Dominion Residence of Maryland, Inc.
(drom, inc,)
5728 Tuxedo Road, Second Floor,
Hyattsville, MD 20781
Phone (301) 579-3638 Fax (301) 579-3306
I. Information for applicant to keep:
A. Admissions and Terminations Policies and Procedures
II. Forms to be completed and returned:
A. Universal Application Single Portal Information
B. Social History
C. Pre-Admission Authorization for Release of Information
III. Additional information to be submitted before applicant can be screened for admission:
A. Psychological Evaluation (completed within the last 3 years)
B. Psychiatric Evaluation (if requested)
Return completed application packet along with psychological evaluation and, if requested, psychiatric evaluation to:
Ruth Voma, Director of Program Services
Dominion Residence of Maryland, Inc.
5728 Tuxedo Road 2nd Floor,
Hyattsville, MD 20781
For information or questions, contact Ms. Vomaat (301) 579-3638Dominion Residence of Maryland, Inc.
Application for Admission to DROM, Inc. ALU Page 2 of 18
Universal Application
Single Portal Information
I. Personal Information
Name: ______Date of Birth: ______
Address: ______Gender (M or F):______
Race: ______
Phone (Home):______
Phone (Work):______Social Sec. #:______
County of Residence: ______Financial Responsibility: ______
Contact Person: ______
Phone (Work):______Relationship: ______
Current Marital Status of Applicant: Married______Single______
Widowed______US Citizen: Yes______No______
II. Legal Information
Are you your own guardian? Yes______No______
Were you adjudicated incompetent by a court hearing? Yes___ No___
Effective Date______
Name of Legal Guardian: ______Telephone: Home______
Address: ______
What type of guardianship? ______Testamentary Guardianship
______Guardian of the Person
______Guardian of Estate
______General (Plenary Guardianship)
______Partial/Limited Guardianship
Person to notify in case of emergency: Name______
Phone (Home) ______(Work) ______
III. Family Information
What is your relationship with your family?
Live with immediate family: ______Visit family: ______Phone Calls: ______
Live with extended family: ______No contact: ______Letters: ______
Father’s Name: ______Tel (Home) ______
Address: ______(Work) ______
Place of Employment: ______Work Hours: ______
Mother’s Name: ______Tel (Home) ______
Address: ______(Work) ______
Place of Employment: ______Work Hours: ______
Siblings: ______
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IV. Financial Information
What is your total annual income: (Employment plus benefits- check all the sources)
1. Social Security______5. SSDI______
2. Child Support______6. Veteran’s Benefits______
3. SSI______7. Employment______
4. Family______8. Other______
Check all sources:
1. Checking______4. Real Property (Value) ______
2. Trust Fund______5. Certificate of Deposit______
3. Saving______6. Other______
Financial Benefit Payee: ______Relationship:______
Financial Benefit Payee Telephone (Work):______( Home) ______
V. Applicant’s Insurance
Name of your health insurance company: ______
Policy Holder’s Name: ______
Policy #______
Group #______
Medicaid #______
VI. Intellectual DISABILITY Information
Have you ever been diagnosed with any intellectualdisability ? Yes______No______
If yes, what is your primary diagnosis? ______
What is your secondary diagnosis? ______
Do you take medication for your diagnosis? Yes______No______
If yes, list by name: ______
Do you take mediations by yourself? Yes______No______
VII. Medical/Physical Information
1. Primary Diagnosis: ______
2. Secondary Diagnosis: ______
3. Other physical limitations: ______
Do you take medications? Yes______No______
Do you take medications independently? Yes______No______
Do you have any physical medications? Ambulation______Sight______Hearing______Other______
Please describe the physical limitations you checked: ______
Current Physical Illness: Type______Treatment: ______
Type______Treatment: ______
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VII. Medical/Physical Information Continued:
Have you been hospitalized in the past year for a physical condition? Yes______No______
If yes, please explain: ______
Is any follow-up needed: ______
Do you have allergies? Yes______No______
List to what you are allergic______
If someone else helped you complete this, please answer the following questions:
Name: ______Tel (Work) ______
Address: ______Tel (Home) ______
VIII. Access to Transportation
Drives own car: ______Make______Model______Licensed Plate______
Uses public transportation______Walks______Specialized Vehicle______
Rides with others______Bike______
Do you have any problems with your current transportation? ______
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A. Independent Living Skills
Indicate the level of assistance needed by circling the correct response:
1. Can do myself 2. I need to be reminded 3. I need help
Toileting 1 2 3 Household Chores1 2 3Laundry1 2 3
Grooming1 2 3 Taking Medications1 2 3GroceryShopping12 3
Dressing 1 2 3 Simple Meal Prep1 2 3Leisure Activities 1 2 3
Bathing1 2 3 Manage My Money1 2 3 Job Daily Activities1 2 3
Transportation 1 2 3 Other 1 2 3 Eating/Drinking 1 2 3
If other, please explain: ______
Is there anything else we need to know? ______
B. Education
Current school (if applicable):______Grade:______
Contact Person: ______
Education History
Last school attended:______Highest grade completed:______
Received High School Diploma (date):______
Received Certificate (date):______Type of Certificate: ______
Received College Degree (date):______Type of Degree: ______
Other: ______
Would you like to go to school? Yes______No______
If yes, check all that apply:
Home study______Technical Community College______
Continuing Education Courses______Where______
Two Year College______Where______
Four Year College______Where______
What classes, courses, and programs would you like to take? ______
C. Day Activity Profile
1. Do you participate in a day activity or program? Yes______No______
If yes, what type of activity or program (check all that applies):
Day Program______Where:______
Volunteer Work______Where:______
By Yourself_____ with a Group_____ with a Job Coach______
Senior service activity
Arts Program______Where______
Creative Writing/Poetry______
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C. Day Activity Profile Continued
2. Would you like to participate in a day activity program?
A. Would you like to attend a day program? Yes______No______
B. Would you like to do volunteer work? Yes______No______
By yourself______With a Group ______With a Job Coach______
C. Would you like to participate in a senior service program? Yes______No______
D. Would you like to participate in an arts program? Yes______No______
D. Employment
Employment History:
Have you worked? Yes______No______
(Even short periods and employment during school is important)
If yes, please complete the following information:
Place of Employment Date/Length Reason for Leaving
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
What did you do at each job?
Are you currently working? Yes______No______
If yes, please complete the following information:
Name of current employer:______
How long have you been working?______
How much do you make each hour?______
Are you interested in working in the community? Yes______No______
What would you like to do?______
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D. Employment Continued
Will you need vocational training? Yes______No______
If yes, what kind of training do you think you will need? Please describe.______
What kind of other help do you think you will need?______
E. Residential Information
Where do you live?
With Parents______ICF/MR Group Homes______With Relatives______
With Friends______DDA ALU______Family Care Home______
Foster Care______Supervised Apt.______Alternative Family Living______
Apartment (alone)______(Roommate)______Owns Home______
Residential History
-Have you ever lived anywhere else?
Place Address Dates (To/From)
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
6. ______
I am looking for a new residence because: Family Issues______
Desire a Change______
Current residence will no longer be available______
Where would you like to live?
With Parents______ICF/MR Group Homes______With Relatives______
With Friends______DDA Group Home______Family Care Home______
Foster Care______Supervised Apt.______Alternative Family Living___
Apartment (alone) ______(Roommate)______Owns Home______
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E. Residential Information Continued
I prefer:
To live alone______To live with someone else close in age______
To live with others with similar interests______
To smoke in my house______
On a bus line______
To live with a non-smoker______
To live in the country______
Male staff______
To live in the city/town______
Female staff______
To have a pet______
F. Recreation & Leisure
Please list any clubs/organizations/groups in which you participate or have membership:
Please check all that apply: ______I attend meetings ______I am a member ______I am an officer/leader
______I am a volunteer ______I attend special events ______I am not active
Please check all that apply: ______I attend meetings ______I am a member ______I am an officer/leader
______I am a volunteer ______I attend special events ______I am not active
Please check all that apply: ______I attend meetings ______I am a member ______I am an officer/leader
______I am a volunteer ______I attend special events ______I am not active
In my free time I like to (check all that apply):
______Spend time alone ______Read ______Travel ______Watch TV
______Listen to music ______Go Shopping______Watch/Go to Movies ______
______Write Stories ______Go to Concerts ______Visit with Friends
______Paint/Draw ______Go out on Dates ______Spend Time w/Family
______Dance ______Make Crafts ______Go out to Eat
______Sing ______Use a Computer
______Engage in Physical Fitness Activities Where:______
______Play Sports Where: ______
______Go to Church Where: ______
______Other Explain: ______
______Other Explain: ______
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G. Other Services/Support
1. Do you currently receive respite care? Yes______No______
If yes, where? In your home ______in someone else’s home______Other______
2. Do you need respite care? Yes______No______
3. Do you use any adaptive equipment/supplies? Yes______No______
If yes, please describe: ______
4. Do you use any augmentative communication device? Yes______No______
If yes, please describe:______
5. Do you use a vehicle with special adaptive devices? Yes______No______
If yes, please describe: ______
6. Do you need adaptive equipment/supplies? Yes______No______
If yes, please describe: ______
7. Do you need augmentative communication devices? Yes______No______
If yes, please describe: ______
8. Do you need special vehicle adaptive devices? Yes______No______
If yes, please describe: ______
You may use this section to tell us anything else you want us to know about yourself, what you need, what you want, what plans you have, what dreams you have:______
H. Child Development
1. Who is taking request?______
2. Source of request and phone:______
3. Date of referral:______
4. Gestation:______Weeks
5. Pediatrician:______
6. Directions to Home:______
7. Family Wants (Circle): DEC BAB DDS CSC WISH
8. Eligibility: Choose One:
______Atypical Development ______High Risk DD
______Developmental Delay ______Not Eligible
______Established Risk
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Social History
Applicant Name:______
Mother’s Name:______
(First) (Middle) (Last) (Maiden)
A. Date of Birth:______Telephone #:______
B. Address:______
(# & Street) (City, State Zip)
Siblings (List names and ages)______
If adopted, name of adoptive family:______
At what age was applicant adopted?______
Is applicant aware of adoption?______
With whom does applicant currently live? (Including relationship to applicant)______
Please provide a summary of any significant information about the applicant’s early childhood, relationship with siblings, and other persons. Include any problem areas. Attach pages if necessary:______
What do you see as the applicant’s greatest need at this time?
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Pre-Admission Authorization for Release of Information
Name of Applicant:______Date of Birth:______
Application for admission into a residential program operated by DROM, Inc. has been made by (or on behalf of) the above named individual.
Written permission is hereby given for this form to be copied and given to any pertinent agencies, schools, physicians, evaluation, clinics, etc. and grants permission for any and all pertinent information to be released to DROM, Inc. including but not limited to copies of the above named applicant’s social history, psychological evaluations, medical history and information, psychiatric history and evaluations and other pertinent and relevant information.
This permission is granted for the purpose of determining whether residency in the program for the developmentally disabled, operated by DROM, Inc. would be appropriate placement for the above named applicant.
I hereby give my written consent for DROM, Inc. to release any and all pertinent information regarding the above named applicant to members of the admissions committee of DROM, Inc. who will be reviewing applications for admission into said programs.
Permission is also granted for DROM, Inc. to release any and all pertinent information to representatives of the school system and/or other agencies and individuals who would be working with and/or providing services for the applicant following admission into a program operated by DROM, Inc.
Signature of Applicant:______Date Signed:______
Signature of Parent/Guardian/Representative______
Date: ______
Title (If agency representative):______
Name of Agency: ______
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DROM, Inc. will provide quality residential services and training for persons with intellectual disability and shall consistently look for innovative resources and means for the expansion of services for this targeted disability group.
We shall also identify those individuals having the potential to move on to a less restrictive environment, and provide those persons with the necessary programming to mainstream into the community if and when possible.
Each consumer admitted to and receiving services from DROM Inc. has the right to receive age-appropriate treatment for MH/DD/SA illness or disability. Each consumer, on the first day of admission to the ALU, shall have an individual written treatment plan implemented.
1. Applicants desiring admission into a program operated by Dominion Residence Of Maryland, Inc. ALU will be considered without regard to the individual's race, color, creed, religion or national origin.