Mrs. Schoppe’s Discipline Plan Letter to Parents
Dear Parents/Guardians,
In order to guarantee your child, and all students in our school, the excellent learning climate they deserve, I am using the following discipline plan in my classroom.
I believe all students can behave appropriately at school. With this plan in place, consequences will be in place for appropriate and inappropriate behavior.
Classroom Rules
1. Follow directions
2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to one’s self
3. Respect yourself and others
Individuals following the rules, showing respect, manners, and positive character traits may receive the following positive recognition, including and not limited to, the following ways.
· Praise
· Positive notes sent home to parents
· Positive notes to students
· Positive phone calls to students and parents
· Pick of job for the next day
Also, we have a group behavior plan in place. It is called Response Cost. Every day we will start the morning with a set number of minutes of Response Cost Time, to be awarded at the end of the day, or the following morning. Throughout the day, each inappropriate class response will cost a minute. Most days will start with 20 minutes. At the end of the day, the minutes left will be used as Cost Response Time. During that time, the students finished with their work will be allowed to involve themselves in educational games with their classmates.
A third, and individual consequence program will also be part of our classroom plan. This will help determine if behaviors follow a pattern, and will hold students accountable for their individual behaviors. This plan is as follows: If a student breaks a rule it will be recorded on a private, class list clipboard:
First offense: …………….Reminder of rule
Second: ………………….Reflection away from group
Third: ……………………Private conference w/ student
Fourth: …………………..Call parents
Fifth: …………………….Principal’s office
Severe disruption: ….….Principal’s office
The consequences will start over daily. All students who do not go past the 3rd consequence within the week will participate in the Friday Fun activity.
It is your child’s best interest that we work together in relationship to his/her education. I will thus be in close contact with you regarding your child’s academic and behavioral progress in my classroom.
During the first few days of school, I will spend quite a bit of time teaching the rules and explaining the discipline plan. The students will role-play misbehavior and learn how the consequences work.
Please sign and return this page to show you have also reviewed the plan with your child. You may want to wait a few days after he/she has been involved in the classroom, so it makes sense to your child.
Keep the first page, to refer back to in the future.
Dear Mrs. Carpp,
My child, _______________ and I have read and understand the discipline plan for your classroom.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Please sign and return this page by Aug. 11, 2006