Dear CAI Manager Member:

On January 1, 2016, I begin my term as Chair of the Association of Professional Community Managers (APCM) Board with Tracy Clay, CMCA, AMS, PCAM, beside me as the Chair-Elect, serving with 11 other manager members. We know any organization is only as good as the people behind it. Throughout 2016, I plan to call on you for recommendations, advice and input. Please take a few minutes to review the form below and identify your areas of interest or places where you can offer expertise. I will be calling on you when APCM is looking for counsel from our peers. The two committee appointees will be reviewed and approved in late January 2016. All other interest areas will be called upon as needed. We look forward to working with you in 2016! Please return this form by Friday, December 18, 2015.

Vanessa Dreyer, LSM, PCAM

2016 APCM Board Chair

APCM Committee/Task Force Interest Form

Yes, I would like to contribute my expertise. Please print legibly or attach your business card.

Name Designations

Title Company/Assn


City, State, Zip

Phone Fax

Cell E-mail

Please check the committee on which you are interested in serving. Limited availability.

CEO-MC Committee (Must be the CEO of a management company)

Large-Scale Managers Committee (Must be employed as a large-scale manager, defined as managing a community providing municipal services with a minimum of 1,000 units or a minimum of 1,000 acres and a minimum of a $2 million operating budget.)

Please check your area(s) of interest or expertise (open to all CAI manager and management company members):

Course Development

Exam Proctor


Research Foundation

Legislative Action Committees

Author for magazine/newsletter articles

Presentations for Conferences, education programs and webinars

Membership Recruitment

Local Chapter Involvement

Newsletter Author Educational Speaker

Committee Member (committees vary by chapter)

Other (specify your expertise or interest)

No, I cannot volunteer at this time, however, I have the following idea(s) to further CAI’s efforts on behalf of the industry

Return to: Jeanine Hurley, Senior Manager, Member Service Center

(703) 970-9558 Fax