Exhibit VII-I DUS Delinquent Loan Report

Use this form to report monthly on all DUS loans that are 60 or more days delinquent until Interim Loss Sharing is approved by Fannie Mae. If Interim Loss Sharing is not applicable, use this form until the Final Settlement of Loss is calculated as of the Asset Valuation Date.


Reporting Month Lender Name: Lender Address:

Lender Number:

Fannie Mae Loan Number:

Property Name:

Property Address:

Borrower Name:

Borrower Address:

Date of Default: Loss Level:

Actual UPB on Date of Default:

Submit the original of this report with a copy of the Borrower's payment history, record of Lender advances, and copies of bills and checks to Multifamily Activities in the Property Regional Office. Attach a copy of this report (without the supporting documentation attached) to the Form 2010 submitted to Fannie Mae for the same reporting month. This form is due on the 7th of the month following the reporting month (e.g. - This report is due on May 7th for activity in the reporting month of April). Refer to Part VII, Section 103 of the DUS Guide for definitions of terms used in this form.

1. Source of Payment

a. Add: NOI

b. Add: Borrower (out‑of‑pocket -

if this information is available)

c. Equals: Total Borrower Payment

d. Less: Amount retained by Lender for

reserves, taxes, and insurance, if required

by the mortgage documents

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Exhibit VII-I DUS Delinquent Loan Report

e. Equals: Amount to be Applied to P&I

f. Add: Delinquency Advance by Lender (Must not

exceed the total of Lines 2a and 2b below)

g. Equals: Total Payment Remitted to Fannie Mae

(Must agree with Line 2c below)

2. Application of Payment

The Lender must apply borrower payments, including partial payments, in accordance with the Note and Mortgage. Commencing with the Date of Default, the Lender is not required to advance its own funds for reserves and deposits for insurance or taxes.

a. Add: Interest (From Section 1,

Line B, Form 2010)

b. Add: Principal (From Section 1,

Line B, Form 2010)

c. Equals: Total Payment Remitted to Fannie Mae

(Must agree with Line 1g above)

d. Add: Reserves

e. Add: Insurance

f. Add: Taxes

g. Equals: Borrower's Full Monthly Payment

Obligation net of servicing fee

3. Servicing Advances and Delinquency Resolution Costs

Servicing Advances and Delinquency Resolution Costs in Reporting Month (advances and costs paid by the Lender from its own funds) Attach copies of bills and checks for amounts claimed on this report. Advances made in prior months but not previously submitted should be submitted within 60 days after payment.

a. Servicing Advances

Add: Taxes Paid

Add: Insurance Paid

Add: Other Assessments Paid

Add: Costs to Preserve and

Protect the Property

Current Month's Servicing Advances

b. Delinquency Resolution Costs

Add: Attorney Fees

Add: Appraisal Fees

Add: Credit Reports

Add: Recordation Costs

Add: Court Costs

Add: Environmental Assessment

Add: Other (Specify)

Current Month's Delinquency Resolution Costs

c. Commencing with the Date of Default, the Lender is not required to fund deposits to replacement reserves or custodial accounts for assessments, insurance premiums, or taxes but the Lender must pay bills for preservation and protection of the property, assessments, insurance premiums, or taxes when due without penalty.

Taxes Paid Through Amount Insurance Paid Through Amount Assessments Paid Through Amount Paid Through Amount

4. Net Operating Income

Does Fannie Mae have control of the NOI through a receiver or is NOI being remitted voluntarily by the borrower?

Yes No

If not, please explain

5. Lender's Cumulative Advances

a. Add: Ending Balance of Cumulative Delinquency Advances

from Prior Month's Report

b. Add: Current Month's Delinquency Advance

(From Line 1f of this report)

c. Equals: Ending Balance of Cumulative Delinquency Advances

d. Add: Ending Balance of Cumulative Servicing Advances

from Prior Month's Report

e. Add: Current Month's Servicing Advances

(From Line 3a of this report)

f. Equals: Ending Balance of Cumulative Servicing Advances

g. Cumulative Servicing Advances:

Taxes Paid

Insurance Paid

Other Assessments Paid

Costs to Preserve and Protect

the Property

Equals: Ending Balance of Cumulative Servicing Advances

(Must agree with Line 5f of this report)

h. Add: Ending Balance of Cumulative Delinquency Resolution

Costs from Prior Month's Report

i. Add: Current Month's Delinquency Resolution Costs

(From Line 3b of this report)

j. Equals: Ending Balance of Cumulative Delinquency

Resolution Costs

k. Cumulative Delinquency Resolution Costs:

Attorney Fees

Appraisal Fees

Credit Reports

Recordation Costs

Court Costs

Environmental Assessment

Other (Specify)

l. Equals: Ending Balance of Cumulative Delinquency Resolution

Costs (Must agree with Line 5 j of this report)

5% of Actual UPB on Date of Default

Forecasted Date of Interim Loss Sharing, if applicable

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Exhibit VII-I DUS Delinquent Loan Report


Prepared by: Phone: Approved by: President/General Partner


Fannie Mae:

Reviewed by:

Approved by: Regional Multifamily Vice President


Fannie Mae DUS Guide Page 5
