April 2015

Dear Parents,

We are especially pleased to offer two PSAT/SAT preparatory instructional courses this July especially designed for students prepping for the new PSAT in October 2015, the current SAT offered through January 2016 and the new SAT beginning in March 2016. These courses will prepare our students intensively for all three tests, a move unprecedented in prep classes in the area. In addition to prepping for the new
PSAT, students will receive a side by side comparison of the new vs. current test formats which will enable them to gage which test format will better showcase their abilities. These courses will not be offered again in this format.

Four years ago we began our summer course offerings. Not only have we had great feedback but our average SAT score has risen over 75 points in critical reading and critical writing and math. The average SAT score in Hershey in 2014 rose to 1712. All of our students received the strategies and skills to raise their scores significantly. We are certain that these 2 courses are the most comprehensive and best offered in the area. Additionally, it is really valuable for students to begin test prep early to enable students to maximize their scoring potential. Taking this course as a rising sophomore enables a student to prepare for the SAT for nearly 2 years, truly allowing for maximum scoring potential. Often this can have an impact on for both scholarships and college acceptances.

There are several reasons why it is valuable to take the PSAT test as both a sophomore and as a junior:

· Students receive suggestions on how to improve academically. The PSAT/NMSQT score report

gives students personalized feedback on their test performance.

· Preparation for the SAT®.

· Opportunities to earn scholarships and academic recognition (for juniors)

· Information from colleges and universities through Student Search Service® (SSS®).

A free personalized online college planning kit based on their test results.

Summer is an excellent time for students to begin their test prep, especially since so many students have an extremely busy fall semster with academic, athletic, musical and various other extracurricular endeavors which make it difficult if not impossible to take a prep course.

There are two different prep courses available to help students perform to their best ability. Each course will enable the students to take 4 tests released by the College Board and receive feedback via score reports. In addition our software program will provide students opportunities for individual study with lessons and quizzes in each skill area. To maximize scoring potential, students should take the program which is better suited to their individual needs.

The 15 hour course offered for $300 (which covers all instructional costs, tests, score reports, classroom materials and software) has been designed for highly independent advanced students: students will receive 5 hours of direct classroom instruction in each test area: 5 hours in critical reading, 5 hours in critical writing and 5 hours in math from classroom teachers experienced in teaching PSAT/SAT prep in addition to practice testing with 4 tests and score reports, both current and new test format. Students who take the 15 hour course should be honors students in both English and Math. Students who take the 15 hour class should be

excellent readers in the areas of rate, comprehension, and vocabulary as well as excellent grammar students well versed in higher level grammar skills.

The 30 hour course offered for $400 (which covers all instructional costs, tests, score reports, classroom materials and software) has been designed for honors and college preparatory students to delve and practice into each critical skill area: students will receive 10 hours of classroom instruction in each skill area: 10 hours in critical reading, 10 hours in critical writing and 10 hours in math from classroom teachers experienced in teaching the various skill areas of the test in addition to practice testing with 4 tests and score reports, both current and new test format. Students who elect this course are desirous of achieving expertise

and additional practice in the skills areas in an effort to achieve his/her personal best. The true difference in the 2 classes is in the depth. The 30 hour class deeply explores, teaches and practices the skill areas.

We are confident that each course will greatly benefit students’ scores. Class enrollment is limited. Please complete the registration form as soon as possible and return with your check payable to to Suzen Seaver at 4442 Saybrook Lane, Harrisburg, PA 17110. You may elect to return registration and payment to Mrs. Seaver’s mailbox in the Hershey High School office.

Math classes will be taught by Mrs. Lori Ogle and Mrs. Mary Turner, Hershey High School math teachers. Critical reading and writing classes will be taught by Mrs. Suzen Seaver of Critical Testprep Solutions, (Critical Testprep Solutions is a PSAT/SAT/ACT prep company formed by former English teacher and Reading Specialist Sue Seaver. Seaver taught at Hershey High School for 26 years before leaving to pursue test prep full time. She works in conjunction with various districts dedicated to raising test scores of central Pennsylvania high school students. In addition Seaver is an elite private tutor in the PSAT, SAT and ACT test prep and college essay preparation. Seaver has been preparing Derry Township High School students for the PSAT/SAT’s for over 25 years. Ogle and Turner have each been involved in test prep for over 10 years.)

Note: These couses have not been designed to replace the SAT prep and simulated testing workshops offered to junior students in the fall of 2015 and sophomores and juniors in the spring of 2016 but are designed to complement those instructional strategy classes.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding courses or appropriate placement.


Suzen Seaver, MS

PSAT/SAT/ACT Workshops Director

Critical Testprep Solutions

(c) 717-979-1586

Recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as National Blue Ribbon Schools: Hershey High School, Hershey Middle School