Board Meeting
Division of Finance, 2110 State Office Building, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114
Public Meeting Notice and Agenda
April 25, 2017
11:30 a.m.
To join the meeting by phone, call: 1-877-820-7831
Participant Pass Code: 349946
1. Welcome.
2. Review and approval of the minutes from the meeting held on December 13, 2016,
3. Assignments from the Dec. 13, 2016 meeting.
a) John will contract State Purchasing about complying with Purchasing policy, for Indigent Defense Attorneys. (See agenda item 4.)
b) Barbara will send James Valdez a letter for an update on the William Lawton case. (March 27, 2017, A Competency Evaluation was done. He is still incompetent.)
c) Barbara will send letters to Utah Prosecution Council, and Utah Association of Counties. (Letters were sent on December 14, 2016. Scott Garrett has been reappointed by the Utah Prosecution Council, and Barry Huntington declined another appointment for the representative for the Utah Association of Counties. Waiting on an appointment from UAC.) (See agenda item 5.)
4. Complying with State Purchasing Policy for Defense Attorneys. (Posting on the State Bar Website)
5. Board Memberships, UAC Appointments to the Board.
6. Fund Balances as of April 24, 2017.
7. Review of Current Cases:
Glen Howard Griffin appeal-Box Elder County, Jennifer Gowans Attorney
David Drommond appeal-Davis County, Arnold Wiggins Attorney
Joshua Shoenenberger-Davis County, Edward K. Brass Attorney
Sun Cha Warhola-Davis County, Edward K. Brass, Attorney (competency issues)
Mark S. Mair-Iron County, Douglas Terry, Attorney
William C. Lawton-Sevier County, James A. Valdez Attorney (competency issues)
Thad Douglas Robertson appeal- Iron County, B. Kent Morgan, Attorney
Indigent Inmate Fund Cases Sanpete County, (Gunnison Prison):
Steven Crutcher, aggravated murder, Sanpete County, Ed Brass Attorney: Trial date April 18-May 13, 2016.
Steven Crutcher, additional charges, Doug Neeley Attorney:
Jared Mendoza, Doug Neeley Attorney:
Anthony Dominguez, Doug Neeley Attorney:
Christopher Aquirre, Doug Neeley, Attorney:
Christian Gonzales Perez, Doug Neeley, Attorney:
Michael Albert Bradley, Doug Neeley, Attorney:
Pablo Santiago Carranza, Doug Neeley, Attorney:
Jose Ignacio Lucena, Doug Neeley, Attorney:
Christian Gonzales, Doug Neeley, Attorney:
Brandon Sparhawk, Doug Neeley, Attorney:
8. Other Business:
9. Next Meeting:
Please note that an audio recording of the public portions of this meeting will be posted on the Public Notice website In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing auxiliary communicative aids or accommodation services for this meeting should contact Barbara Sutherland at the Division of Finance, 801-538-3020, , or use Relay Utah (toll free in-state 7-1-1 or Spanish-language 888-346-3162) giving at least 48 hrs. notice or the best notice practicable. Every effort will be made to accommodate requests for aid and services for effective communication.