Delta Seniors Planning Team

Meeting Notes

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

10 am at Deltassist Office

Attendance: Val Windsor, Joanne Van Snellenberg, Kay Dennison, Margaret Toews, Adrienne Johnson, Christiann Munro, Brittany Fyffe, Jenn Fancy de Mena

1. Welcome and Introductions – Val Windsor chaired the meeting and welcomed everyone.

2. Approval of Agenda – Moved: Adrienne; 2nd Kay

3. Approval of March 17th, 2015 minutes: Moved: Christiann; 2nd Margaret

4. Follow up items from March Minutes:

- Municipal Open Houses – we had good representation at the Municipal Open Houses in Tsawwassen, Ladner and North Delta. These were essentially ‘showcases for the municipality’ rather than generating real input from citizens. It appears seniors housing was last on their list.

- Council Meeting – Kay and Lyn attended the council meeting where discussion took place around the need for a social planner in Delta. This was brought on by the University Women’s’ Group in 2013 and our subsequent letter. The dismissal of the idea was not passed but will come forward again. The municipality says they have ‘built in social planner’ traits when hiring staff. Jeannie Kanakos, Heather King, Bruce McDonald and Sylvia Bishop spoke for the need for a social planner. John Stark is a social planner in New Westminster and Kay suggested to Bruce McDonald that he would be a good resource. There is some federal government money available for projects that could be accessed by a social planner.

- Letters to Council – follow up letter on request for funding – They couldn’t accept our request for a number of reasons including the budget had been set and it was suggested we include a work plan next year. It was felt they want a ‘bare bones’ request as it wasn’t evident the councilors had read our Request letter.

-Our letter was sent to the Municipality regarding the appointment of Kay and ML and Val (within the next two years) to the Seniors’ Advocate Council of Advisors. The letter was accepted.

5. Updates from Action Teams:

· Non-Medical Services/Better at Home – (Kay) The extension of the United Way funding was approved for our Medical cards to be printed. There will be some funding for the distribution of the emergency cards and for training of volunteers to help in the completion of the cards. This was possible through the collaboration of the Literacy Group and the Delta Library. This is planned for late spring or September in the three Delta libraries.

· Housing- (Kay) A meeting is scheduled between George Harvie and representatives from Kwantlen University regarding the use of Paterson Park.

· Transportation and Mobility – (Kay) The scooter event in Tsawwassen will take place on September 26th. Issues to be sorted out: liability insurance (as we are not a non-profit, we don’t come under Deltassist’s insurance policy). There are funds we need to procure and this may be possible through Translink which Kay has applied to. Kay will pursue many avenues. Members of the Committee are following up with a number of tasks.

6. Updates from Other Committees:

Access Translink – next meeting is on Thursday, April 23rd.

Seniors Advisory Committee – Corporation is stalled on the Terms of Reference

7. Funding and Sustainability – Kay explained that our Planning Team needs to find a ‘home’; as we have no charity number therefore community clubs are reluctant to give us money. She will be pursuing a partnership for us. As for now, funding will be project based.

Kay’s role – Kay has agreed to stay on as a Volunteer Coordinator. She plans to apply for grants (along with the help from our Committee). She can no longer do the amount of office work she has been contributing. Members are encouraged to print out their own Agenda and Minutes as there is no photocopying budget. Kay is Chair of the Non-Medical Services Committee, ML for the Housing and Marg Kennett for the Transportation and Mobility Team. Val and Joanne will continue as Co-Chairs for the Planning Team.

8. Announcements – Jenn informed us about the June 28th North Delta Community Park Day promoting healthy living. Kay is part of the Collaborate Delta (volunteer recruitment) Day in North Delta. There is a possibility that seniors may be involved in a program to share their life stories with students at Seaquam High School in 2016.

Next meeting: Tuesday, May 19th – 10:00 am to Noon

Benedictine Lutheran Church

5575 – 6th Avenue, Tsawwassen

Our speaker will be Patricia Fleming, the Executive Director from Earthwise Gardens.