Parent and Student Handbook
110 Franks Rd
Marengo, Il 60152
This agenda belongs to:
Name: ______
Address: ______
City/State: ______
Zip: ______
Phone: ______
Mission Statement / 1 / Assemblies / 13
Preamble / 1 / Automobiles / 13
Handbook Statements / 2 / Backpacks / 15
School Song / 2 / Bicycles / 15
MCHS Assistance / 2 / Building Use / 15
Directory / Bus Information / 15
Administrative Staff / 3 / Closed Campus / 17
Dance Regulations / 17
District Policies / Distribution of Materials / 18
Asbestos / 4 / Fund Raising / 18
Emergency Medical / 4 / Lockers / 18
Treatment / Loitering / 19
Equal Education / 4 / Lost and Found / 19
Opportunities / Lunch / 19
Grievance Procedure / 4 / Media Center-Library / 19
Legal Residence / 6 / Passes / 20
Notice of Non-Discrimination / 7 / Posters / 20
Notification of Deletion and / 7 / Rest Rooms / 20
Destruction of School / Stolen Items / 20
Records / Telephone / 20
Photo Release / 7 / Transportation / 20
Reciprocal Reporting / 7 / Trespassing / 21
System / Valuables / 21
Records-Student / 7 / Visitors / 21
School Closing / 11 / Work Permits / 21
Student Award/Honor / 11
Information / Guidance
Special Education / 11 / Class Rank / 21
Surveys / 12 / Commencement / 22
Textbooks / 13 / Ceremonies
Community College Classes / 22
School Policies / Correspondence and On-line / 22
Announcements / 13 / Courses
Guidance (Cont,) / Attendance (Cont.)Driver's Education / 22 / Make-up Work / 33
Examinations / 24 / Types of Absences / 34
Grade Equivalents / 24 / Truancy / 35
GPA / 24 / Truancy Ordinance Violation / 35
Grade Level Determination / 25 / Unexcused Absence / 36
Graduation Requirements / 25 / Consequences
Homebound Tutoring / 26
Homework / 26 / Discipline
Honors Courses / 26 / Bullying/Harassment / 38
Honor Roll / 27 / Process
Incomplete Grades / 27 / Cell Phone Policy / 39
National Honor Society / 27 / Cheating/Plagiarism / 40
NCAA Eligibility / 28 / Classroom Removal Policy / 40
Placement of Students with / 28 / Dress Code / 40
Disabilities / Disrespect to Staff / 42
P.R.I.D.E. / 29 / Drugs and Alcohol / 42
Schedule Changes / 29 / Electronic Devices / 42
Scholarships / 30 / Electronic Musical Devices / 42
Transcript Release Policy / 30 / Failure to Serve / 43
Nurse / Fighting / 43
Accidents / 30 / Fraternity/Sorority / 44
Distribution of Medication / 30 / Gambling / 44
Health Problems / 30 / Gangs / 44
Illness / 31 / Gross Misconduct / 44
PE / 31 / Harassment / 44
Physicals / 31 / Insubordination / 44
School Nurse / 31 / Public Display of Affection / 44
Search and Seizure / 45
Attendance / Stealing / 45
Absence Procedure / 32 / Tobacco / 45
Attendance Rewards / 33 / Types of / 36
Excused Absence Limitation / 33 / Consequences
Policy / Tardy Policy / 45
Discipline (Cont.) / Extracurricular CodeVandalism / 46 / of Conduct (Cont.)
Video Surveillance / 46 / Actions to Reduce / 59
Weapons / 46 / Consequences
Requirements for / 59
Discipline Offense Levels / Participation
Level I / 46 / Scheduling Conflicts / 60
Level II / 47 / Theft/Vandalism/Destruction / 60
Level III / 48 / Warning of Risk / 60
Level IV / 49 / Athlete's Only / 61
Computer Network/ / 49 / Due Process
Internet A.U.P. / Out of School Suspension / 66
Expulsion / 68
Extracurricular Code / Search and Seizure / 69
of Conduct / Students / 69
Due Process / 55 / Seizure of Property / 70
Expectations of Participants / 55 / Bus Conduct / 70
IHSA Eligibility / 62 / Use of Video Cameras / 70
Major Rules Infractions / 57 / on Bus
Disciplinary Action for / 57 / Discipline Procedure / 71
Major Rules / Bell Schedule / 71
MCHS will educate all youth regardless of race, gender, creed, economic level or ability, developing their potential and encouraging their success in every endeavor. We will equip our students to become life-long learners committed to practicing and preserving the moral and democratic values of our society.
This handbook is provided to the students and their families to acquaint them with the rules, regulations, procedures and other relevant information necessary for the orderly functioning of the school. It has been structured to promote student progress as well as model appropriate school government. In addition, this handbook provides for the psychological and physical safety of the students through appropriate rules and regulations.
When breeches of school disciplinary rules and regulations occur, it is the responsibility of involved teachers and administrators to work with the student, his/her parents, and other support personnel to help the student correct his/her behavior. All disciplinary actions shall be directed toward protecting the welfare of the school community as well as helping the student develop self-discipline. When determining the response for a specific breech of discipline, school personnel will consider the nature of the act, the student’s previous history, his/her age and maturation, any mitigating circumstances, and the affect of his/her actions on the welfare of the school community. Disciplinary responses and administrative decisions may include, but are not limited to the actions described in this handbook.
All students and their parents are responsible for reading and understanding the contents of this handbook. Your receipt of this handbook acknowledges your understanding and willingness to comply with the policies and procedures contained in this handbook. This handbook is a summary of District 154 Board policies. A more detailed version of district policies is available to the public at the district office.
There are many changes in this year’s handbook. Parents and students should carefully read and understand the handbook.
Please be aware that the handbook may be amended during the school year without notice.
The procedures, policies and rules set forth in the Parent-Student Handbook will be in effect in the following areas: school, including the internet, school events both home and away, in route to and from school, or anytime or place when the school day or the learning process is effected.
On Marengo, on Marengo
Hold your colors high.
On to loyalty’s our motto,
Victory’s our cry.
You rah, rah
On Marengo, on Marengo
Marching on to fame,
Fight Fellows,
Fight, fight, fight to win this game.
You rah, rah, rah, Indians, Indians.
You rah, rah, rah, Indians, Indians.
You rah, rah, rah, Indians, Indians.
Yah, Indians!
Attendance Administration Office
Announcements for bulletin Student Services
Auto Registration Student Services
Change of address and phone number Guidance office
College Catalogs and Information Media Center
Dropping School Principal
Employment District Office
Health Issues Nurse
Locker Problem Administration Office
Lost and Found Student Services
Poster Approval Principal/Asst. Principal
Schedule Changes Guidance
Scholarships Guidance
School Insurance Administration Office
Special Education Guidance
Tardiness Assistant Principal
Theft, Vandalism, etc Assistant Principal
Transferring Schools Guidance
Transcripts Guidance
Work Permits Student Services
Board of Education #154:
Elizabeth Henning, President. Art Wisz, Vice President. Dr. Linda Dujmovich, Secretary. Leah Trader, Dianna Torman,
Jerry Darlington, Richard Fischer.
Administrative Staff:
Superintendent Dr. Dan Bertrand ext. 1511
Principal Eric Vance ext. 1312
Asst. Administrator/ Julie Amendt. ext. 1383
Special Ed
Asst. Administrator/ Dave Engelbrecht ext. 1341
Building & Grounds
Asst. Principal TBA ext. 1322
Athletic Director Becky Weinhandl ext. 1612
Bookkeeper Beverly Baser ext. 1531
Administration Kathy Coursey ext. 1302
Secretary Dawn Seemann ext. 1362
Student Services Nora Stauber ext. 1301
Guidance Secretary/ Debbie Gorter ext. 1303
District Office Secretary Susan McGuire ext. 1501
Athletics Secretary Sherry Cannon ext. 1602
Transportation Mary Larcombe ext. 1331
A-H Maureen Griffen ext. 1353
I-P Nick Rode ext. 1363
Q-Z Mary Noe ext. 1343
School Nurse Sarah Shanks ext. 1102
Social Worker Kathleene Joyce ext. 1373
Psychologist Mike O’Neil ext. 1313
Cafeteria Kim Johnson ext. 1606
Asbestos Management Plan. The asbestos management plans of the federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act are available in the Administration Office or the District Office for public review.
Emergency Medical Treatment. Under district policy the principal or designated representative of your child’s school is authorized to secure medical care and automobile or ambulance transport to Centegra Memorial Medical Center in Woodstock, or the nearest hospital facility when you cannot be immediately reached at the time of emergency. You will be responsible for the associated emergency medical charges.
Equal Education Opportunities. Equal educational opportunities shall be available for all students without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, ethnicity, language barrier, religious beliefs, physical and mental handicap/disability, economic and social conditions, or actual/potential marital/parental status.
Any student may file a discrimination grievance by using the Uniform Grievance Procedure.
Sex Equity: No student shall, on the basis of sex, be denied equal access to programs, activities, services, or benefits or be limited in the exercise of any right, privilege, advantage, or denied access to educational and extracurricular programs and activities.
Any student may file a sex equity complaint by using the Uniform Grievance Procedure. A student may appeal the Board of Education’s resolution of the complaint to the Regional Superintendent of Schools (pursuant to 105 ILCS 5/3-10 of The School Code) and, therefore, to the State Superintendent of Education (pursuant to 105 ILCS 5/2-3.8 of The School Code).
Grievance Procedure. Students or their parent(s)/guardian(s), employees, or community members may file a complaint in accordance with this grievance procedure, if they believe that the board of education, its employees, or agents have violated their rights guaranteed by the state or federal constitution, state or federal statute, or board policy including:
1. Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act;
2. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972;
3. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973;
4. Claims of sexual harassment under the Illinois Human Rights Act, Title VI (students) and Title VII (employees), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
The complaint manager will endeavor to respond and resolve complaints without resorting to this grievance procedure and, if a complaint is filed, to address the complaint promptly and equitably. The right of a person to prompt and equitable resolution of the complaint filed hereunder shall not be impaired by the person’s pursuit of other remedies. Use of this grievance procedure is not a prerequisite to the pursuit of other remedies and use of this grievance procedure does not extend any filing deadline related to the pursuit of other remedies.
1. Filing a Complaint
A person (hereinafter complainant) who wishes to avail himself or herself of this grievance procedure may do so by filing a complaint with any district complaint manager. The complainant shall not be required to file a complaint with a particular complaint manager and may request a complaint manager of the same sex. The complaint manager may request the complainant to provide a written statement regarding the nature of the complaint or require a meeting with the parent(s)/guardian(s) of a student. The complaint manager may assist the complainant in filing a grievance.
2. Investigation
The complaint manager will investigate the complaint or appoint a qualified person to undertake the investigation on his or her behalf. The complaint or identity of the complainant will not be disclosed except (1) as required by law or this policy, or (2) as necessary to fully investigate the complaint, or (3) as authorized by the complainant. The complaint manager shall file a written report of his or her findings with the Superintendent; the written report shall be filed with the Board of Education that shall render a decision in accordance with Section 3 of this Policy. The Superintendent will keep the board informed of all complaints.
3. Decision and Appeal
After receipt of the complaint manager’s report, the Superintendent shall render a written decision, which shall be provided to the complainant. In the event the complainant is not satisfied with the decision, the complainant may appeal the decision to the board of education by making a written request to the complaint manager. The complaint manager shall be responsible for promptly forwarding all materials relative to the complaint and appeal to the board of education. Thereafter, the board of education shall render a written decision, which shall be provided to the complainant. This grievance procedure shall not be construed to create an independent right to a board of education hearing.
The district has adopted sexual harassment policies for students and staff. The high school has two complaint managers. If you have a concern in this area you may contact any one of the following district employees:
TBA MCHS Assistant Principal
Julie Amendt MCHS Assistant Administrator
Title IX: TBA Assistant Principal
Section 504: Julie Amendt Asst. Administrator
Title II and Eric Vance Principal
Title VII:
Employment Dr. Dan Bertrand Superintendent
Legal Residence. In order for the students to legally attend Marengo Community High School, they must be legal residents of District #154. Students who live outside the boundaries of District #154 must pay tuition if granted permission to attend Marengo Community High School. It must be understood that the Board of Education is not required to admit tuition students. If a question arises concerning a student’s legal residence, school authorities will require proof of legal residency in District #154. Students who do not legally reside within the boundaries of District #154 and attend Marengo Community High School under false pretenses will be liable for tuition payment accumulated during their attendance at MCHS and will be required to transfer to the appropriate school. It is a criminal offense reportable to the State’s Attorney’s Office when false information is provided to the school district.