1. General information

Association Name
SRN / Project Contact
Person completing PPE if not the project contact
Contact E-mail address

2. Project background

Please provide a short background to the project. The following points should be considered:

  • What were the circumstances leading to the development of this project?
  • What was the need identified in the original application/economic appraisal*?
  • Where there any specific circumstances/difficulties with this project?
  • When was approval for the project given?
  • When did the project start? When did the project finish?
  • Who managed and who carried out the project?
  • Did third parties provide funding for the project?

3. Project management

What aspects of the management structure worked well?

Were there any aspects that worked poorly or were lacking?

Is there anything that could have been done differently?

Did any unforeseen issues arise that affected the project management process?

How well were the risks managed overall, were there any risks requiring change to identified control measures?

Are there any remaining issues which need to be addressed?

Did the scope of the project change during implementation?

Were there problems with the contractor/contracted party?

4. Project costs


Total Scheme cost


Actual total Scheme cost


Total funded by DPG






Original Qualifying scheme costs


Actual Qualifying scheme costs


Revised Total funded by DPG (if applicable)







Original tariff surplus

(if any)

[Difference between TQSC x grant rate and TNG] /

Actual tariff surplus

(if any)




Please provide, for each year of the project, the estimated cost and the actual cost in the box below. Please provide an explanation for any variation in costs greater than 10%.

Year / Estimated cost / Actual cost / Explanation

5. Works duration

Start date

When was the project first expected to start?(estimated start date at first SHDP publication)
When did the project commence?
If there is any variation between when the project was expected to start and when it actually started please explain this variation.

Finish date

When was the project first expected to finish?(estimated completion date at first SHDP publication)
When did the project finish?
If there is any variation between when the project was expected to finish and when it actually finished please explain this variation.

Works duration

What was the expected duration of the project estimated in the application/economic appraisal*?
What was the actual duration of the project estimated in the application/economic appraisal*?
What is the variation between the estimated work duration and the actual work duration?
Please explain the variation.
Date of first tenancy occupation

6. Project objectives assessment

Taking the objectives from the original application/economic appraisal*, assess to what extent they were achieved using the key provided below and give a short explanation.

(as specified in the original application/economic appraisal*) / Extent achieved (see key) / Explanation
Key / ++ Fully achieved / + Partially achieved / / Not achieved

7. Assessment against Project alternatives

Taking the identified options from the original application/economic appraisal*, compare the outcome if the selected option was not delivered against alternative decisions available.

Alternative options / Potential outcome compared to actual outcome

8. Non-monetary benefits assessment

Evaluate to what extent the non-monetary benefits identified in the application/economic appraisal* have been achieved.

If possible try to show evidence of how each non-monetary benefit has been achieved; if it has not been achieved please explain why.

Non-monetary benefits
(as specified in the original application/economic appraisal) / Extent achieved (see key) / Explanation
Key / ++ Fully achieved / + Partially achieved / / Not achieved

Identify any additional benefits in the box below. These are non-monetary benefits that accrued as a result of the project, that were not anticipated in the original application/economic appraisal*.

9. Risks

In the box provided discuss to what extent the risks identified in the original application/economic appraisal* occurred and how effective the mitigation to these risks were.

Also identify any additional risks associated with this project that were not foreseen in the original application/economic appraisal*.

(as specified in the original application/economic appraisal*) / Extent managed (see key) / Explanation
Key / ++ Fully managed / + Partially managed / / Not managed

10. Benefits Realisation Plan

(as specified in the original application/economic appraisal) / Extent achieved (see key) / Explanation
Key / ++ Fully achieved / + Partially achieved / / Not achieved

11. Lessons learned

Were any lessons learnt about implementation of this project with respect to preventing cost overruns, avoiding time delays, achieving objectives and targets, and managing the realisation of benefits that might benefit others conducting similar projects?

Identify factors that went well with respect to the management of the project, which can be usefully applied to future projects.

Identify factors that did not go so well with respect to the management of the project, from which lessons can be usefully applied to future projects.

Issues / Action taken/proposed action for future projects

Comments – you may add further comments about the project.

You may attach reports or evidence of project achievements. List any attachments here.

Signed(Author) / Date completed
The Association certifies that:
  1. It is satisfied that the information presented in this PPE is an accurateand complete assessment of the project outcomes to the standard required by DSD.
  2. Value for Money within a variation threshold of +/- 10% of approved costs has been achieved in line with the approved EA. If not full reasons have been provided to DPG with relevant supporting evidence.
  3. Any divergence from the approved EA has been explained in the PPE in proportionate detail.
  4. The association will ensure that ‘Lessons Learned’ are disseminated across other social housing developers.

Signed / Date
(Officer or member of Association authorised by the Management Committee)

*Where appropriate.

Both electronic version and signed hard copy are required to be submitted to DPG

Please scan & email this form, once completed and authorised, to

Post to:Schemes Team, Development Programme Group

Housing Centre, 4th Floor

2 Adelaide Street
