News That Is Great
From Room 128
October 11, 2013
In the week ahead:
Thursday, Oct. 10th- Spelling Test!
Friday- No School! Teacher Professional Day! Enjoy!
We will begin chapter three. In the week ahead we will work on patterns, even/odd numbers, skip counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
Now is the time to begin practicing math facts. Please begin with addition facts. In class we are working on adding on with 1,2 and 3. Example: 8+1= 3+1= 6+1= 9+1= 4+2= 5+2= 7+2=. This is an easy way to begin feeling comfortable and confident with adding numbers. I suggest orally asking your child these problems or writing some problems down for your child to solve. Memorizing math facts is an important step to become a good math student.
Get Active Get Fit
Please exercise for 20 minutes a day to keep healthy. Record it on the blue sheet that Mrs. Fougerousse gave you. If you need a new one let me know. Ride your bike, take a walk, sweep the driveway, rake leaves, jump rope, play hop scotch, basketball, soccer…. If we all bring our sheet back – there is a rumor that Goldowod could have a Disney Dance Party! Sounds like fun!
As your child reads make sure you question him/her about the story just read. Can your child tell you who the characters are in the story, where the story takes place, what the problem in the story is and if the problem was solved? A difficult question for children to grasp at this time of the year is to tell the main idea of the story just read. I usually say “Tell me what this story is mostly about.” Then you could ask your child to give you some key details from the story. We work on all of this each day. You could ask these questions about a story your child read or one you read to your child. This is an important part of the reading process.
Did you hear?
· Did you know the “Word of the Month” at Goldwood is responsibility? We are talking about how we can show responsibility at school. Some examples are: keep our desk organized, put things back where they belong, hang your backpack and jacket on the hook in your locker, pick up the floor if you see something that should not be there, clean up your area at the lunch table, remember to put papers from home in the Homework basket or Note basket! I am sure you could use the word of the month at home too!
· Mrs. Davis is passing out a lot of prizes to the kids in Room 128 for turning in “Ten Books a Month” sheets. I am VERY impressed with amount of reading everyone is doing at home. Thanks for following up at home. I am sure you are seeing a lot of growth with your child’s reading skills.
· Mrs. George is visiting our classroom for the next three weeks. She is teaching us ways to make friends and to get along with others.
Social Studies
We are learning about maps and globes. We are learning the names and location of the seven continents along with the oceans. We are learning about north, east, south and west. If you have maps and a globe at home review these concepts with your child. Talk to your child about what town he/she lives in, state, country.
Please contact me anytime with concerns or questions.
Have a terrific week! Play a game with your child on Friday! Thanks for all you do at home to support me!
Homework / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayMath / No math Home Links over the weekend / No School
Have a fun day!
Read a book!
Worksheets / Complete worksheets attached to Room 128 News / ------/ ------/ Worksheets Due
Spelling / Study for spelling test / ------/ ------/ Spelling Test
Reading / Read books in your Teddy Bear book bag. / Read / Read / Return your Teddy Bear book bag!
Get Active
Get Fit / Exercise for 15 minutes. Record it on your sheet! / Exercise for 15 minutes. Record it on your sheet! / Exercise for 15 minutes. Record it on your sheet! / Exercise for 15 minutes. Record it on your sheet! / Exercise for 15 minutes. Record it on your sheet!