Department of Early Education and Care

Massachusetts Family Network

Renewal Application

Fund Code 296


Background: / The Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) provides services for children in Massachusetts through a mixed delivery system, which includes child care centers, out-of-school time programs, family child care homes, public preschool programs, private school preschool and kindergarten, and Head Start programs. EEC is responsible for licensing early education and care and out-of-school time programs throughout Massachusetts and for providing child care financial assistance to low-income families with children birth to 12 years of age. In addition, EEC provides support for information and referral services, inclusive programming for children with special needs, parenting and family support, and professional development opportunities for educators in the early education and out of school time fields. These efforts affect thousands of early education and out of school time providers, who serve more than 275,000 children each day. In its broadest role, EEC also serves as a source of information to more than one million families in Massachusetts.
With regard to family outreach, education, and support, EEC’s goals include:
§  providing family education and support that builds on and enhances family strengths;
§  facilitating active family involvement; and
§  promoting family literacy and school readiness.
In order to reach these goals, EEC is moving toward building a system that invests in a range of services that will offer families a menu of options from which to choose and better connect families to information and services specific to their needs.
Purpose: / The Massachusetts Family Network program (MFN) develops and implements models of parent outreach, education, and support that are effective with families with young children.
MFN provides collaborative, comprehensive, high quality networks of family support services that are free of charge, culturally sensitive, welcoming, and accessible to all families with young children (prenatal through 3 years old). MFN programs cultivate leadership and develop inter-family relationships by building on the strengths of parents (and other adults in the parenting role) and existing resources in the community.
Goals and Priorities: / The goals of the Massachusetts Family Network are organized into four priorities: outreach, local collaboration and coordination, family support, and parent leadership and program evaluation.
Plan and conduct outreach to all families with young children (prenatal through 3 years old) through a variety of methods so that families, including those that may be difficult to reach by traditional methods, are provided with opportunities to participate in a variety of programs.
Collaboration and Coordination
Coordinate a system of community family education and support resources and services for all families with young children (prenatal through 3 years old) through a governing council and other collaborative efforts that include parents, including Reach Out and Read, neonatal and postnatal home parenting education and home visiting programs for at-risk newborns administered by the Children’s Trust Fund.
Family Support and Parent Leadership
Structure opportunities for parents to build upon their educational experiences, increase parenting skills to enhance their children’s development, take leadership roles in the community, and develop community and inter-family relationships.
Program Evaluation
Evaluate the community’s Family Network program and develop a process for making changes and improvements based on evaluation information.
Applicant Eligibility: / This is a renewal application for FY 2009 grant funds. The 42 lead agencies that received MFN grants in FY 2008 are eligible to apply for grant funds.
A lead agency or subcontracted provider subject to EEC licensure shall be awarded funds only if it is in substantial compliance with applicable EEC regulations.
The lead agency and all subcontracted providers must comply with all applicable statutes, regulations, policies, and procedures, inclusive of any changes made as a result of enacted legislation, duly promulgated regulations, or policies implemented by the Board and/or the Department of Early Education and Care.
Funding: / This is an application for renewal of grant funding for FY 2009. Continuation funding for the MFN program is subject to FY 2009 state budget appropriations and budget language.
The amount of funds for which each MFN lead agency is eligible to apply is specified in Appendix E.
Fund Use: / Massachusetts Family Network funds may be used to conduct outreach, provide direct services and coordinate and support local family support activities and networks through the following mechanisms:
Coordinator and staff salaries and fringe benefits;
Contracted consultants, group leaders, trainers, and performers;
Supplies and materials to implement direct service activities;
Non instructional supplies and materials;
Printing and reproduction;
Equipment and capital purchases;
Rental of space for program implementation and coordination; and
Administrative costs as outlined below.
MFN services may be provided by the lead agency and/or through subcontracts (subject to EEC approval) with other providers. A lead agency or subcontracted provider subject to EEC licensure shall be awarded funds only if it is in substantial compliance with applicable EEC regulations.
Fiscal Administration and Oversight
Please note the limit on fiscal administrative costs. The sum of the following expenditures cannot exceed 8.0% of the grant award:
1.  Salary of the supervisor of the grant coordinator;
2.  Salaries of fiscal staff (including but not limited to: bookkeeper, contract monitors);
3.  Rental of space, telephone/utility, maintenance and repair, an internal audit costs associated with the administration of the MFN program; and
4.  Costs of administrative caps on subcontracts. Administrative costs of any subcontract shall not exceed 8.0% of the subcontract award. Please use guidelines equivalent to those provided above to determine the administrative costs of a subcontract (e.g., replace the salary of the MFN supervisor with the salary of the subcontractor’s supervisor).
Please note: EEC has reserved the right to include the above categories in its calculation of an approved administrative cap. Federal indirect rates may not be applied to this grant.
Required Services: / Through direct services, referrals, and subcontracts with community providers, funds must be used to provide, at a minimum, the following program components:
·  an accessible space to implement program activities (e.g., a family center);
·  home visits;
·  child development information;
·  health and developmental screening;
·  adult education;
·  family literacy activities;
·  family and community events;
·  parent education and support groups;
·  leadership opportunities;
·  assistance with meeting basic needs;
·  playgroups, including integrated playgroups in collaboration with Early Intervention programs; and support of local coalition building activities.
Grant Term: / This is a one year grant for the period 7/1/2008 – 6/30/2009 (provided applicants meet all applicant requirements). Grantees may be eligible to apply to renew their grants, contingent upon the Legislature’s appropriation of funds.
Contact: / Contact: Claire Brady
Phone: (617) 988-7811
Timeline and Submission Date: / Renewal grant proposals must be received at EEC’s Central Office by 4:30 p.m. on June 13, 2008.
Forms to be Submitted: / Part II- Budget Detail and Narrative (Attached Separately)
Part III: Subcontractor Budget Detail and Narrative (Attached Separately) Lead agencies that subcontract program coordination and implementation must submit this additional subcontractor budget
Part IV-Program Questions
Part V: Program Contact Information
Part VI: MFN Council Sign-Off Sheet
Part VII: MFN Required Program Components for FY 2009
Part VIII: In Kind and Other Fundraising
Part IX: Local Council Expanded Role Questionnaire
Part X: Statement of Assurance
Please note: Part I: Standard Contract Form will be sent to you following programmatic approval of your grant. You will have to sign and return both contract forms to EEC with original signatures (no copies).
Instructions: / Applicants must mail one original (sign in blue ink) and one copy:
Tresa Glover-Smith
Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care
51 Sleeper Street 4th floor
Boston, MA 02210
ATTN: Fund Code 296
Please do not include any of the appendices in your mailing. The appendices contain additional program information and requirements for your reference.
Please make sure to put the ATTN: line on the envelope as we have several grant applications due to us at the same time.
*As stated above, the Standard Contract Form /Application for Program Grants, the Council Sign Off Sheet, and Statement of Assurance must be mailed to EEC with original signatures and will not be accepted electronically.
Information for the Applicant: / Appendix A: Instructions
Appendix B: Grant Negotiation, Payment Terms, Grant Expenditures, Termination, Recoupment of Funds, and Relevant Laws
Appendix C: Additional Budget Information
Appendix D: Additional Program information
Appendix E: FY 2009 Funding Eligibility Amounts, subject to appropriation in FY 2009 State Budget
Appendix F: Crosswalk of EEC Programs by Community
Reporting: / In order to recognize accomplishments, identify challenges and inform future funding decisions, mid and end-of-year progress reports are required of all FY09 EEC grant recipients. These reports will provide EEC with information regarding the successes and challenges in meeting grant goals and objectives. A template for reporting this information will be forthcoming. The mid year report is due by 4:00pm Friday, January 16th 2009 and receipt of the end-of-year report will be required for approval of final grant payments. These narrative reports are in addition to any other existing reporting requirements.



Using the format provided, please report on the implementation of the FY 2008 MFN program for each of the goals set forth in the FY 2008 RFR.

1. Universal Outreach

·  Plan and conduct outreach to all families with young children (prenatal through 3 years old) through a variety of methods so that families, including those that may be difficult to reach by traditional methods, are provided with opportunities to participate in a variety of programs. In your response, include plans to include any priority populations or underserved communities reported in FY2008 Summary of Program Goals questions 2 and 3.


Specific activities to meet this objective:

Outcome: Was the goal met?

·  If yes, describe briefly the impact the attainment of this goal has had on the MFN.

·  If no, describe briefly the efforts made to attain the goal and any changes made to the goal over the year. Indicate if efforts to attain this goal will continue in FY 2009.

2. Collaboration and Coordination

Coordinate a system of community family education and support resources and services for all families with young children (prenatal through 3 years old) through a governing council and other collaborative efforts that include parents. One of EEC’s goals is to ensure coordination and alignment between and among all EEC funded programs. In the following section, detail your program’s current connections and collaborations with the EEC funded programs listed below. Highlight any successful activities or joint programming conducted in FY 2008. *Indicate NA if a program listed is not available in your community. Please see Appendix F for a listing of the EEC programs aligned with your community.

·  Parent Child Home Program

·  Community Partnerships for Children

·  Public School, especially Early Childhood Special Education

·  Early Childhood Resource Centers

·  Child Care Resource and Referral Agency

·  Reach out and Read

·  Neonatal and postnatal home parenting education and home visiting programs for at-risk newborns (administered by the Children’s Trust Fund)

Outcome: Was the goal met?

·  If yes, describe briefly the impact the attainment of this goal has had on the MFN.

·  If no, describe briefly the efforts made to attain the goal and any changes made to the goal over the year. Indicate if efforts to attain this goal will continue in FY 2009.

3. Family Support and Parent Leadership

·  Structure opportunities for parents to build upon their educational experiences, increase parenting skills to enhance their children’s development, take leadership roles in the community, and develop community and inter-family relationships.

In FY 2008, PART VII: FY 2008 MFN REQUIRED PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION was used to answer this question. As an option, applicants may choose to complete the objectives and outcomes section for this question, but it is not required.


Specific activities to meet this objective:

Outcome: Was the goal met?

·  If yes, describe briefly the impact the attainment of this goal has had on the MFN.

·  If no, describe briefly the efforts made to attain the goal and any changes made to the goal over the year. Indicate if efforts to attain this goal will continue in FY 2009.

4. Evaluation

·  Evaluate the community’s Family Network program and develop a process for making changes and improvements based on evaluation information.


Specific activities to meet this objective:

Outcome: Was the goal met?

·  If yes, describe briefly the impact the attainment of this goal has had on the MFN.

·  If no, describe briefly the efforts made to attain the goal and any changes made to the goal over the year. Indicate if efforts to attain this goal will continue in FY 2009.

5. New Program Development

·  Other new program development and other new services


Specific activities to reach this objective:

Outcome: Was the goal met?

·  If yes, describe briefly the impact the attainment of this goal has had on the MFN.

·  If no, describe briefly the efforts made to attain the goal and any changes made to the goal over the year. Indicate if efforts to attain this goal will continue in FY 2009.


Summarize the MFN Council’s objectives and planned activities for FY 2009. Please include one or more measurable objectives for each category outlined below.

FY 2009 Program Objectives

1. Universal Outreach

·  Plan and conduct outreach to all families with young children (prenatal through 3 years old) through a variety of methods so that families, including those that may be difficult to reach by traditional methods, are provided with opportunities to participate in a variety of programs. In your response, include plans to include any priority populations or underserved communities.


Specific activities to meet this objective:

2. Collaboration and Coordination

·  Coordinate a system of community family education and support resources and services for all families with young children (prenatal through 3 years old) through a governing council and other collaborative efforts that include parents.