Directions to Create a Google Account and Collaborate

(You can have a Google account without a Gmail account)

ü Sign on to computer

ü Click on Internet Explorer icon on desktop

ü Type into browser

ü Go to sign in link

ü You now create a Google account

ü Follow the directions filling in all necessary items.

ü You may choose to create a Gmail to use for your Google Account or use a previous e-mail account.

ü Uncheck default homepage Default homepage

ü Check I agree to the Google Terms of service and privacy policy, I agree to the Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

ü Uncheck this statement; Google may use my account information to personalize +1's on content and ads on non-Google websites. About personalization.

ü Now go to next step

Now you should have a google account and have the opportunity to use DRIVE!

ü Bottom of Form

To see your documents, work on existing documents, or create new ones

click DRIVE

ü Now you will be invited to be a collaborator on the Animal Science Spreadsheet by Mr. Price, you will first receive an email asking to click on a link.

Once you have accepted the invitation to collaborate, the spreadsheet will show up in your Shared with me folder.

ü You may open at any time through your Google account and edit the document. (make sure you save your changes)