Cycles Of Nature-accordian Foldable

Students are to Draw and Label Water Cycle from text…on a ¼ sheet of paper…

Define transpiration and condensation

Carbon Cycle

(Handout for foldable)

Carbon is found in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide gas CO2;

Carbon is found in the oceans as dissolved carbon dioxide.

Carbon is found on land in animals, rocks & soil. Underground as coal, petroleum & calcium carbonate (chalk);

During photosynthesis plants take in CO2 and release O2;

When animals die & decompose, carbon is released into the soil.

Eventually these compounds break down & the carbon returns to the atmosphere.

During respiration, animals take in oxygen gas (O2) and give off (exhale) carbon dioxide (CO2);


All living things require nitrogen compounds (nucleic acids & proteins);

Air is 79% nitrogen (nitrogen gas) but most living organisms cannot use nitrogen in this form. Special bacteria “fix” it for plants…and then animals eat the plants…

DENITRIFICATION- converting nitrogen compounds (nitrates) into nitrogen gas;

NITROGEN FIXATION-process of converting nitrogen gas into ammonia or a useable form of nitrogen.


The movement of oxygen between the air (atmosphere)…(0.01% of oxygen), living things (biosphere)…(0.49% oxygen) and the Earth’s crust (lithosphere)….(99.5% of Oxygen);

*Oxygen is found stored in rocks of the Earth as oxide minerals & is consumed during rock weathering processes where “oxides” (such as rust) are produced.

*Oxygen is consumed during combustion (burning);

*Oxygen is taken in by animals during respiration.

*Oxygen is given off by plants during photosynthesis.