DREW Grade Level Collaborative PLC (Weekly)

Just CARE to be the BEST

Grade Level: __ ___Kindergarten______Date:11-23-15

Data Literacy
What piece of data did you review and discuss during this PLC to help guide your instructional plan for the week? What were the results? Identify the strengths & weaknesses
What Instructional Strategy as a grade level will be implemented as a result of this data? / We are collectively going over our DRA, letter names and sounds data. We looked at where we were to start, where we are now and where we need to go…
As a team, we have met our first quarter goal of increasing our number of proficient students by 9 in Letter Sounds.
2nd quarter goal: The percentage of kindergartners scoring proficient in letter sounds will increase from 56% to 90% by January 8th.
Smart Goal: The percentage of kindergarten students’ scoring proficient or higher in DRA will increase from 10% to 80% by the end of May 2016 as measured by the end of the year reading criteria.
The team will move a total of 28 students to proficient by the end of 2nd quarter.
The team filled in and discussed Data Teams Template and Rubrics Steps 1, 2, and 3.
What do we want all students to know during this cycle? / Instructional Cycles: Test Specs; Units of Study (Journeys); Deconstructed Standards
LAFS.K.RL.3.9 With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories.
MAFS.K.CC.1.3 by the end of the lesson students will be able to read and write numerals 0-20.
SCK.N.1.1, SCK.N.1.5, SCK.L.14.3 by the end of the unit students will be able to identify what plants are like, what they need, how they grow, and plant parts.
Instructional Cycle 3
Assessments: Letter Names and Sounds/ DRA
How will mastery be determined? / MATH: Count a given number of objects and write the correct matching numeral and word.
READING: Students will use a Frayer model to compare and contrast the characters experiences and adventures in two stories with 80% accuracy.
How will we respond to students who do not meet mastery? / MATH: Students who do not meet mastery will use manipulatives to show the correspondence between the numeral and visual representation; reverting back to 1 through 5 and incorporating out of sequence.
READING: Teachers will use movement and songs to help students understand what compare and contrast means. Teachers will go back and help students identify objects that are familiar by using hands on activities.
How will we respond when students meet/exceed mastery? / MATH: Students who meet mastery will start working on how to complete an addition sentence.
READING: Students will create their own version of the story and compare and contrast the character experiences and adventures.
Scaling(Sharing) UP Best Practices / Ms. Killinger: Twas the night before Thanksgiving story, a farmer pocket activity students do an activity to the beat of the hookie pookie counting the number of objects and place them in the pocket. Math fill in the tally and ten frame
Ms. Wilks Share out how to use the swag folders, share out ways to use writing journals by have students who are unable to write trace the upper case and lower case letters and a scavenger hunt for the letter.
Ms. Koetter poem Fall of Colors students search for rhyming words and synonyms for the words.
Ms. Cesar has a making 10 song with students. Making 10 is easy and students give the 2 numbers that make 10. Sammy Sentence song on how to correctly write a sentence. Students will build Sammy sentence with red cap for every sentence begins with an upper case letter and know every sentence ends with a punctuation mark.
Making the Connections with Marzano (Learning Map)
Which Design Question/ Element did you discuss? How will the team work on implementing Design Questions #2, 3, &4?
Grade Level Operational Updates
This area can be used to discuss Field trips, dances, deadlines, reviewing dismissal procedures, instructional time etc. / Instructional Cycle 3 begins November 30th
Next DRA testing begins week of December 7, 2015.
Grade Level Questions or Concerns that need ADMIN’s attention?
Other/ Important Dates / Teachers will bring Fluency ideas (for sight words) for proficient students as well as Decoding skills ideas.
Science: Continue with Unit 3 What are plants like?