Curriculum Vitae 2009
Telephone: (316) 978-6694 E-mail: Fax: (316) 978-3548
1998-2009 Professor, Department of English, Wichita State University
2004-2005 Interim Director, Writing Program
1996-2002 English Education Coordinator, Wichita State University
1995 Visiting Scholar, Linguistics Institute of Ireland
1988-1995 Director, Master of Arts in Liberal Studies program, Wichita
State University
1987-1998 Associate Professor, Department of English, Wichita State University
1978-1987 Assistant Professor, Department of English, Wichita State University
1977 Research Associate, John Tracy Clinic, Los Angeles, CA
2000 & ff. Honorary Professor, Albert Schweitzer University
Sabbaticals/ Academic leaves: 1987 (Wichita); 1995 (Dublin, Ireland); 2003 (Wichita and Dublin)
Analyzing Children’s Language: Methods and Theories. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1988.
Discourse Across Time and Space. Elinor O. Keenan and Tina L. Bennett (eds).
Los Angeles: Southern California Occasional Papers in Linguistics (SCOPIL) 5. May 1977.
Academic articles (peer-reviewed), conference proceedings, and book chapters
“Code-Mixing in Irish Literary Texts.” Reprint. In C. Amador and A. Nuñez (eds.) Writing Orality. Edwin Mellen Press (2009).
“Ich, Du, und Sie: Private and Public Writing by Multiliterate Authors.” International Journal of the Book 5, 2008.
“Code-Mixing in Irish Literary Texts.” Estudios Irlandeses. 2008. [ms. originally submitted elsewhere 5/05]
“Spelling Abilities of University Students in Developmental Writing Classes.” Journal of College Reading and Learning 35. 2004.
“The ‘Frog Story’ Narratives of Irish-English Bilinguals.” Bilingualism: Language and Cognition (Cambridge University Press). 5(2), 131-146 (2002).
“Predications and Nonreferential Cohesion in Irish-Speaking Children’s Narratives.” Functions of Language, 6(2), 195-241 (2000).
“Anaphora, Nonanaphora, and the Generic Use of Pronouns by Children.” American Speech, 71 (3), 285-301 (1996).
“Understanding the Languages of Communication.” In Vernon A. Keel (ed.), Communication: Reconnecting the Community. Wichita, KS: Hugo Wall Center for Urban Studies, 1995.
“Repetition in Language Development: Interaction to Cohesion.” In Barbara Johnstone (ed.), Repetition in Discourse, Vol. 1. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1994.
“Narrative Development in Irish: The Noun Phrase.” In A. Crochetier, J-C Boulanger, and C. Ouellon (eds.), Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Linguists. Quebec:
La Presses de la Université Laval, 1993.
“Cohesion and Predication in Child Narrative.” Journal of Child Language 13, 353-370. (1986).
“The Two Fields of Child Language Research.” First Language 6, 161-174 (1985/86).
“Noun Phrases and Coherence in Child Narratives.” Journal of Child Language 10, 135-149 (1983).
“La Dicotomia Parlante-Ascoltatore nella Variazione Linguistici e gli Atteggiamenti Linguistici dei Discenti di Segunda Lingua” Trans. of ITL paper reprinted in Renzo. Titone (ed.), Avamposti della Psicolinguistica Applicata (Advances in Applied Linguistics), Vol. 1, 171-185. Rome: Armando, 1981.
“Language and Consciousness Revisited.” Papers in Linguistics 12, 331-363. 1979.
“The Speaker-Hearer Dichotomy in Linguistic Variation and the Linguistic Attitudes of Second Language Learners.” ITL (Institute voor Toogepaste Linguistiek): Review of Applied Linguistics 39/40, 5-22 (1978).
“Interrogatives.” In E. Byarushengo, A. Duranti, and L. Hyman (eds). Haya Grammatical Structure, 171-188. Los Angeles: Southern California Occasional Papers in Linguistics (SCOPIL) 6, June 1977.
S. Sabsay and Tina L. Bennett. “Communicative Distress.” In Keenan and Bennett (eds.), 181-212. 1977.
“An Extended View of Verb Voice in Written and Spoken Personal Narratives.” In Keenan and Bennett (eds.), 43-49. 1977.
“Tonally Irregular Verbs in ChiShona.” In L. Hyman (ed.), Studies in Bantu Tonology, 289-319. Los Angeles: SCOPIL 3. December 1976.
Tina L. Bennett and Larry Hyman. “Bibliography of Bantu Tone Studies.” In Hyman (ed.), 322-332. 1976.
“Code-Switching in Downs Syndrome.” Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 48-58. Berkeley, CA: Department of Linguistics, 1976.
Reviews, replies, obituaries (academic)
“Narrative Space, Life Space, and the Nexus of Culture and Individuality: A Reply to Linda Rogers.” Journal of Critical Inquiry into Curriculum and Instruction, 2 (1), 54-55,
Review of Relevance Relations in Discourse, by Regina Blass. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 2 (2), 240-242, 1993.
Review of The Voice of the Child in American Literature: Linguistic Approaches to
Fictional Child Language, by M. Hurst. South Central Review, Winter, 1991.
Review of Age in Second Language Acquisition, by Birgit Hartley. ASHA, May 1988, 62.
“Grandfather of Us All: Lee Edward Travis.” Obituary essay. Journal of the Kansas Speech and Hearing Association, 18-20. 1988
“Sense and Nonsense in Methodological Variety: A Reply to Reibel and Warden.” First Language 7 (1987).
Review of Developmental Issues in Discourse, ed. J. Fine and R. Freedle. Journal of Child Language 13, 185-187 (1986).
Review of Story at Home and School, by B. Wade. First Language 6, 77-78 (1985/86)
Book notice of The Development of Syntax in a Group of Educationally Severely Subnormal Children, by Gillian Fenn. Language 54 (4), 1019 (1977).
“A Battle of Words.” (forthcoming). Reprinted in R. H. Fiske (ed.) Vocabula Bound II. Vocabula Press.
“What the Cat Drug In.” The Vocabula Review. July 2006. (essay).
“A Battle of Words.” The Vocabulary Review. June 2005.* www. (essay).
* Nominated for Pushcart Prize.
“Our Democratic Language.” Essay reprinted in R. H. Fiske (ed.), Vocabula Bound: Rants Insights, Explanations, and Oddities. Essays on the English Language from The Vocabula Review. 2004. Park Forest, IL: Marion Street Press.
“Does Saying Make It So?” The Vocabula Review. March 2003. (essay).
“Our Democratic Language.” The Vocabula Review, February 2000. (essay).*
* This essay was selected by the editor in 2001 for the permanent archives.
“Bumper Bites.” The Vocabula Review, November 2001. (essay).
“A Mother Tongue.” The Shocker, Winter 2000-01, p. 46 (essay).
Newspaper stories and columns
“Tá Fáilte Romhat go Baile Bréige”. Midwest Irish Focus, 2003- present. Monthly narrative column on Irish language.
“An Cúpla Focal.” Irish Life. (2001-2003). Monthly newspaper column on Irish.
“Northern Ireland: Mountains of Mourne...and More.” East Wichita News, August 6,
2000 (travelogue).
“Recognizing Ebonics....” Wichita Eagle, March 4, 6A, 1997 (guest editorial).
2007. “Ich, Du, und Sie: Private and Public Writing by Multiliterate Authors.” Fifth International Conference on the Book, Madrid, Spain, October.
2005 “A Pilot Project for Improving College Students’ Word Study Skills.” (K.
Apel, E. Weathersby, E. Edwards, T. Bennett-Kastor, J. Wolter). Paper presented
at American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Conference,
San Diego, CA, November.
2003 “Enhancing Head Start Children’s Emergent Literacy Skills.” (E. Whiting,
B. Hodson, K. Strattman, H. Edwards, T. Bennett-Kastor, and M. Schommer-
Aikins). Poster session, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
Convention, Chicago, IL, November.
2002 “Phonological Coding Skills in University Remedial English Classes.”
(Bennett-Kastor and Davis). International Child Phonology Conference,
Wichita, KS, May.
2001 “Predictors of 2nd Graders’ Decoding and Spelling Performance”
(Strattman, Hodson, Bennett-Kastor, et al). American Speech-
Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) convention, New Orleans, LA, November.
2000 “Phonological Awareness Skills of Typically Developing Children Entering
Kindergarten.” (Keller, Hodson, Bennett-Kastor, et al.) ASHA Convention,
Washington, D.C., November.
1999 “Narrative Discourse of Native American Children.” (Moore, Westby, Hyter,
Bennett-Kastor, et al.) ASHA convention, San Francisco, November.
1997 “Phonologies of Children 28 to 36 Months: Normal vs. Disordered.” (Lessor,
Hodson, Strattman, Bennett-Kastor). ASHA convention, Boston, November.
1995 “Narrative and Narrative Development.” Honorary lecture, Trinity College,
Dublin, December.
1995 “Enhancing Metaphonological Skills of Upper Elementary-Level Poor Readers.”
(Swanson, Hodson, Bennett-Kastor, et al.) ASHA convention, San Diego,
1994 “Developmental Outcome of Infants Treated with Surfactant.” (Kaylor, Bennett-
Kastor, et al.) Society of Pediatric Research, Seattle, May.
1994 “The Master of Arts in Liberal Studies Program at Wichita State University.”
Presentation for Review for Full Membership, Association of Graduate Liberal
Studies Programs. Fort Worth, October.
1993 “Intelligibility measures of Preschoolers with Varying Levels of Phonological
Proficiency.” (Gordon-Brannan, Hodson, Bennett-Kastor, Stone). ASHA
convention, Anaheim, November.
1992 “Children’s Comprehension of the Generic ‘He’ Pronoun.” Modern Language
Association, New York City, New York, Dec. 27-30.
“Narrative Development in Irish.” XVth International Congress of Linguists, Laval
University, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, Aug. 9-4.
1990 “Repetition in Language Development: Summary.” Conference on Repetition in
Discourse, May, Texas A & M University.
1985 “The Two (or More) Fields of Child Language Research.” Mid-America Linguistics
Conference, Kansas State University, October, Manhattan, KS.
1983 “Problems with Prejudice in Language.” Invited presentation to General Education
and Literature Conference, Emporia State University, April, Emporia, KS.
1981 “Noun Phrase Coherence in Child Narratives.” Linguistics Colloquy, University
of Kansas, September, Lawrence, KS.
1980 “Developing Students’ Oral and Written Languages: A Role for Linguists?” Kansas
Conference on Language Arts Studies IV, January, Wichita, KS.
1979 “Functional Repetition of Utterances in Interactions with Genie.” 41st Summer
Meeting , Linguistic Society of America, August, Salzburg, Austria.
1977 “A Functional Alternative to Mean Length of Utterance as a Tool for Assessment
of Communicative Development.” 4th International Salzburg Linguistics Tagung,
August, Salzburg, Austria.
1976 “Code-Switching in Downs Syndrome.” 2nd Annual Meeting of the Berkeley
Linguistics Society, University of California, February, Berkeley, CA.
Awards and Honors
Professor Incentive Review, Academy for Effective Teaching nominee (multiple nominations), Board of Trustees Teaching award nominee
Invited participant, NEH-sponsored Conference on Repetition in Discourse (Texas A & M University) 1990; Wichita State University Research Awards 1979, 1982, 1985, 1991, Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Summer Research Fellowship 1989, Hall Center for the Humanities Faculty Development Seminar Fellowship (University of Kansas) 1987.
American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association; Linguistic Society of America;
New York Academy of Sciences; Irish-American Cultural Institute; Wichita Irish-Cultural Association (Vice-President)..
Selected Listings
Directory of American Scholars, International Biography of Women, Int. Biography of Distinguished Leadership, Int. Leaders in Achievement, Int. Who’s Who of Business and Professional Women, Outstanding Young Women of America (1980-81), Who’s Who in the Midwest, Who’s Who in Society, Who’s Who of American Women, World Who’s Who of Women, Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders in America
English 011: Syntax, Logic, Organization; English 102: College English II;
Linguistics 151G: Nature of Language; English 232G, Themes in American Literature: Irish-American Literature; English/Linguistics 315: Introduction to Linguistics; English/Linguistics 316: English Sentence Structure; English 317, History of English; English 399R: Irish Language and Literature; English/Linguistics/Anthropology 651: Language and Culture; English/Linguistics 667: English Syntax; English/Linguistics 672: Studies in Language Variety; English 727: Teaching English as a Second Language.
INDEPENDENT STUDIES/DIRECTED READINGS TOPICS: Child language development, English and Japanese phonology, Postcolonial Irish literature, Language and culture in Ireland, English dialectology.
M. A. Committees: Jodie Simon, English, 2009 (anticipated); Kevin Taylor, M.Ed., 2003; Vic Chavez, MALS,2003; Sheila Berridge, M.Ed., 2002; Kelly Echard, M.Ed., 2002; Bonnie Feeser, M.A., English, 2002; Debbie Holmes, M.Ed., 2001; Wendy Branwell, M.A., Anthropology, 2001; Tonya Hubbell, M.A. Communicative Disorders and Sciences (CDS), 2000; Kimberly Keller, M.A. CDS, 2000; Jeanette Vequist, M. Ed., 2000; Ponjit Jithavech, M.A., CDS, 2000; Melissa Stanton, M.F.A. Creative Writing, 2000; Pamela Eldridge, M.A. Anthropology, 1999; Celia Moore, M.A. CDS, 1998; Melissa Shields, M.A. CDS, 1998; Lin McGregor, M.A. Liberal Studies, 1997; Myra Lessor, M.A. CDS, 1997; Karen Wiebe, M.A. Liberal Studies, 1994; Renee Kaylor, M.A. Liberal Studies, 1994; Nancy Jamal Bara, M.A. Anthropology, 1992; Jennifer Cannady, M.A. CDS, 1992.
Ph.D. Committees: Emily Whiting, CDS, 2003; Kathy Strattman, CDS, 2001; Deborah Hwa-Froelich, CDS, 2000; Patrick Fly, Psychology, 1999; Teri Swanson, CDS, 1996; Jane Visto, CDS, 1994; Peggy Anderson, CDS, 1993; Mary Gordon-Brannan, CDS, 1993
2008-9 Ms. reviewer, Journal of Pragmatics; International Journal of the Book
1980-2008 Proposal reviewer, National Science Foundation
2004-present. Vice President, Wichita Irish Cultural Association
1999-2004. Co-President, Irish American Cultural Institute, Wichita Celtic Circle chapter.
1998-2001 Editorial consultant, Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in the Schools.
2001 Presenter, Communications Seminar for Kansas Legal Service, Inc. Child in Need
of Care staff, Wichita
2000-2001 Member, Kansas State Board of Education Commission on English Language
Teaching Standards. Pro bono.
1999 Member, Kansas State Board of Education panel on English Language Standards.
Pro bono.
1994 Dialect and literacy consultant, Multimedia Cablevision, Inc. (remediation of
employee communication problems).
Committees service: University: Admissions and Exceptions Committee (Chair: 2004-2007),: Task Force on the Undergraduate Experience, Faculty Senate, Senate Executive Committee, Academic Affairs, Faculty Affairs, Inter-Collegiate Athletic Association, Court of Academic Appeals, Grievance Committee, Grievance Panel Convener, University Teaching Programs, Vice President for Student Affairs Search Committee, University Equity Oversight Panel; College: Geraldine Hammond Distinguished Professor Selection Committee, George Lewis Teaching Award Committee; Department: Policy, Steering, Composition, English Education (chair), Graduate Studies, Undergraduate Studies, Director of Composition Search (chair), Chairperson Search, Salary Review, Curriculum Reform.
Other administrative/consultant services
Expert legal testimony; consultant in standard and nonstandard English dialects; humanities advisor for “East of the Sun, West of the Moon” children’s radio program; conference chair and session chair for Mid-America Linguistics Conference (Wichita State University and University of Kansas, respectively); coordinator or co-coordinator, Teaching Improvement Committee retreat, Interdisciplinary Language Forum, Conference on Academic Publishing (Wichita State University) and Stressfest Symposium on Stress and Accent (University of Southern California); Seminars on Pragmatics and Pragmatic Development (Institute of Logopedics, Wichita) and Language Disorders, Pragmatic Approaches I and II (San Diego, CA Dept. of Education Speech and Hearing Staff).