
Yang: Damp Heat with Exterior Attack
Post illness (like flu) with interior heat and damp signs.
Ma Huang Lian Qiao Chi Xiao Dou Tang +
Gan Lu Xiao Du Yin / Yang: Heat > Damp
Quick onset, bright yellow color. Heat signs and hypochondriac pain
Yin Chen Hao Tang
Yang: Damp > Heat
Less bright color than Heat > Damp. More damp signs + N/V.
Gan Lu Xiao Du Yin +
Yin Chen Si Ling San / Gallbladder Heat Accumulation
History of inflammation, infection, gallstones with acute attack. Right hypo pain  right shoulder. Alternating chills/fever. Heat sx.
Da Chai Hu Tang
Acute Yang Jaundice
Acute/sudden with quick spread all over. Deep yellow color. Goes to ying/blood stage with lots of blood heat sx. Epidemic! 911!
Qian Jin Xi Jiao San
Yin: Damp-Cold
Chronic, dull dark smoky yellow. History chron hep/cholitis. Qi and Spleen qi xu signs.
Yin Chen Zhu Fu Tang / Spleen/Stomach Deficient Jaundice
Long term illness like chronic Hep C, withered yellow with minimal/mild color. Sp/St xu signs.
Huang Qi Jian Zhong Tang
Severe Yang Xu of Middle Jiao
Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan / Spleen/Stomach Deficiency with Stomach Disharmony
Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang

Hypochondriac Pain

Liver Qi Stagnation
Pain not fixed, dull, distending. Better with sighs, worse with emotions. Hx of stress, stagnation, emo diff. Liver Qi yu sx, Liver  Sp sx.
Chai Hu Shu Gan San / Blood Stasis
Pain fixed, worse in afternoon/evening. Hx of Liver qi yu, external trauma, h. zoster, post surgical pain.
1)Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
2)Fu Yuan Huo Xue Tang
Damp Heat Accumulation
Pain worse on right side. Dx of lv/gb infection, jaundice, cholelithiasis. Low appetite, aver to grease, slow digestion, N/V. Bitter taste, chest tight, dk yellow urine.
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
If with jaundice…
Yin Chen Hao Tang / Liver Yin Xu
Pain is dull, worse in afternoon/evening or with drink and/or activity. Hx liver inflammation, hepatitis, cancer, post surgical. Heat shen disturbance sx, dizziness, dry mouth/throat. Yin xu pulse and tongue.
Yi Guan Jian


Wind/Water Overflow
Acute, abrupt. Starts face/eyelids, spreads all over. Aversion to cold, sore joints/extrems. Urinary diff. Sore throat. Pulse floating, but may feel deep due to swelling.
Yue Bi Jia Zhu Tang / Flooding of Water Damp
General edema affx all 3 jiao. Yang qi is blocked. Lots of damp sx. Slow onset/recovery. Includes CHF.
Wu Pi Yin +
Wei Ling Tang
Damp Heat Toxins
Acute local edema with sores/pustules, heat and redness. Possible fever/chills, thirst, body rashes. Can be skin, lymph inflammation, DVT, kidney infection.
Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin +
Ma Haung Lian Qiao Chi Xiao Dou Tang / Accumulation of Damp Heat
General edema affecting all 3 jiao, extremities. Chest/epi oppression/tight. Nausea. Constip, dark yellow urin low output. Fever. Hot shiny skin. Irritability.
Shu Zao Yin Zi
Spleen Yang Xu
Chronic, esp below waist, pitting. Low app, epi/ab fullness, diarrhea, scanty urin. Qi/yang xu sx, xu cold sx.
Shi Pi Yin / Kidney Yang Xu
Chronic long term, esp below waist, pitting. Xu cold at extremities, body. Wants warm food/bev. Lumbar/knee cold ache. Low urin output. Pale grey dull complexion. SOB, palps. Incl CHF.
Zhen Wu Tang +
Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan

Lin Syndromes

Heat/Re Lin
Urgent, frequent, burning, sharp, scanty, dark yellow, incomplete. Fever, lo back pain, constip, nausea.
Ba Zheng San / Stone/Shi Lin
Burning, colicky, cramping. Unilateral lo back pain radiating to low ab. Blood/gravel in urine. Fever, constipation, nausea. Stones in tract upon exam.
Shi Wei San
Qi Lin (excess)
Urinary difficulty, worse with stress/emo. Hypochondriac distention, chest oppression, low ab fullness. Could have prostate enlargement
Chen Xiang San / Qi Lin (deficiency)
Qi sinking, weak urin flow with interruption, dribbling. Low ab distention. Aching lumbar, tired.
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Bloody/Xue Lin (excess)
Fresh blood, dark urine, scanty, frequent, hot, sharp/burning pain. Restlessness, irritability. Constipation. Can also have Ki damage, UTI, stones. Excess pulse.
Xiao Ji Yin Zi / Bloody/Xue Lin (deficiency)
Chronic, scanty, light red blood tinge. Lumbar/knee weakness, low energy, insomnia. Yin xu sx.
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan
Turbid/Gao Lin (excess)
Cloudy, milky, turbid, smelly, possible blood tinge, burning with urethral pain. Nitro levels us too high.
(Cheng Shi) Bi Xie Fen Qing Yin / Kidney Xu (deficiency gao lin)
Chronic weak flow, prolonged, dribbling, cloudy, poss urethral pain. Lumbar/knee, fatigue, poss diz/vert, tinnitus. Proteins in urine.
Gao Lin Tang
Repeat Attacks (Lao Lin)
Remission phase, but frequent damp heat/uti’s. Urine frequent, urgent with occasional straining even in remission. Physical exertion/tiredness/ fatigue trigger infection. Excess vitamins/fluids irritate bladder. Lowered immunity/wei, weaker constitution.  / Wu Bi Shan Yao Wan
Same as hematuria, kidney can’t consolidate.

Seminal Emissions

Disharmony of Heart and Kidney
Nocturnal emissions. DDS, insomnia, restlessness worse at night, night sweats. Anxiety/agitation, irritable. Palps, dizz, poor mem, dry mouth, scanty urine, lumbar/knee.
Huang Lian Qin Xin Yin +
(heart fire)
San Cai Feng Sui Dan
(heaven, human, earth, marrow) / Heart and Spleen Deficiency
Seminal emissions after overworking, poor libido. Palps, poor memory, poor sleep. Spleen qi xu sx.
Miao Xiang San
Kidney Deficiency Unable to Consolidate
Chronic seminal emissions, premature ejaculation, infertility, impotence. Lumbar/knee. Cold extrems. Dizz/tinn/poor hearing, poor memory.
1)Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan
2)Zuo Gui Wan
3)You Gui Wan / Damp Heat in Lower Jiao
Frequent seminal emissions – middle age. History of prostate problems. Urine is dark yellow, smelly, with prostatic fluids, is difficult/incomplete, dribbling. Distention in lower ab. Sticky, smelly stool. Thirst w/o desire drink. Irritability. Nausea
(Cheng Shi) Bi Xie Fen Qing Yin


Kidney Yang Xu
Partial/total impotence, infertility, low sperm count, low sperm emissions. Clear fluid ejaculate. Frequent, spontaneous sem emissions. Ki Yang xu sx.
Zan Yu Dan —or—
to warm the Kidney
You Gui Wan
+ki yang and essence / Kidney Qi Xu
All of the PTSD scenarios. Easy fright, timid, stutters, weak mental constitution, palpitations, poor sleep, low energy
Da Bu Yuan Jian
Heart/Spleen Deficiency
Partial/total impotence, low libido. 30-50 y.o. with stress, overwork, overthinking. Especially office workers, those not exercising. Spleen and Heart xu signs.
Gui Pi Tang
Damp Heat
Partial/total impotence with strong libido. Damp heat sx @ Lv/Gb channels
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang / Liver Qi Stagnation
Impotence, low or no libido. Long term sress, depression. Poor intimate relationships. Liver overacting on Spleen signs.
Xiao Yao San


Liver Qi Stagnation
Depression, moody, sad, irritable. Liver  Spleen sx.
Chai Hu Shu Gan San / Stagnant Liver Heat
Depression with anger, irritability, easy upset. Stressors = anger/agitation. Liver heat, Liver  digestion signs.
Jia Wei Xiao Yao San
Qi Stagnation with Phlegm
With plum pit qi, worse with more depression. Moody, suspicious, distrustful. Fullness in chest, epi, hypochon. Nausea, depressed appetite.
Ban Xia Hou Po Tang / Blood Stasis
Depression, irritable. Sharp/fixed HA. Insomnia, poor memory. Pain in hypo/chest. Bleeding at skin level. Numbness/cold extremities.
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Heart Spirit Disturbed
Bouts of crying/hysteria with/without reason. Agitation, worry, anxiety, suspicious, inapprop emo’s. Grief. Menopausal imbalance. Chest/hypo oppression.
Gan Mai Da Zao Tang / Heart Spleen Deficiency
Depression, brooding, timidity, insomnia, poor memory, palps, dizziness, etc. Spleen and Heart Blood xu signs.
Gui Pi Tang
Heart Yin Deficiency
Depression with anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, DDS. Palpitations, poor memory. Yin xu signs. Common with women’s lift shifts (start period, go into menopause, etc.)
Tian Wan Bu Xin Dan / Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency
Depression with restlessness, irritability, insomnia, poor memory, dizziness, tinnitus. Distending HA.
Liver/Ki yin xu sx.
Zi Shui Qing Gan Yin

Abdominal Masses

Liver Qi Stagnation
Mass is ab fullness, localized, soft, moves w/palpation. Other Lv Sp signs
Mu Xiang Shun Qi Wan / Food Stagnation
Constipation/intest blockage. Palpable hardness, ab full/distention. BM helps temporarily. Long term stress/emo. Qi stagnation at MJ
LiuMo Tang
Qi/ Blood Stagnation
Mass is localized, soft, moves with palpation. Distending pain, worse with stress/emo.
Early mid stage of mass.
Jin Ling Zi San +
Shi Xiao San
Blood Stasis (>Qi deficiency)
Mass is hard, easy to palpate. Local sharp pain. Dusky complexion.
Mid stage cirrhosis or cancer.
Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang +
(low ab blood stasis)
Liu Jin Zi Tang
(Qi xu and ph/d) / Qi Deficiency (>Blood stasis)
Mass is hard, severe fixed pain. Qi and Spleen qi xu sx. Blood stasis sx.
Ba Zhen Tang +
(boost qi/blood)
Hua Ji Wan
(- blood stasis)

Bleeding Disorders

General: Xiao ji, da ji
Urine: bai mao gen, pu huang / Lung/Gum/Stomach: ce bai ye
Poo: huai hua me, di yu
Remove stasis/stop bleeding
San qi, Yunnan baiyao, pu huang, qian cao, xue yu tan / Astringe/stop bleeding
Xian he cao, bai ji, pu huang, ce bai ye, hai piao xiao
Nourish/stop bleeding
E jiao, lian han cao, gui ban, du zhong / Warm meridians/stop bleeding
Ai ye, pao jiang
Epistaxis – Lung Heat
BRB nasal after w/h invasion or summer heat. Dry nasals, mouth, throat. Poss cof with blood tinge. Fever.
Sang Ju Yin / Epistaxis – Stomach Heat
BRB gums/nasal. Stomach heat sx. Possible fresh blood in stool. Scanty dark urine. Heat at stomach and mouth – possible dental disease, pus.
Yu Nu Jian
Epistaxis – Liver Fire
Dark red blood nose. Liver fire sx with dry throat
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang / Epistaxis – Qi and Blood Deficiency
Pale red blood, qi and blood xu sx without desire to speak.
Gui Pi Tang
Bleeding Gums – Stomach Heat
Bleeding and heat in gums, stomach, intestines.
Jia Wei Qing Wei San +
Xie Xin Tang / Bleeding Gums –Kidney Yin Xu Fire
Bleeding gums/atrophy, loose teeth, deep red gums. Yin xu signs.
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan +
Qian Gen San
Hemoptysis– Lung Heat Dryness Damage
Cof, scanty bloody sputum (d/t heat breaking bronchii). Dry throat, mouth, nose. Thirst.
Sang Xing Tang / Hemoptysis– Lung Yin Xu Heat
Frequent cof w/scanty dry blood tinge. Yin xu sx with emaciation. Poss cancer, AIDS, TB, chronic pulmonary ds.
Xie Xin Tang + Shi Hui San
Hemoptysis – Liver Fire Insulting Lung
Cof BRB or purplish. Lv fire @ emo and physical levels. Distention in hypochon. Constipation, yellow urine.
Dai Ge San + Xie Bai San / Hematemesis –Liver Fire  Stomach
Vomit BRB or purplish. Hypo distention/pain. Insomnia, DDS. Dark scanty urination. Constiaption. Liver fire, qi stagnation sx.
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Hematemesis –Stomach Heat
Vomit BRB or purplish. Foul vomit/breath. Poss periodontal disease, epi distention, full/pain constipation. Can have dark or black stools.
Xie Xin Tang + Shi Hui San / Hematemesis –Qi and Blood Deficiency
Vomit pale blood long term. Severity varies. Dark, black stool. Epigastric pain. Qi/Blood xu signs.
Gui Pi Tang
Hematochezia – Damp Heat in LI
BRB, smelly sticky or loose BM with possible mucous. Low ab pain, gas/bloat. Bitter taste.
Di Yu San + Huai Jiao Wan / Hematochezia – Deficient Cold of Middle Jiao
Chronic bloody stool, dark purple/black. Possible hx chronic cholitis. Dull ab pain, worse with cold foods. Xu cold and qi xu signs.
Huang Tu Tang
Hematochezia –Qi Deficiency
Bloody stool long time, dark color, loose. Qi xu signs.
Gui Pi Tang
Hematuria – Damp Heat @ Lower Jiao
BRB in urine, scanty, frequent, burning. Possible bladder/kidney infection, cancer, TB, trauma. Heat signs present.
Xiao Ji Yin Zi / Hematuria –Kidney Yin Deficient Heat
Chronic, scanty, light red blood tinge. Chronic kidney disease, lingering infection, cancer. Look for Yin and Ki xu signs.
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan
Hematuria –Spleen Qi Xu
Blood might not be visible, but can see in urinalysis, but no biomed reason found. Possible anemia. Look for Spleen qi xu sx.
Gui Pi Tang / Hematuria –Kidney Can’t Consolidate
Chronic intermittent bouts of pale bloody urine. Low immunity, weaker constitution. High intake of vitamins/fluids will irritate bladder. Qi xu signs, Kidney qi xu signs.
Wu Bi Shan Yao Wan
Purpura – Blood Heat
Acute reckless heat bleeding at skin and organs. Inflammation, dark stool. Epidemic febrile or auto-immune diseases. Look for Heat signs.
Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang –or–
Shi Hui San / Purpura –Yin Deficient Fire
More chronic type. Tinnitus, dizz. Scanty urine, constipation. Common differentiation for auto-immune, radiation, chemo, post surgical.
Yin xu heat signs.
Qian Gen San
Purpura – Qi Deficiency
Chronic, easy bruising. Possible anemia, low platelets. Common in senior citizens with aspirin or anticoagulant intake. Qi deficiency signs.
Gui Pi Tang


Upper Jiao – Lung Heat
Excess thirst, hunger, urination (sweet). Dry mouth/ throat. Pulse is full and rapid
(Any of these)
Xiao Ke Fang
Yu Quan Wan
Er Dong Tang / Middle Jiao – Stomach Heat (typical type 1)
Excess hunger, thirst, weight loss, emaciation, dry stool, constipation.
Yu Nu Jian
Lower Jiao – Kidney Yin Xu (common type 2)
Excess urination that is frequent, profuse, turbid, sweet smelling. Weight gain, itchy dry skin.
Yin xu and Kidney signs.
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan / Qi and Yin Deficiency
Dry mouth/throat. Insomnia, low appetite, loose stool/diarrhea, less urination. Qi xu and Yin xu signs.
Sheng Mai San + Qi Wei Bai Zhu San
Yin and Yang Deficiency
Complicated and severe signs. Weigt loss, cold limbs, aversion to cold but hot at night. Frequent turbid urine. Dry withered eyes with dark around them. Irregular menses, amenorrhea, infertility/impotence.
Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan / Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency (eyes)
Late stage diabetes with eye diseases (glaucoma, retinopathy, etc.)
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan (Du Qi Wan) –or–
Ming Mu Di Huang Wan
Late stage diabetes. Skin toxins and poor wound healing due to excess blood sugar. Amputation is common
Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin / Stasis
Late stage diabetes with neuropathies
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang –or–
Tao Hong Si Wu Tang


Stomach Heat and Food Stagnation
Hunger with strong desire to eat. Overeats, drinks sugary/alcoholic drinks. Stomach heat sx with ab distention. Heat emotional signs.
Bao He Wan + Xiao Cheng Qi Tang / Spleen Qi Xu (leading to phlegm/damp)
Loose very soft flesh. Doesn’t overeat/can’t lose weight. Puffy. Lo or no exercise. Sticky constip, scanty urination. Poss hypothyroid. Qi deficient signs.
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San +
Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang
Turbid Phlegm Accumulations
Sensations of heaviness, chest tightness, cloudy thoughts. Tiredness, sleepiness. Dizzy. Poss lots sputum. Eats grease/sugar. Possible high cholesterol, lipids.
Dao Tan Tang / Spleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency
Puffy, sweats spontaneously, SOB with harder inhale and worse with exhaustion. Decreased day/ increased night urination. Possibly low thyroid/adrenals. Deficient cold sx with Sp qi xu sx.
Zhen Wu Tang + Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang
Blood Stasis (with Qi stagnation)
Often with turbid phlegm, stomach heat, yang xu. Heavy body, easy/recent wt gain. Dark red face, restless, constipation, insomnia. Chest/ab ful and pain. Achy joints, skin problems. Warm in late afternoon/evening.
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang / Liver Qi Stagnation with Spleen Qi Deficiency
Emotional eating, stressed, depressed, loose stool. Lv qi yu and Sp qi xu signs.
Xiao Yao San


Wind Cold HA
Head tightness/pain. Chills > Fever. Other signs of wind cold invasion.
Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San / Wind Heat HA
Distending pain or severe splitting HA. Fever > Chills. Other wind heat invasion signs.
Xiong Zhi Shi Gao Tang
Wind Damp HA
Heavy or tight banded sensation. Foggy heat, worse with humidity. Allergies common. Scanty urine. Other wind/damp invasion signs.
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang / Liver Yang Rising
Distending pain and pulsation in temple. Liver heat and yang sx such as emo, bitter, restless, disturbed sleep, dizz, vert. Distending hypochon pain
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin
Kidney Deficiency (with essence xu)
HA is empty and hollow, milder. Common after illness, middle age, menopause, at night. Dizziness and low pitched tinnitus. Insomnia. Kidney deficiency signs.
Da Bu Yuan Jian
If KI Yin xu plus xu heat
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan
If KI Yang xu
You Gui Wan + Shen Qi Wan / Blood Deficiency (plus Qi xu)
HA plus dizziness, vertigo. Worse with overwork. Blur, palps, sleep probs, poor mem/concen. Poss hx of bleeding, surg, long illness, post partum. Maybe hypoglycemia, anemia, low immunity.
Si Wu Tang
If Qi and blood xu:
Ba Zhen Tang
Blood Stasis
Focal HA, sharp, stabbing. Worse with overwork. Maybe upper back/neck stiffness. Possible history of trauma or CVA, vasculitis, DVT, thrombosis.
Ton Qiao Huo Xue Tang / Turbid Phlegm
HA with heavy sensation, dizziness. Might have migraines, Meniere’s. Possible high cholesterol, sensitivity to humidity, barometric pressure, exposure to chemical agents. Other phlegm/damp signs.
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
