Days of the Week in French
This lesson will teach you how to say thedays of the weekin French (Les Jours de la Semaine). All days of the weekin Frenchend in "-di" with the exception of Sunday.And you will find it easy to remember their gender because they are all masculine.Unlike in English, French days of the weekare not capitalized unless they are placed in the beginning of a sentence.It's also worthwhile to mention that Frenchcalendars normally start on Monday rather than Sunday.
Frenchword / Englishtranslation / Pronunciationlundi / Monday / luh(n)-dee
mardi / Tuesday / mahr-dee
mercredi / Wednesday / mehr-kruh-dee
jeudi / Thursday / zhuh-dee
vendredi / Friday / vah(n)-druh-dee
samedi / Saturday / sahm-dee
dimanche / Sunday / dee-mah(n)sh
French Months of the Year
This lesson will teach you how to say themonths of the yearin French. The names of the months are considered to be international words. They are fairly similar in French and English languages and should be easy for you to learn. Note that in French, the months are not capitalized unless they occur in the beginning of a sentence. Besides that, all months in French are masculine.
Frenchword / Englishtranslation / Pronunciationjanvier / January / zhah(n)-vee ay
février / February / fay-vree-yay
mars / March / mahrs
avril / April / ah-vreel
mai / May / meh
juin / June / zhwa(n)
juillet / July / zhwee-eh
août / August / oooroot
septembre / September / sehp-tah(n)br
octobre / October / ohk-tohbr
novembre / November / noh-vah(n)br
décembre / December / day-sah(n)br
More French Words for Scheduling and Planning
Frenchword / Englishtranslation / Pronunciationfin de semaine / weekend / fin deh suh-mehn
jour de congé / day off / Zhoor duh kohn zhay
jour de travail / working day / Zhoor duh trah vye
demain / tomorrow / duh-ma(n)
aujourd'hui / today / oh-zhoor-dwee
hier / yesterday / yehr
Cette semaine / this week / Seht suh-mehn
la semaine prochaine / next week / Lah suh-mehn proh-shehn
la semaine dernière / last week / Lah suh-mehn dehr-nyah
un jour / a day / uh(n) zhoor
Une semaine / a week / ewnsuh-mehn
un mois / a month / uh(n) mwah
un an / a year / uh(n) nah(n)
Questions and answers with dates
In French, the date is expressed using the following three-part formula:
le + (number) + (month) EX: June 2 would be: le deux juin
The one exception to the rule is the 1st of the month. This is expressed with “le premier”
January 1 = le premier janvier
Frenchword / Englishtranslation / PronunciationQuelle est la date aujourd’hui? / What is the date today? / Kehl ay lah dat oh zhoor dwee
C’est le ______
# month / It’s the ______/ Say leh ______
C’est quel jour aujourd’hui? / What day is it today? / Say kehl zhoor oh zhoor dwee
Aujourd’hui c’est ______? / Today is ______. / oh zhoor dwee say ______
Quand est ton anniversaire? / When is your birthday? / Kohn ay tohn anee ver sayr
Mon anniversaire est le ______
# month / My birthday is ______
Month # / Mohn anee ver sayr ay leh
Tu as quel âge? / How old are you? / Too ah kehl ahzh
J’ai _____ ans / I’m ____ years old. / Zhay _____ anzh