Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology

Face to Face Common Syllabus


CUA 1375 Bread and Pastry Production

An introduction to baking, emphasizing the basic formulas, fundamentals, and procedures.

Students will learn proper terminology and use of equipment. Emphasis is placed on restaurant production of pies, cakes, variety breads, fillings, sweet dough, and specialty items.

Students will prepare pastry and breads for ala carte and buffet service.

Type of course: Theory/Lab

Credit Hours: __; 5 credit hours:Total hours of theory per semester: _30_;

Total hours of lab for the semester: _130

Class length – half semester

Class days and times: M-F 8:00am-12:00pm

Prerequisites: . Prerequisites: GTGE 1111, CUA 1102, CUA 1135, CUA 1145

Instructor Name: Grady Perryman Instructor Phone: (918) 293-5006

Office: 300 Hospitality Services; Room 109 Instructor email:

Contact: My preferred method of contact is __email______. Please allow 24-48 hours to return your correspondence during the normal work week.

Instructor's Office Hours: TBA

Division Name: Culinary Arts Division’s Main Phone: 918-293-5030

Required Text, References, and Materials

Texts: Baking and Pastry: Mastering the Art and Craft 3rd.Ed. ISBN 9780470055915


Materials: Knife Kit, Measuring cups and spoons, stick lighter, permanent marker, scissors, pocket notebook or index cards, pocket calculator.

Uniform/Tools: Full culinary uniform

Estimated Cost for Materials: $ 90.00 Based on current bookstore cost

Estimated Cost for Uniform/Tools: $150.00 Based on current bookstore or supplier cost

Upon completion of the course, students should:

a.  *Students will use baking terminology / Written Final CUA 1375
b.  *Correctly identify ingredients and their functions in the bakery / Weekly production, CUA 1375
Written Final CUA 1375
c.  *Effectively use mixing methods for production / Weekly production CUA 1375
Practical final CUA 1375
d.  *Exhibit accurate scaling and measurement techniques / Weekly production CUA 1375
Practical final CUA 1375
e.  *Organize effective work schedule for an effective and efficient production session / Weekly production CUA 1375
Practical final CUA 1375
f.  *Display baked goods in a pleasing and attractive manner / Weekly production CUA 1375
Practical final CUA 1375
g.  *Demonstrate the correct usage of Baking and Pastry Equipment / Weekly production CUA 1375
Practical final CUA 1375
h.  *Produce a variety of yeast leavened products / Practical final CUA 1375
i.  *Produce a variety of quick breads / Practical final CUA 1375
j.  *produce a variety of cookies, pies, and tarts / Weekly production CUA 1375
Practical final CUA 1375
k.  *Produce sauces used for desserts / Weekly production CUA 1375
l.  Produce frozen products such as ice creams and sorbets / Weekly production CUA 1375
m.  *Produce icings for use in decorating cakes a pastries / Weekly production CUA 1375
Practical final CUA 1375

*Aspects of the competency assessments may be used in the university’s assessment of

student learning.

Course Activities

In this course students will:

Ø  Participate in class discussions and activities…

Ø  Practice daily safety and sanitation

Ø  View videos that depict the various concepts…

Ø  Produce breads and desserts for the public

Ø  Participate in group and individual presentations.

Ø  complete and receive requisitions for food

Ø  Take examinations

Ø  Take quizzes

Evaluation - Grades will be based on the quality and completion of these tasKS:

* Competency Quizzes 45pts. (3/15pt.quizzes)

*Written Final 25pts

* Final Practical 30 pts.

§  Production Plan------6pts

§  Pie------6pts

§  Yeast bread------6pts

§  Plated dessert------6pts

§  Buffet dessert------6pts

Point Total 100 points

*The student’s grade for the Final Practical assignment will be used in the university’s assessment of student learning. A 70% competency or higher receives a Pass rating. This Pass/Fail rating is independent of the student’s course grade.

Daily and/or weekly quizzes, small weekly assignments and similar type projects: Normal return time to student by next class meeting or no later than one (1) week.

Extensive assignments, large lab projects, extensive quizzes, exams and similar type projects: Normal return time to students in one (1) to two (2) weeks.


Students will have their knife kit, measuring cups and spoons, stick lighter, scissors, permanent marker. Students are responsible for any of their tools brought from outside the OSU-IT Culinary department.


During practical exams students will not collaborate with fellow students. All work must be of the students own. Only index cards or small notebook will be allowed for recipes and formulas. No tablets, smart phones, or computers can be used for practical exams. Students may use a pocket calculator for conversions.

No tablets, smart phones, or computers can be used for written exams. Only a pocket calculator for conversions.


As a student of OSUIT, I understand that it is my responsibility to read, abide by and maintain a copy of the syllabi for this course. Syllabi are also available on the OSUIT website.

As a student of OSUIT, I understand that excerpts of portions of my work may be utilized for institutional assessment purposes. The purpose of institutional assessment is for verification of student learning and program improvement. I recognize that every effort will be made to keep this information confidential.

Student Conduct

-Students are expected to cooperate in maintaining a professional classroom environment conducive to learning.

-Students are expected to follow all safety procedures when using knives and kitchen equipment.

-Have courteous and respectful behavior towards instructors and fellow students.

-All instructors/chefs should be referred to by their proper title.

-All pagers, cellular phones, CD and MP3 players should be turned off.

- The use of tobacco in any form is prohibited on OSU-IT campus.

-Student is expected to study assignments and know the recipes before class time.

-All recipes will be converted and transcribed before class begins unless otherwise informed by instructor. Use of department copy machine will be by permission only.

Kitchen Procedures:

-Give proper verbal notice when carrying hot, heavy, or sharp objects.

-Only use equipment after being trained by the instructor.

-Do not leave any object with a blade in the dish pit area.

-No beverages are allowed in the kitchens except plastic containers with a lid.

-Food is only tasted in the kitchen, no eating in kitchen. Use disposable spoons for taste testing.

-Clean as you go; use soap to clean and bleach to sanitize. Make a difference – know and practice proper sanitation.

-You are responsible for the sanitation of your work area and equipment.

-Remember we are serving the public. Keep hot food hot and cold food cold.

-Please report any and all to your instructor, even those you consider minor and that include cuts, burns, falls or other accidental injury .If you feel that you need medical attention and or treatment the campus police will be called


Clean university approved chef jacket (white, double breasted with buttons), pants (black and white check) and toque. A nametag or embroidered jacket is required with a first and last name. No nicknames will be allowed. A white t-shirt without lettering or designs will be worn under your chef’s jacket. Black slip resistant shoes are required and should be clean and polished and worn with black or white socks. Hair should be contained beneath the hat, including bangs. . A hairnet must be worn if the hair touches the collar of the chef’s jacket. No perfume of cologne, sculptured nails or nail polish may be worn. Minimal make-up may be worn. No jewelry except watches and wedding bands. A CLEAN white apron must be worn in the kitchen. You must report to class in full uniform and remain in full uniform at all times until you leave the premises. Students not in full uniform will not be admitted to class. You must have your tool kit (university approved) and curriculum books and note book with you when reporting to class.

Facial Hair

For all male students, a fully grown in, well-maintained mustache, beard, or goatee is permitted, unless otherwise restricted by regulatory codes and standards.

·  Facial hair must be neatly trimmed and may not present an unkempt appearance. Extreme styles are prohibited.

·  All facial hair (beards, goatees and mustaches) must create an overall neat, polished and professional look.

·  All facial hair must be fully grown in, neatly groomed and well maintained at no longer than a quarter of an inch in length. Mustaches may extend below the corners of the mouth to meet with the facial beard.

·  Shaping the mustache or beard to a particular style is not permitted. Mustaches (without lower facial hair) must not extend onto or over the upper lip and must extend to the corners of the mouth, but not beyond or below the corners.

·  Students without a mustache, beard, or goatee are expected to be clean-shaven every day.

Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, each student with a disability is responsible for notifying the University of his/her disability and requesting accommodations. If you think you have a qualified disability and need special accommodations, you should notify the instructor and request verification of eligibility for accommodations from the Office of Academic Accommodations/LASSO Center. Please advise the instructor of your disability as soon as possible, and contact The LASSO Center, located in the Noble Center for Advancing Technology – NCAT, top floor, and 918-293-4855 to ensure timely implementation of appropriate accommodations. Faculty have an obligation to respond when they receive official notice of a disability but are under no obligation to provide retroactive accommodations. To receive services, you must submit appropriate documentation and complete an intake process during which the existence of a qualified disability is verified and reasonable accommodations are identified. (Fall 2013)

Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty or misconduct is neither condoned nor tolerated at OSUIT. Any student found guilty of academic dishonesty or misconduct shall be subject to disciplinary action. Academic dishonesty and/or misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following actions: (1) Plagiarism: the representation of previously written, published, or creative work as one’s own; (2) Unauthorized collaboration on projects; (3) Cheating on examinations; (4) Unauthorized advance access to exams; (5) Fraudulent alteration of academic materials; (6) Knowing cooperation with another person in an academically dishonest undertaking. Students are required to actively protect their work against misuse by others. For details, refer to The OSUIT Student Handbook (Student Rights and Responsibilities Governing Student Behavior) available online at http://www.osuit.edu/academics/forms/student_rights_responsibility.pdf.


A primary component of OSUIT's Mission is “to prepare and sustain a diverse student body as competitive members of a world-class workforce.” Regular and consistent attendance not only aids in academic success, dependable attendance is a requirement in today's real-world employment; therefore, regular and consistent attendance is a requirement in all OSUIT courses.

Definitions: Absent: Failing to attend all or a significant portion of a class or lab session.

A.  Students may not be marked as absent if missing class for situations such as, but not limited to

1.  participating in a required university activity such as a field trip;

2.  fulfilling a military obligation;

3.  a mandatory court appearance;

4.  death in the immediate family;

5.  Extreme illness or accident to oneself or immediate family. Instructors, at their discretion, may require proof of such events.

B. It is the responsibility of the student to contact and inform the instructor and/or department in advance of such excused absences whenever possible.

Tardy: Arriving late to class as defined by the individual class instructor. Faculty, at their discretion, may equate three tardies to equal one absence.


Early Intervention

A.  Any student who misses 10% of an individual course (or earlier at faculty discretion) during a regular fifteen-week semester, or the equivalent portion of time in a shorter session, will have their name submitted by that course instructor to the OSUIT Early Alert System for retention intervention.

B.  At the point the Early Alert is issued, the student must meet with their assigned faculty advisor or designated faculty/staff member within seven (7) academic calendar days for counseling on how to improve their attendance and academic success.

Excessive Absences

A.  The University reserves the right to administratively withdraw any student from an individual course who misses 20% of that course, whether excused or unexcused, and, in the opinion of the instructor, the student does not have a reasonable opportunity to be successful in the course.

B.  Students should be aware any of the following may impact their financial aid:

1.  being administratively withdrawn from a course

2.  dropping a course

3.  their last date of attendance in a course

Please see OSUIT Policy 2-021 for full details and procedures.

Course Schedule
Course Outline Schedule / Topic / Assignment / Due Date
Day/Week 1 / Reading syllabus, baking terminology, ingredients, equipment usage, scaling, mixing methods / Competency quiz over terminology, mixing methods, scaling, and conversions-15pts.
Day/Week 2 / Production of cookies and pies, sauces, for al a carte and buffet service / Weekly Production
Day/Week 3 / Production of custards, breakfast pastries, and laminated dough’s for al a carte and buffet service / Weekly Production
Competency quiz over basic doughs, custards, and sauces-15pts.
Day/Week 4 / Production of layer cakes, ice creams al a carte and buffet service / Weekly Production
Day/Week 5 / Production of Mousse and Bavarian Cream cakes, garnishes al a carte and buffet service, / Weekly Production
Competency quiz over cakes and icings-15pts.
Day/Week 6 / Petit fours and small pastries for al a carte and buffet service / Weekly Production
Day/Week 7 / Practical Final, Written Final / Production of Final Products-30pts. , Written Final-25pts.

*Schedule subject to change at instructor discretion.

Updated: May 2014 Page 7 of 7