6th October 2017

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are excited to inform you that we are in the process of organising your child’s residential for this year.

Place of visit: Laches Wood Outdoor Centre, Laches Wood OEC, Laches Lane, Slade Heath, Wolverhampton, WV10 7PA.

Date(s): 15.01.18 – 19.01.18 (By going in January we have been able to significantly reduce the cost of the trip).

Type of activities:

Crystal Maze Team Building Challenges Nature Walk

Orienteering Blindfold Trail BMX Challenge

Archery Wilderness Expedition Indoor Climbing and Bouldering

Fire Lighting The Golden Age of Flight Wide Games

Camp Fire Orienteering

Approximate cost: £142.50

A meeting has been arranged for Thursday 12th October at 5.30pm to provide an opportunity for you to learn more about the residential at Laches Wood and to ask any questions you might have. The meeting will also be an opportunity to discuss any personal and medical arrangements for the visit. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please speak to one of the Year 6 team and we can arrange another time that suits you.

Please can you discuss this visit with your child and return the slip at the bottom of this letter along with a non-refundable deposit of £25 by Monday 16th October.

Thank you to all those that have activated their ParentPay accounts so far and are making payments online. If you need a reminder of your account activation details, please contact the School Business Team.

Thank you for your continued support,

Yours sincerely,

Miss Kohli

Head Teacher


Year 6 Residential- Laches Wood Outdoor Centre

15.01.18 – 19.01.18

Childs Name: _______________________________ Class: _______________

Is not interested in attending the Year 6 Laches Wood Residential.

Is interested in attending the Year 6 Laches Wood Residential and I have included the £25 deposit.

Signed: ______________________________________ Parent/Guardian Date: __________________________