Agriculture Department
Directorate General of Livestock Services
Jakarta, 8 August 2007
No. 91/PD 630/F/08/2007
Re: Importation of Dogs, Cats, Monkeys, and Other Wild Animals (Animals that carry rabies)
In hopes of maintaining a rabies-free area in Indonesia and related to the traffic of dogs, cats and wild animals form countries or territories that are not free of rabies into territories that are free of rabies in Indonesia are the following matters:
A. In the Rulings of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia No. 22 (1983) regarding Public Veterinary Health Section 22:
1. To maintain a rabies-free area, all persons and agencies are forbidden to import dogs, cats, apes and other wild animals capable of carrying rabies:
a. From countries or territories not free of rabies into the rabies-free areas of the Republic of Indonesia.
b. From areas not yet declared free of rabies by the Minister of Agriculture to rabies-free areas of the Republic of Indonesia.
2. The Minister may make exceptions to the rules and regulations set forth in (1). These exceptions are only for the general good, public orderliness and security& defense.
B. In the explanations above of the Rulings of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia No. 22 (1983) regarding Public Veterinary Health Section 22:
1. Rabies-free areas in the Republic of Indonesia are determined by decision of the Minister of Agriculture. Import of dogs, cats, apes and other wild animals capable of carrying rabies into these areas is expressly forbidden.
2. Exceptions for importing the aforementioned animals are granted by the Minister on the basis of requests of those involved. Examples of security & defense purposes are tracking dogs for military purposes and sniffer dogs for police or customs operations. Dogs, cats, apes and other wild animals imported for personal purposes are not covered by these exceptions.
C. Based upon (A) & (B) above, what is meant by the general good in (A)(2) is for the purposes of show/exhibition and diplomatic.
D. Based upon Ministerial Decision No. 1096/Kpts/TN.120/10/1999 regarding the import of dogs, cats, apes and other wild animals into rabies-free areas in Indonesia section 3 is as follows:
1. Dogs, cats, apes and other wild animals may only be imported from rabies-free countries and territories.
2. Dogs, cats, apes and other wild animals may only be imported from rabies-free territories of Indonesia.
This notice was sent out for action by those whom it concerns.
Director General of Livestock Services
Ir. Mathur Riady, MA
Unofficial translation
Living in Indonesia, A Site for Expatriates
September 2, 2007
Agriculture Department
Directorate General of Livestock Services
Jakarta, 20 August 2007
No. 96/PD.630/F/08/2007
Re: Prohibition of Importation of Animals from Rabies Countries to the Province of Jakarta
To the Secretary General
Foreign Affairs Department
As further action regarding the notice circulated by the Director General of Livestock No. 91/PD 630/F/08/2007 referencing the Rulings of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia No. 22 (1983) and the Decision of the Minister of Agriculture No. 1096/Kpts/TN.120/10/1999 regarding the import of dogs, cats, apes and other wild animals capable of carrying rabies, it is hereby declared that since September 6th 2007, imported pets in the form of dogs, cats, apes and other wild animals capable of carrying rabies from countries and territories that are not rabies-free are not allowed in the territories of Jakarta and other rabies-free areas on the island of Java except for the purposes of the general good, public orderliness, and security& defense.
Related to this matter, we hope for your assistance in disseminating this information to Indonesian Consulates and Embassies out of country so that it may reach those who may take further action.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
Director General of Livestock Services
Ir. Mathur Riady, MA
Unofficial translation
Living in Indonesia, A Site for Expatriates
September 2, 2007
Summary and letter from Ministry of Agriculture about pet Importation
The Jakarta area and the whole of Java Island will be RABIES FREE. The consequences of this will be:
1. Pets from Rabies Free countries as on the list of OIE may be imported to Jakarta, an Import permit, vaccinations and health certificate is required. Country list as OIE (may be up dated from time to time):
o Hawaii
o Australia
o Bermuda
o Denmark
o Hong Kong
o Ireland
o Japan
o Malta
o New Zealand
o Norway
o Singapore
o Sweden
o United Kingdom
o Turks & Caicos islands
o Brunei
o Sabah & Sarawak
o Cyprus
o Taiwan
o Iceland
o Fiji Islands
o Italy
o Belgium
2. Starting March 6, 2006. Pets from Non Rabies Free countries (not on the list above) may be imported only when the conditions are fulfilled. The condition/regulation is still being prepared by Government of Indonesia.
3. Until March 5, 2006. Pets from Rabies Free countries and Non Rabies Free countries still can be imported with an import permit, Rabies vaccination given within 1 month to 1 year prior to departure date, and accompanied by Government/Export Health certificate from the country of origin. Regular Importation as before
4. Effective May 2005, every pet entering Jakarta must be put into quarantine the Quarantine Station at the airport for 3 to 14 days.
Jakarta, 23 August 2005
No : 51/PD.660/F08.05
Enclose :
Regarding : Extension of Postponement Prohibiting Rabies Animal and Similar
Species to DKI Jakarta
Secretary General
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Follow on our letter No. 12/PD.660/F/02.05 dated February 28, 2005 regarding extension of postponement prohibiting rabies animal and similar species to DKI Jakarta, herewith stated that because of Ministry of Agriculture Regulation concept that arrange importation of pet animal dog and cat from non rabies free country to rabies free area in Java still in discussion with interrelated institute and stakeholders, therefore arrangement of importation pet animal dogs and cats to DKI Jakarta and other rabies free province in Java that effective from September 6, 2005 will extend for 6 (six) months until March 5, 2006
Until that date notice, importation of pet animal dogs and cats from non rabies free country still allowed as long as the requirements of animal health, that already we noted in our last letter fulfill.
Interrelated with this matter, with this we hope your help to continue this information to Republic Indonesia Embassy or Republic Indonesia Representative in foreign country so they can inform to the authorities in related Country.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
Livestock Director General
Ir. Mathur Riady, MA.
1. Ministry of Agriculture RI
2. Head of Agriculture Quarantine
3. Head General of PDHI
4. Head of PERKIN
5. Head of Cat Fancy
6. Head of ICA