Dental Clinic Profile Elko Nevada
Name of Dental Clinic / PHS Elko Service UnitLocation (City, State) / Elko, Nevada
Type of Program (IHS, Tribal, Urban) / IHS Direct
Service Unit (if applicable) / Elko Southern Bands Clinic
Tribe/Nation / Shoshone / Paiute
Number of dentists on staff / 1
Number of dental hygienists on staff / 0; occasional students
Number of dental assistants on staff / 2
Total staffing including patient business and reception / 3
Number of operatories / 2
Number of clinic patients (users) / 3,000-4,000
Nearest city with >50,000 people & distance / Salt Lake City, Utah
Airports serving the area & distance / Elko Airport
Housing available (government or private) / Private, Small town
Distance from clinic to nearest residential area / 1 to 30 miles
Distance to nearest schools / 1 to 30 miles
Recreational opportunities in the nearby area / Minimal
What is unique about this clinic? (short paragraph) / Small town feel, Colony; not a reservation, Quality service.
For more information (clinic phone #) Larry Brizzee DDS / (775) 738-2252
For more information (Area office #) Dan Huber DMD / 602-364-5190
Dental Clinic Profile Fallon Nevada
Name of Dental Clinic / Fallon Tribal Health CenterLocation (City, State) / Fallon, NV
Type of Program (IHS, Tribal, Urban) / Tribal
Service Unit (if applicable) / Schurz
Tribe/Nation / Paiute and Shoshone
IHS Area / Phoenix
Staffing/Clinic Size / 3
Year clinic was built (or last remodeled) / Approx 1986
Number of dental operatories / 4
Number of dentists on staff / 1
Number of dental hygienists on staff / 1
Number of dental assistants on staff / 1
Number of expanded function dental assistants / 0
Dental specialists on staff (types) / 0
Types of referral services available / Few with CHS funding depending on policy
Total dental clinic staffing / 4
Number of clinic patients (users) / Approx 3000
Nearest city with >50,000 people & distance / Reno
Airports serving the area & distance / Reno - 60 miles
Housing options / Local housing in Fallon City
Distance from clinic to nearest residential area / Within .5 mile
Distance to nearest schools / Within 1-2 miles
Recreational opportunities in the nearby area / Abundant recreational activities. Clinic near Reno/Tahoe area
What is unique about this clinic? (short paragraph – this is where you “sell” the program) / Tribally operated facility. Wide range of services similar to private practice.
For more information (clinic contact & phone #) / Peter Braun, DMD
For more information (ADO contact & phone #) / Dan Huber DMD
Dental Clinic Profile Ft. Duchesne Utah
Name of Dental Clinic / U&O Ft. DuchesneLocation (City, State) / Ft. Duchesne, UT
Type of Program (IHS, Tribal, Urban) / IHS direct
Service Unit (if applicable) / Uintah &Ouray
Tribe/Nation / Ute
Number of dentists on staff / 3
Number of dental hygienists on staff / 0
Number of dental assistants on staff / 6
Total staffing including patient business and reception / 9
Number of operatories / 6
Number of clinic patients (users) / 6500+
Nearest city with >50,000 people & distance / Heber City, UT 90 miles
Airports serving the area & distance / Vernal, Roosevelt small
SLC airport 3 hours
Housing available (government or private) / 7 gov. homes, limited availability Vernal UT. private housing 30 miles
Distance from clinic to nearest residential area / 3 miles
Distance to nearest schools / ¼ mile
Recreational opportunities in the nearby area / All outdoor activities
What is unique about this clinic? (short paragraph) / Friendly, accommodating, jovial
For more information (clinic phone #) Dave Hadley DDS / 435-722-5122
For more information (ADO phone #) Dan Huber DMD / 602-364-5190
Dental Clinic Profile Keams Canyon, Hopi Health Care Center Arizona
Name of Dental Clinic / HOPI HEALTH CARE CENTERLocation (City, State) / Polacca, Arizona
Type of Program (IHS, Tribal, Urban) / IHS
Service Unit (if applicable) / Keams Canyon
Tribe/Nation / HOPI / Navajo
Number of dentists on staff / 5
Number of dental hygienists on staff / 2
Number of dental assistants on staff / 13
Total staffing including patient business and reception / 21
Number of operatories / 14 ( 2 at Jeddito satellite clinic)
Nearest city with >50,000 people & distance / Flagstaff - 130 miles
Airports serving the area & distance / Flagstaff (local) 130 miles
Sky Harbor (Phoenix) 237 miles
Albuquerque, NM 254 miles
Housing available (government or private) / Walpi - Tribal
Keams Canyon - IHS
Distant private housing
Distance from clinic to nearest residential area / 6 miles, Gov. on site
Distance to nearest schools / High school 10 miles
Elementary / JH several within 30 miles
Recreational opportunities in the nearby area / Camping, history exploring, and hiking are all common activities for this area. Specific sites include the
Painted Desert, Grand Canyon, and the Petrified Forrest. The area is full of Native cultural events.
What is unique about this clinic? (short paragraph) / The clinic is very progressive especially primary prevention services. Appointments are designed utilizing a clinic approach, and include several specialty services. The utilization of teledentistry has allowed the extension of screenings and caries prevention measures (sealant and ART) into every community elementary school. Implementing Pediatric OR and CDHC services to the program.
For more information (clinic phone #) Jeff Carolla DDS / 928-737-6163
For more information (ADO phone #)Dan Huber DMD / 602-364-5190
Dental Clinic Profile Parker AZ
Name of Dental Clinic / Parker Indian Health CenterLocation (City, State) / Parker, Arizona
Type of Program (IHS, Tribal, Urban) / IHS direct
Service Unit (if applicable) / Colorado River Service Unit
Tribe/Nation / Colorado River Indian Tribes
Number of dentists on staff / 6
Number of dental hygienists on staff / 1
Number of dental assistants on staff / 8
Total staffing including patient business and reception / 17
Number of operatories / 10
Number of clinic patients (users) / 7,500
Nearest city with >50,000 people & distance / 40 miles to Lake Havasu
Airports serving the area & distance / Phoenix ( 155) and Las Vegas (179)
Housing available (government or private) / Private
Distance from clinic to nearest residential area / Immediate area
Distance to nearest schools / Immediate area
Recreational opportunities in the nearby area / Boating, fishing, hiking, camping, skiing
What is unique about this clinic? (short paragraph) / Providers travel to the four clinics in the Service unit. This includes the remote village of Supai located in the Grand Canyon.
For more information (clinic phone #) Heather Judd DDS / 928 669-3154
For more information (ADO phone #)Dan Huber / 602-364-5190
Dental Clinic Profile Peach Springs Az
Name of Dental Clinic / PEACH SPRINGS HEALTH CENTERLocation (City, State) / PEACH SPRINGS, AZ
Type of Program (IHS, Tribal, Urban) / IHS
Service Unit (if applicable) / COLORADO RIVER SERVICE UNIT (Parker)
Number of dentists on staff / 1
Number of dental hygienists on staff / 0 (2 DAYS PER MONTH FROM PARKER)
Number of dental assistants on staff / 2
Total staffing including patient business and reception / 4
Number of operatories / 4
Number of clinic patients (users) / ~2500
Nearest city with >50,000 people & distance / KINGMAN, AZ; 45 MILES
Airports serving the area & distance / KINGMAN AIRPORT; 45 MILES
Housing available (government or private) / TEMPORARY QUARTERS, LONGER TERM HOUSES
Distance from clinic to nearest residential area / 32 MILES
What is unique about this clinic? (short paragraph) / 5-6 YEARS OLD FACILITY; ATTEMPT TO HIRE LOCAL TRIBAL MEMBERS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE
For more information (clinic phone #)C Leonard Fath DDS / 928-769-2905
For more information (ADO phone #) Dan Huber DMD / 602-364-5190
Dental Clinic Profile Phoenix Indian Medical Center Phoenix AZ
Name of Dental Clinic / Phoenix Indian Medical CenterLocation (City, State) / Phoenix, Arizona
Type of Program (IHS, Tribal, Urban) / IHS direct
Service Unit (if applicable) / Phoenix
Tribe/Nation / Yavapai, Maricopa, Apache, Pima,
Number of dentists on staff / 11
Number of dental hygienists on staff / 3
Number of dental assistants on staff / 20
Total staffing including patient business and reception / 37
Number of operatories / 24
Number of clinic patients (users) / 60000
Nearest city with >50,000 people & distance / Phoenix
Airports serving the area & distance / 5 miles
Housing available (government or private) / private
Distance from clinic to nearest residential area / Urban
Distance to nearest schools / Urban
Recreational opportunities in the nearby area / Everything
What is unique about this clinic? (short paragraph) / Large Medical Center, advanced staff with four specialists, OR program, Large metropolitan setting.
For more information (clinic phone #) Jan Josephson DDS / 602-263-1592
For more information (ADO phone #) Dan Huber DMD / 602-364-5190
Dental Clinic Profile Salt River AZ (Phoenix SU)
Name of Dental Clinic / Salt River Community Health/PIMCLocation / Scottsdale, AZ
Type of Program / IHS direct
Service Unit / Phoenix
Tribe/Nation / Pima-Salt River
Number of Dentist on staff / 2
Number of dental hygienist on staff / 1 part-time
Number of dental assistants on staff / 2
Total staffing including patient business and reception / 5
Number of operatories / 5
Number of clinic patients / 8000 local 60,000 SU
Nearest city with >50,000 people & distance / ~3 miles Scottsdale
Airports serving the area and distance / 1 ~ 12 miles Sky Harbor Airport
Housing available (gov. or private) / Private, Urban
Distance from clinic to nearest residential area / 3 miles
Recreational opportunities in the nearby area / Yes- Fitness center at facility, multiple options in area.
What is unique about the clinic? / Urban location. Satellite of large Medical Center. Comprehensive care.
Clinic Phone # Katrina Naaz DDS / 480-946-9103
ADO Phone # Dan Huber DMD / 602-364-5190
Dental Clinic Profile Pyramid Lake Nevada
Name of Dental Clinic / Pyramid Lake Tribal Health ClinicLocation (City, State) / Nixon, NV
Type of Program (IHS, Tribal, Urban) / Tribal
Service Unit (if applicable) / Schurz
Tribe/Nation / Paiute
Number of dentists on staff / 1
Number of dental hygienists on staff / 0
Number of dental assistants on staff / 1
Total staffing including patient business and reception / 2
Number of operatories / 2
Number of clinic patients (users) / 7000
Nearest city with >50,000 people & distance / Reno,NV 50miles
Airports serving the area & distance / Reno-Tahoe International 50miles
Housing available (government or private) / Private
Distance from clinic to nearest residential area / 2 miles (Nixon)
Distance to nearest schools / 1 mile (Pyramid Lake High School)
Recreational opportunities in the nearby area / Fishing,Boating,Hunting,Hiking
What is unique about this clinic? (short paragraph) / Close to mountains and lake provides many outdoor activities
For more information (clinic phone #)Nick Bunk DDS / 775-574-1018
For more information (ADO phone #) / 602-364-5190
Dental Clinic Profile San Carlos AZ
Name of Dental Clinic / San Carlos Dental ClinicLocation (City, State) / San Carlos, AZ
Type of Program (IHS, Tribal, Urban) / I.H.S.
Service Unit (if applicable) / San Carlos
Tribe/Nation / Apache
IHS Area / Phoenix
Year clinic was built (or last remodeled) / 1995
Number of dental operatories / 7 (which includes 2 at satellite location)
Number of dentists on staff / 5
Number of dental hygienists on staff / 0
Number of dental assistants on staff / 7 (1 vacancy)
Number of expanded function dental assistants / 5
Dental specialists on staff (types) / 0
Types of referral services available / Pediatric, oral surgery, periodontics
Total staffing / 4 dentists, 7 assistants, 1 receptionist=12 (2 vacancies)
Number of clinic patients (users) / 3300 users out of population 13,303
Nearest city with >50,000 people & distance / Phoenix, AZ 130 miles
Airports serving the area & distance / Phoenix, AZ 130 miles
Housing options / Government and private
Distance from clinic to nearest residential area / Globe, AZ 20 minutes
Distance to nearest schools / Globe, AZ 20 minutes
Recreational opportunities in the nearby area / Hunting, fishing, skiing, hiking, mountain biking, camping
What is unique about this clinic? (short paragraph) / Great climate for 4 seasons of fun in close proximity to city life.
For more information (clinic phone #) Bridget Austin DDS / 928-475-7358
For more information (ADO phone #) Dan Huber DMD / 602-364-5190
Dental Clinic Profile Yuma Arizona
Name of Dental Clinic / Fort Yuma IHS DentalLocation (City, State) / Winterhaven CA (mailing address is Yuma AZ)
Type of Program (IHS, Tribal, Urban) / IHS
Service Unit (if applicable) / Fort Yuma SU
Tribe/Nation / Quechan and Cocopah tribes
Number of dentists on staff / 1
Number of dental hygienists on staff / 0
Number of dental assistants on staff / 1
Total staffing including patient business and reception / 2
Number of operatories / At Site: 2 Field Clinic: 0
Number of clinic patients (users) / 3,800
Nearest city with >50,000 people & distance / Yuma AZ, 1 mile
Airports serving the area & distance / Yuma International, 10 miles
Housing available (government or private) / Private only
Distance from clinic to nearest residential area / 3 miles in Yuma AZ
Distance to nearest schools / 3 miles in Yuma AZ
Recreational opportunities in the nearby area / Desert and lake recreation; 2 ½ hour drive to San Diego CA. For COs, there is in Yuma the Marine Corps Air Station as an additional resource.
What is unique about this clinic? (short paragraph) / There will be the opportunity to participate in the construction and equipping of the new 11 chair dental clinic (as part of an out-patient health clinic) funded for 5 dentists . The architectural planning phase is already completed but the operational and utilization decisions are still wide open for new ideas.
For more information (clinic phone #) Richard Schrage DDS / 760/572-4233 Richard Schrage, Dental Chief
For more information (ADO phone #) Dan Huber DMD / 602-364-5190
Dental Clinic Profile Whiteriver Arizona