Name ______

Date ______

Development Projects


Presenter ______

Report Section 1 - Current Development Status: / None / Poor / Adequate / Excellent
Natural factors (land resources, geography, location)
Human factors (health, education)
Economic factors (GDP per capita, unemployment, inflation, economic makeup of country)
Physical capital and technological factors
Political and institutional factors
Income distribution and sustainability
Report Section 2 - Obstacles to development
Poverty cycle or poverty traps
Institutional and political obstacles: ineffective taxation structure, lack of property rights, political instability, corruption, unequal distribution of income, formal and informal markets, lack of infrastructure
International trade obstacles: overdependence on primary products, consequences of adverse terms of trade, consequences of a narrow range of exports, protectionism in international trade
International financial obstacles: indebtedness, non-convertible currencies, capital flight
Social and cultural obstacles: religion, culture, tradition, gender issues
Other obstacles to development mentioned (please specify below)
Not at all convincing / Somewhat convincing / Adequately convincing / Extremely convincing
Report Section 3 - Resources and Potential: Indicate the extent to which the report convinces the audience that the country is a worthy recipient of foreign aid. The report should emphasize the country's geographical, social, institutional/political, economic, technological or other advantages making it a worthy loan recipient.
None / Poor / Adequate / Excellent
Report section 4 - Formal Proposal: To what extent does the report present details of the project for which funds are being requested.
Project type: infrastructure investment, fair trade organization, micro-credit scheme, health or education initiative, environmental or social project, etc.
Project type: infrastructure investment, fair trade organization, micro-credit scheme, health or education initiative, environmental or social project, etc...
Project goals: specific details about who, what, when, where and how the project will promote human development in your country.
Examples of similar projects that have been successful in other developing countries
Financial analysis of project: Detailed cost estimates, expected rates of return, a repayment schedule detailing how and when the development loan will be repaid.
3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Creativity of presentation (powerpoint, prezi, paper)
Creativity of your development proposal
Quality of your leadership of the class during the presentation
On time presentation
a citation page must be included showing where you obtained your information APA style