Delaware Department of Correction
Council on Correction
March 26, 2013 Meeting Minutes
Members in Attendance: Members Absent:
Chairman Roger Levy Robert Webster
Lois Myers Kevin Marine
Elder Ty Johnson Ann Couzens
Joe Paesani James Burton
Richard Senato Ed Perez
Melissa Dill
DOC in Attendance:
Commissioner Coupe
Gail Stallings-Minor
Ken Abraham
Anna Johnson
Bill Johnson
I. Call to Order
Chairman Roger Levy called to order the regular meeting of the Council on Correction at 4:05 p.m. on Tuesday, March 26, 2013 in Conference Room 300, Department of Correction Administration Building.
Minutes from: May, July, October, November 2012 stand unapproved. Minutes were not taken at the January 2013 meeting because there was not a quorum/meeting was not considered official.
II. Guests were introduced, Ms Johnson and her son Bill both expressed their concern about their son/brother Inmate Wilbur Johnson, failing health and entering the POPS program. Commissioner Coupe stated that he would look into their concerns and respond back.
Ken Abraham expressed his concerns about Inmate Johnson, as well as his feelings about DOC.
III. The purpose of this meeting is to meet the new Commissioner and discuss his plans and the COC’s concerns and plans.
IV. Commissioner’s Report-
· Commissioner Coupe introduced himself to the Council Members in attendance and spoke briefly about his plans for the Department: leadership, transparency and preparing for the future of DOC.
· SB 226
· CIT Conflict Intervention training. Working with DHSS, Amy Kevis on the training and possibility of matching funds.
· Meeting with Drewry Fennel regarding CJC grant funding. Karl Hines is also working with the U of D and CJC on grant funding.
· DOC budget has been submitted, waiting to hear from JFC. Before Commissioner Danberg left DOC OMB had approved 40 COs.
V. New Business
Chairman Levy met with Lydia Prigg in December to discuss the COC and suggested that the COC submit By Laws. Mr. Levy submitted a rough draft to be distributed to the Council for review.
· Roger Levy brought up the cost of long distance calling for the offenders and their families.
· DCI Showroom is not officially open yet but if you have a chance stop by to see the new showroom as it is being worked on.
· Reverend Ty Johnson inquired about the IADAPT Program.
· Roger Levy asked about the community outreach program. Commissioner Coupe will be at attending the CJC outreach meetings.
Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m., motion by Roger Levy
Submitted by Lea M. Dulin