Deforestation Quiz

1) 90% of all deforestation happened before _____

a. 2000

b. 1950

c. 1850

d. 1700

e. 100 BC

2) What country is ranked number one in total hectares of forest deforested in 1995?

a. United States of America

b. United Kingdom

c. Mexico

d. Brazil

e. Bolivia

3) Wood used from deforestation is used for ______?

a. Fire wood

b. Building Materials

c. Paper creation

d. Medicine

e. All of the above

4) What is a major affects of deforestation on the planet?

a. Increased CO2

b. Increased number of grasses

c. Decrease in river height

d. Increase in human population

e. All of the above

5) Deforestation affects all of the following EXCEPT?

a. Air Pollution

b. Soil erosion

c. Illegal Drug Trade

d. Animal species

e. Climate

Short Answer Section

1) What could YOU do to preserve the forests?

2) List different groups you can join to prevent deforestation.

3) List different methods which are used to clear forests.

4) Proposed solutions for preventing deforestation.

5) What are disadvantages to clearing forests for farm land?

Answer Page

Multiple Choice Answers

1) B

2) D

3) E

4) A

5) C

Short Answer Questions

1) Buy only recycled paper and tree materials. Use construction materials made from synthetic substance. Plant trees in your back yard or areas you are permitted.

2) World Land Trust, Green Peace, and Rainforest Action Network.

3) Burning, and clear cutting using any device capable of doing the job.

4) Education, Replanting projects, Tree farms for all materials such as paper and lumber.

5) The soil of forests is only good for several years before the nutrients is depleted and the soil turns to sand.