Pupil Council Meeting 19/10/16

Present: Jack Edwards, Alex Bowman, Kirsten Ireland, Alix Webster, Imogen Crozier, Erin Stewart, Dr Mustard

Apologies: Calum McGilvary, Emma Jackson, Keiran Hingston, Anna Butchart (assembly)

1)Meeting with canteen staff

Dr Mustard spoke to the manageress of the canteen. She will be pleased to meet with the pupil council at FT on Wednesday 26th October. The purpose of the meeting will be to go over the canteen survey. Erin and Imogen volunteered to take lead roles in chairing the meeting.

2)Letter from Service Manager regarding Stinkie Brae steps

Dr Mustard showed the pupil council Elaine Hughes (Service manager, performance) response to their letter regarding the steps. In summary she said that the steps have now been inspected and it has been noted that 1 or 2 are chipped. She will look into the cost of repairing these steps. She also suggested that the council gets in touch with the council’s grounds maintenance department to see if they can clear the excess of leaves.

3)Update on hairdryers

Dr Mustard has passed on prices to Anna. She will speak to the PE department in due course.

4)RRSA charter

Dr Mustard explained that the RRSA group have begun creating the charter. She shared the survey results with the PC. Article 28 and Article 29 are very clear front runners. The RRSA group has therefore begun writing a charter around these two articles. The RRSA group would like to include another two articles in the charter but they need to ask support staff to complete the survey before deciding on the next two articles to use. Dr Mustard has arranged a training event with the support staff on the 2nd November. She will ask the support staff to complete the survey then.

Dr Mustard then asked the PC to give their views on the charter so far. Suggested changes are in bold.

Article 28

Every child has the right to an education. We shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that school discipline is administered in a manner consistent with the child’s dignity’

The Role of CHS staff

To ensure that restorative approaches are used in a way that:

1)maintains the dignity of the pupil

2)promote positive relationships between staff and pupils

3)Creates a safe and purposeful learning environment

The Role of Pupils

To respond to restorative approaches so that:

1)Mutual respect is maintained between the staff and pupils

2)Learning can resume quickly and effectively

3)Be considerate towards other peoples educational right

The above had been written by Dr Mustard for a recent assembly. She suggested the roles need to expanded to consider ‘The Right to an Education’.

Article 29

‘Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.’

Role of Staff

Staff should:

1)Offer a range and raise pupil awareness of the extra-curricular clubs offered at CHS

2)Be aware of the individual learning needs of their pupils

3)Promote the UNCRC in their classroom and wider school community

4)Promote global citizenship through the curriculum

Role of Pupils

1)Senior pupils should mentor and guide junior pupils

2)Engage in extra-curricular clubs that will develop their talents and abilities

3)Pupils should have a good awareness of their rights and responsibilities

4)Pupils should strive to be excellent global citizens

5)Update on benches

Kieran and a group of 8 or 9 pupils successfully built the wooden benches. Thanks to Mr Ramsay for helping out and providing tools etc.


Dr Mustard said we need to write up another you said/we did and also ask to have an assembly.