
Approval of Requisitions


Login to Colleague Page 2

Approvals, the Short Form 3

Approvals, after July 1 (New Fiscal Year) 8

Adding the Next Approver 11

Tools Available to the Approver 12

Logout from Colleague 14

Datatel/Colleague Approval of Requisitions

Sign-On to Colleague Menus:

  1. Click on Datatel User Interface (UI) icon.

The system responds with the following Datatel Login prompt:

  1. User ID: Type your User ID in lower-case letters.
  1. Password: Type your password in lower-case letters.
  1. Database: Select “clive_ui” for the Live account, or

Select “sandbxui” for the Sandbox test account.

Note: You can move between the three fields above by using the keyboard TAB key or by simply clicking on the field.

  1. Click on “OK”.

After logging in Colleague takes you to the main menu below:

In the Quick Access box (top left), key in “APRN” and click on “GO”.

Note: If the first item displayed on the left side is NOT “CF” (for Colleague Financials), click “Apps” on the tool bar and from the drop-down menu select CF.

The APRN Approvals Needed screen will prompt as follows:

1.  On the screen below, type your Colleague User Name, and click OK.

2. On the screen below, type in the 4-digit fiscal year and then click OK.

Note: Bergen Community College starts a new fiscal year every July 1.

That means-

Up until June 30, the fiscal year and the calendar year are the same.

For example, up to June 30, 2008 the fiscal year is 2008;

Starting July 1, 2008 the fiscal year is 2009.

3. Colleague prompts for your approvals password. Enter it, and click OK.

Approval passwords can be changed via menu item APPW.

This password should be different than your login password.

You are now ready to start approving requisitions…

The APRN screen will display the requisitions that need your approval.

If it is before July 1, when the College has one fiscal year open, continue on to the next page.

If it is after July 1, please turn to page 8 for detail instructions.

If it is before July 1, when the College has one fiscal year open:

1.  Click on the “Approve” column (far right) for the requisition you wish to approve.

2.  Type a “Y” (for yes) and press the ENTER key.

Repeat the above steps for each requisition you wish to approve.

When you are finished marking requisitions for approval…

Press the ENTER key again.

Colleague responds with the following screen.

Click on Update to record your approval.

The approvals process is complete!

Notes: The College requires executive approval on all requisitions over $1000.00 in total value. See Adding the Next Approver on Page 11.

The approver can view all the details of the requisition prior to approving it.

See Tools Available to the Approver on Page 12.

Approvals after July 1

After July 1 every year, the basic approvals process, as described on page 6, will respond with the following message:

Click on the detail icon or press the F2 keyboard function key to detail on the requisition you wish to approve. This will take you to the REQM Requisition Maintenance screen where the following message appears:

Click on “Y” (for yes).

Click on the Approvals field (lower left of screen) to continue.

Approvals: Click on the detail icon or press the F2 keyboard function key to detail on this field. The screen on the next page appears.

Enter your Login ID on line 1, left side under Approvals,

then press the F9 function key.

Click on update and the approvals process is complete.

Adding the Next Approver

Very often after adding your approval, the following message appears.

This is because in addition to your approval…

Bergen Community College requires executive level approval of all requisitions with a value over $1,000.00,


The College requires OIT approval of computer equipment and software.

After adding your approval to the requisition (see previous page), click on the Next Approvals field and enter the login ID of the appropriate next approver (Enter “…” in the Next Approvals field to display all approvers).

Requisitions without College-required approvals will not be processed.

Tools Available to the Approver

The approver can view all the details of the requisition. As shown on page 8, the approver can detail into the REQM screen, to get the following screen:

Click on the detail icon or press the F2 keyboard function key to detail on any of the following fields: Approvals, Line Items, Printed Comments or Comments.

Example: If you detail on Line Items, a listing of all the items on the requisition appears.

If you detail on a line item, the screen on the next page appears…

The approver can review the following for each requisition line item:

The full item description,

GL Account No (budget code),

Desired Date,

Vendor Part,


And Quantity, Unit of Issue and Est. Price.

Please verify that the item descriptions, vendor part numbers, quantities and General Ledger budget codes are correct for all line items.

Logout from Colleague

1. Click on “File” on the left side of the toolbar…

2. Click on “Exit” to Logout from Colleague.

Note: Do not exit by clicking on the top-right-corner Red X.

(This exit may not be immediately recognized as the end of your session).

Revision Date: November 2007