Español 6-8 Nombre _________________________________

El Día de los muertos

You will be working with another classmate or by yourself to complete the following assignment. You can answer the questions in any order.

What do Mexicans celebrate on the "Day of the Dead?"

1. What days is Dia de los Muertos celebrated on? ________________________

2. What Native American group originally celebrated this holiday? ______________________

3. What European country made the celebration into a Catholic tradition? ___________________

4. Is the mood of the celebration happy or sad? __________________

5. In Mexican traditions, what do the dead souls do on Dia de los Muertos?


6. On Day of the Dead families create altars for their dead relatives called ofrendas.

What do people put on the altars? Write at least 4 things

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7. What do people do in the cemeteries? ____________________________________________

8. What is a calaca? ________________________

9. What are two of the typical foods of Dia de los Muertos?

________________ ________________

How is Day of the Dead different from Halloween? Name 3 differences




Calacas >>>