasu's arteritis in Turkey. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2012 Jan-Feb;30(1 Suppl 70):S11-4.

29. Ash ZR, Tinazzi I, Gallego CC, et al Psoriasis patients with nail disease have a greater magnitude of underlying systemic subclinical enthesopathy than those with normal nails. Ann Rheum Dis. 2012 Apr;71(4):553-6.

30. Gandjbakhch F, Terslev L, Joshua F, et al; OMERACT Ultrasound Task Force. Ultrasound in the evaluation of enthesitis: status and perspectives. Arthritis Res Ther. 2011;13(6):R188

31. Aydin SZ, Maksymowych WP, Bennett AN, McGonagle D, Emery P, Marzo-Ortega H. Validation of the ASAS criteria and definition of a positive MRI of the sacroiliac joint in an inception cohort of axial spondyloarthritis followed up for 8 years. Ann Rheum Dis. 2012 Jan;71(1):56-60

32. Naredo E, Wakefield RJ, Iagnocco A, et al. The OMERACT ultrasound task force--status and perspectives. J Rheumatol. 2011 Sep;38(9):2063-7.

33. Mandl P, Naredo E, Wakefield RJ, Conaghan PG, D'Agostino MA; OMERACT Ultrasound Task Force. A systematic literature review analysis of ultrasound joint count and scoring systems to assess synovitis in rheumatoid arthritis according to the OMERACT filter. J Rheumatol. 2011 Sep;38(9):2055-62. Review.

34. Direskeneli H, Aydin SZ, Merkel PA. Assessment of disease activity and progression in Takayasu's arteritis. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2011 Jan-Feb;29(1 Suppl 64):S86-91.

35. Aydin SZ, Ash Z, Del Galdo F, Marzo-Ortega H, Wakefield RJ, Emery P, McGonagle D. Optical coherence tomography: a new tool to assess nail disease in psoriasis? Dermatology. 2011;222(4):311-3.

36. Castillo-Gallego C, Aydin SZ, Marzo-Ortega H. Clinical utility of the new ASAS criteria for spondyloarthritis and the disease activity score. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2011 Oct;13(5):395-401.

37. Merkel PA, Aydin SZ, Boers M, et al. The OMERACT core set of outcome measures for use in clinical trials of ANCA-associated vasculitis. J Rheumatol. 2011;38(7):1480-6.

38. Direskeneli H, Aydin SZ, Kermani TA, et al. Development of outcome measures for large-vessel vasculitis for use in clinical trials: opportunities, challenges, and research agenda. J Rheumatol. 2011 Jul;38(7):1471-9.

39. McGonagle D, Ash Z, Dickie L, McDermott M, Aydin SZ. The early phase of psoriatic arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis, 2011 Mar;70 Suppl 1:i71-6. Review.

40. Yilmaz N, Zehra Aydin S, Inanc N, Karakurt S, Direskeneli H, Yavuz S. Comparison of Quantiferon-TB Gold test and tuberculin skin test for the identification of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in lupus patients. Lupus. 2012 Apr;21(5):491-5.

41. Yazici D, Tokay S, Aydin SZ et al. Anti-Saccaromyces Cerevisiae Antibodies (ASCA) Are Elevated in Autoimmune Thyroid Disease. Endocrine. 2010 Oct;38(2):194-8.

42. Aydin SZ, Can M, Atagunduz P, et al. Active disease requiring TNFalpha-antagonist therapy can be well discriminated with different ASDAS sets: a prospective, follow-up of disease activity assessment in ankylosing spondylitis. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2010 Sep-Oct;28(5):752-5.

43. Atagunduz P, Aydin SZ, Bahadir C, et al. Determinants of Early Radiographic Progression in Ankylosing Spondylitis. J Rheumatol. 2010 Nov;37(11):2356-61.

44. Aydin SZ, Bas E, Basci O, et al. Validation of ultrasound imaging for Achilles entheseal fibrocartilage in bovines and description of changes in humans with spondyloarthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2010 Dec;69(12):2165-8.

45. Aydin SZ, Yilmaz N, Akar S, et al. Assessment of disease activity and progression in Takayasu's arteritis with Disease Extent Index-Takayasu. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2010 Oct;49:1889-93.

46. Karadag O, Aksu K, Sahin A, et al. Assessment of latent tuberculosis infection in Takayasu arteritis with tuberculin skin test and Quantiferon-TB Gold test. Rheumatol Int. 2010 Sep;30:1483-7.

47. Bicakcigil M, Aksu K, Kamali S, et al. Takayasu's arteritis in Turkey - clinical and angiographic features of 248 patients. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2009 Jan-Feb;27:S59-64.