Ceremony for the Order of the Master of Defense

Herald will call Candidate into court.

QUEEN: ________________________, well-pleased with your prowess upon the field, We are minded to create you a Master of the Order of Defense. Will you accept from Us this honor, and swear fealty to the Crown of the Kingdom of An Tir?

CANDIDATE: Yes, Your Majesty.

QUEEN: Who would speak for this candidate?

Speakers will speak of the virtues of the candidate.

KING; By what sword would you make swear Fealty and receive this accolade?

The new peer shall state his/her choice, and the Crown shall take up the sword:

The HERALD will lead the oath (in phrases):

CANDIDATE: Here do I swear fealty to King Savaric and Queen Dalla my undoubted King and Queen, that I will obey Their lawful commands in all matters that concern this realm,

and uphold the Crown and Kingdom of An Tir.

QUEEN: All this do We hear. And We, for Our part, do swear fealty to ___________, to protect and defend him and his household with all Our power, so long as We remain Sovereigns of An Tir.

So say We, Dalla, Queen of An Tir.

KING: So say We, Savaric, King of An Tir.

Taking the sword by the hilt, the Queen shall bestow the accolade on the candidate with the flat of the blade upon the right shoulder, the left shoulder, and then upon the crown of the head.

QUEEN: Arise, Master ________________

QUEEN: Bring forth the medallion.

When the medallion arrives, if there is history it may be shared at this time. Then the QUEEN will give the medallion to the candidate.

QUEEN: Then take from Our hands this token of your accomplishment and Our esteem.

QUEEN: Bring forth the Collar.

QUEEN: Wear this collar as symbol of that nobility to which your own labors, as much as Our recognition, have raised you.

And here the Queen shall deliver the buffet(either a blow or a kiss), saying:

QUEEN: Accept this blow to always the vow you have made this day.

KING: Go now to your peers.

IF there is a scroll Let it be read now

Master of Defense

Savaric and Dalla