Monday December 11th, 2017.

Dear Families,

On Wednesday December 20th JK-Grade 4 classes will visit Dundurn Castle. We will depart from B.C.A. at 9:00 a.m. and return in time for lunch.

Students will take part in holiday traditions from 200 years ago. Through hands-on, inquiry-based activities, students will explore the Christmas traditions of the Gage family and experience the sights, scents and sounds of an early 19th century Christmas.

We are asking for volunteers to help assist students for the morning. Volunteers will be chosen on a first come first served basis and teachers will contact the volunteers chosen. This field trip will count for three volunteer hours to go towards the GIFTS program.

Please sign and return the form below by Friday December 15th.

I give ________________________________________ permission to travel on a bus and go take part in the Dundurn Castle Field Trip on Wednesday December 20th.

______________________________________ ____________________________

Signature Date

I’d like to volunteer on Wednesday December 20th