DUDIT (Drug Use Disorders Identification Test)

For each question select your answer and fill in the score given in the box at the end of the row

Questions / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / Score
1 / How often do you use drugs other than alcohol? / Never / Monthly or less / 2-4 x a month / 2-3 x a week / 4 or more x a week
Uzisebenzisa kangaphi iziyobisi ngaphandle kotywala / Azange / Ngenyanga okanye ngaphezulu / 2-4
ngenyanga / 2-3
ngeveki / 4
2 / Do you use more than one type of drug on the same occasion? / Never / Once a month or less / 2-4 x a month / 2-3 x a week / 4 x a week or more
Ingaba usebenzisa uhlobo olunye leziyobisi nexesha elinye / azange / Kanye
Okanye ngaphantsi / 2-4
ngenyanga / 2-3
ngeveki / 4
3 / How many times do you take drugs on a typical day when you use drugs? / Never / 1-2 / 3-4 / 5-6 / 7 or more
Uzisebenzisa kangakanani iziyobisi xa uthe wazicinga / azange / 1-2 / 3-4 / 5-6 / 7
4 / How often are you influenced heavily by drugs? / Never / Less than monthly / Monthly / Weekly / Daily or almost daily
Kukangaphi apho iziyobisi zibene futhe kuwe / azange / Ngaphantsi
kwenyanga / Inyanga
yonke / Iveki yonke / Usuku
Ntsuku zonke
5 / Over the past year, have you felt that your longing for drugs was so strong that you could not resist it? / Never / Less than monthly / Monthly / Weekly / Daily or almost daily
Kulonyaka ophelileyo ukhe waziva ufuna iziyobisi kakhulu wangakwazi ukuzi bamba / azange / Ngaphantsi
kwenyanga / Inyanga
yonke / Iveki
yonke / Usuku
Ntsuku zonke
6 / Has it happened, over the past year, that you have not been able to stop taking drugs once you started? / Never / Less than monthly / Monthly / Weekly / Daily or almost daily
Kulonyaka ophelile kukhe kwenzeka xa uqale ukuzisebenzisa woyiswe kukuziyeka / azange / Ngaphantsi
kwenyanga / Inyanga
yonke / Iveki
yonke / Usuku
Okanye ntsuku
7 / How often over the past year have you taken drugs and then neglected to do something you should have done? / Never / Less than monthly / Monthly / Weekly / Daily or almost daily
Kulonyaka ophelileyo kukangaphi apho uye woyiswa kukwenza obufanele ukukwenza ngenxa yeziyobisi / aznge / Ngaphantsi
kwenyanga / Inyanga
yonke / Iveki
yonke / Usuku
Ntsuku zonke
8 / How often over the past year have you needed to take a drug the morning after heavy drug use the day before? / Never / Less than monthly / Monthly / Weekly / Daily or almost daily
Kulonyaka ophelile kukangaphi apho ubulele usebenzise iziyobisi uvuke kusasa ufuna zona ngaphambi kokwenza nontonina? / azange / Ngaphantsi
kwenyanga / Inyanga
yonke / Iveki
yonke / Usuku
Ntsuku zonke
9 / How often over the past year have you had guilt feelings or a bad conscience because you used drugs? / Never / Yes, but not in the last year / Yes, during the last year
Kulonyaka ophelile ukhe waziva unesazela kuba usebenzisa iziyobisi / azange / Ewe,kodwa hayi kulonyaka ophelile / Ewe,kulonyaka
10 / Have you or anyone else been hurt (mentally or physically) because you used drugs? / No / Yes, but not in the last year / Yes, during the last year
Ukhe wonzakala okanye wonzakalisa umntu emzimbeni okanye nasengqondweni kuba usebenzise iziyobisi? / hayi / Ewe,hayi kulonyaka
ophelile / Ewe,kulonyaka
11 / Has a relative or a friend, a doctor or a nurse, or anyone else, been worried about your drug use or said to you that you should stop using drugs? / No / Yes, but not in the last year / Yes, during the last year
Kukhe kwakho isizalwana sakho umhlobo,uqgirha,unesi okanye nabanina okwaziyo bathi kwakho othi yeka ukusebenzisa iziyobisi / hayi / Ewe,kodwa
Hayi kulonyaka
ophelile / Ewe,kulonyaka

Add up the total score, allocate to a zone and manage according to the guideline below

Male < 6
Female < 3 / Low risk or abstinence / Basic education.
- Explain risks of drug use using the information sheet
- Explain known impact on adherence and viral suppression
Up to 25 / In excess of low-risk guide-lines. Probably at risk for problems caused by drugs / Basic education as above
Brief intervention incorporating motivational interviewing principles
­  Engage patient empathetically
­  Show discrepancies between expressed goals and current behaviour
­  Identify levels of motivation and confidence to change
­  Accept initial resistance – it often changes with time
­  Exchange information relevant to achieving consult goals
List problem under current diagnoses to ensure follow-up at future consultations
> 25 / ZONE 4
Drugs likely to be causing significant problems and dependence probable present / Needs more specialised intervention
Use motivational interviewing principles to direct the patient to local substance abuse programs (see attached resources list)
List problem under current diagnoses to ensure follow-up at future consultations