Directions: Complete the following questions while watching the movie “Bee Movie.”

1. If you were a bee, what job would you choose and why? Support your answer with two reasons. (3 points)

2. Whom did Barry disappoint by not immediately taking a job in “honey”? (1 point)

3. Why did Barry choose to go out of the Hive? (1 point)

4. What are two risks that Barry took by leaving the Hive? (2 points)

5. What was Barry’s first challenge? (1 point)

6. List 3 items that were on Ken’s “big human” resume that should have been excluded (3 points)

7. What did normal mean in the Hive? (1 point)

8. What job does Vanessa hold? What job did her parents want her to have? (2 points)

9. What did Mr. Burgundy’s (lawyer for Food Industries) license plate say? Explain why this word could be on the license plate of a lawyer. (2 points)

10. What two items were on Mr. Liotta’s (actor that was in court) resume that should have been excluded? (2points)

11. What was the result of the bees stopping production? (1 point)

12. What personality traits do Barry and Vanessa have? (2 points)

13. What did Barry earn by taking risks? (1 point)

14. In your opinion was Barry happy being a bee? Support your answers with two examples (3 points)

15. What is one positive work characteristic that Barry possessed that you could use to achieve your career goals? (1 point)