Curriculum Vitae
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Ph.D., Doctor of Philosophy, Criminology Department 2002-2008
Dissertation: Intimate partner abuse on campus: A test of social learning theory
Concentration: Methods/Statistics & Victimology
Marshall University
Masters of Science, Criminal Justice
Minor, Sociology 2000-2002
Concentration: Corrections
Wheeling Jesuit University
Bachelors of Arts, Criminal Justice
Minor, History 1996-2000
Awards and Honors
· Wheeling Jesuit University Presidential Scholarship Award 1996-2000
· Diocesan Scholarship Award 1996-2000
· American Society of Criminology Active Member (2004)
· Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Active Member (2004)
· Southern Criminal Justice Association Active Member (2007)
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
The Citadel
The Military College of South Carolina
Charleston, SC 29409
Supervisor: Dr. Gardel Feurtado
Currently teaching three courses (Crime Prevention, Victims of Crime, and Introduction to Criminal Justice (2 sections). Crime Prevention and Victims of Crime are both upper level courses incorporating detailed lecture, guest lecture, debate, short films, and student involvement projects which include recognizing victims of crime in the local community and active participation in programs to support these victims; and recognition of criminal elements in the community and in depth research analysis on the core problems and solutions to crime. Introduction to Criminal Justice is a freshmen oriented class that I personally enjoy. Welcoming the new students to campus has always been pleasure, but at a military institution where additional demands are placed on a student, the advising and preparation for excelling in college is a welcome challenge.
Assistant Professor of Applied Criminology
(Online course development and teaching included)
Western Carolina University
Cullowhee, NC 28723
August 2008-August 2009
Supervisor: Dr. Stephen Brown
I taught three courses; Courts in America, Research Methods, and Senior Seminar (writing intensive). Research Methods requires students to know the basics of qualitative and quantitative statistics, the use of SPSS, and how to formulate a research project. Courts in America requires students to learn the inner workings of the courts system including individual players in the courtroom and the different levels of courts. Senior seminar requires each graduating student to create resumes, research graduate schools, places of employment, practice public speaking, and work on professional writing and emailing with a capstone requirement. Along with guest speakers from criminal justice fields, each student will create and maintain a portfolio outlining the projects they have created throughout the semester. I created an online version of Victimology CJ 310 and taught it along with Senior Seminar and Research Methods in the Spring 09. Currently I am designing an online version of Crime Prevention and Business and Industrial Security for the university. In addition, I have taught Crime Prevention (Summer, 2009).
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice (2 years)
(Online course development/teaching and graduate teaching included)
Marshall University
Huntington, WV 25701
Fall 2006 – August 2008
Supervisor: Dr. Peggy Brown
Courses Instructed: Introduction to Criminal Justice, Introduction to Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime (on-campus and online), Corrections, Crime Prevention, Business and Industrial Security (graduate course), and Statistics.
Full Time Faculty/Temporary Position
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, Pennsylvania 15701
Fall 2005-Spring 2006
Supervisor: Dr. David Myers
Courses Instructed: Multiple sections of Crime and Delinquency Prevention and Criminology.
Temporary Faculty/TA
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, Pennsylvania 15701
Spring 2005
Supervisor: Dr. David Myers
Courses Instructed: Multiple sections of Crime and Delinquency Prevention and Criminology.
Teaching Associate
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, Pennsylvania 15701
Fall 2004
Supervisor: Dr. David Myers
Courses Instructed: Crime and Delinquency Prevention.
Teaching Assistant (1 year)
Marshall University
Huntington, WV 25701
Fall 2001-Spring 2002
Supervisor: Dr. Peggy Brown
Courses Instructed: Introduction to Corrections.
Research Experience
Graduate/Research Assistant
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, Pennsylvania 15701
August 2003-May 2004
Supervisor: Dr. Jen Roberts/Dr. Timothy Austin
Assistantship entailed research in the area of gang involvement, life course persistence, and routine activities theory in combination with both Professors.
Graduate/Research Assistant (NICE)
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, Pennsylvania 15701
August 2002-May 2003
Supervisor: Dr. Sherwood Zimmerman
The assistantship entailed research in the area of correctional education. Also, mini lectures and research in the area of the history of correctional education were developed. Additional planning for the development of a correctional education summer academy were duties involved with the National Institute for Correctional Education (NICE).
Graduate/Research Assistant
Department of Criminal Justice at Marshall University
Huntington, WV 25701
August 2001-December 2001
Supervisor: Judy Little
Research activities beyond library work were required. Research and assistance with the organization of the West Virginia Criminal Justice Conference held at Marshall University were required duties as well.
Graduate/Research Assistant
Department of Criminal Justice at Marshall University
Huntington, WV 25701
August 2000-July 2001
Supervisor: Dr. Sam Dameron (Associate Dean)
Research activities such as peer review journal article searches as well as general graduate assistant duties including grading papers were required.
Grant Projects
National Institute for Correctional Education N.I.C.E. (2002-2003). A federally funded grant project that detailed the success of rehabilitation programs and the creation of a summer academy for training candidates nation wide. Supervisor: Dr. S. Zimmerman
Bell, K. (2009) ACJS. Intimate partner abuse with college-aged participants: Do life course events play a role in neutralizing abusive behavior? ACJS conference, March 2009, Boston, MA
Bell, K. (2008) ACJS. Risks and trends with intimate partner abuse on campus; ACJS conference, March 2008, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Bell, K. (2008). Thiel College. Lecture for Greek sorority and fraternities members at Thiel College (Pennsylvania) outlining risk factors and how to report issues of intimate partner violence. Presented Spring 2008 (Thiel College)
Bell, K. (2007). WVCJEA. Panel Chair: Issus in Creating Safer and Secure Environments: Sexual Harassment, Intimate Partner Violence, and Homeland Security. Nov. 2007
Bell, K. (2007) WVCJEA. Intimate partner violence on campus: Is it learned? Presented at the West Virginia Criminal Justice Educators Association annual conference. Nov. 2007
Bell, K. (2007). ASC. Research Methods, problems and concerns, when using a standardized survey. A detailed presentation outlining major concerns when using standardized surveys such as the NCVS, for data analysis. ASC conference, November 2007, Atlanta, Georgia
Bell, K. (2007). SGA. A detailed examination of domestic violence, intimate partner violence, and safety concerns of the epidemic of domestic abuse were covered in a lecture to sorority, fraternity, and the general public to enlighten individuals on the need for reporting and address the issue as a serious concern for college administrators.
Bell, K. (2006). ASC. A detailed examination of the Conflict Tactics Scale: Is it a useful measure. ASC Conference, November, Los Angeles, CA
Bell, K. (Fall, 2004) Guest Lecture. Domestic Violence and Law Enforcement. Guest lecture of Prof. Patrick Harvey’s Violence and Victims Class, Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Bell, K. (Spring, 2001). Guest Lecture. Intermediate Sanctions and Community Corrections. Guest lecture of Prof. Darrel Legg’s Introduction to Corrections Class, Marshall University
Bell, K. (Fall, 2001). Guest Lecture. Domestic Violence and Law Enforcement. Guest lecture of Instructor Ryan Marra’s Introduction to Law Enforcement Class, Marshall University. Detailed the effects of the domestic violence within law enforcement agencies (i.e. Lautenberg Act).
Bell, K. (2000). The Factors Involved with the Implementation of Domestic Violence Protection Orders in Ohio County. Senior Thesis at Wheeling Jesuit University, Presented at West Virginia Criminal Justice Conference, Fairmont, WV 2000.
Academic Programs and Workshops
Editor, Department of Applied Criminology News Letter (2008-2009). WCU.
Edit and publish the departmental newsletter at Western Carolina University.
Microsoft Workshop (Word, Excel, Power-point): (Fall 2008). Western Carolina University.
Charleston, South Carolina Police Ride-Along (Nov. 2007). Ride along program with Officer Taylor of the Charleston, SC police department; Allowed for increased knowledge of the inner workings of police duties, procedures, and public perception of law enforcement (10 hours).
University Judicial Board (2007, Renewed 2008). Marshall University.
Appointment, through training, to the judicial board requires qualified persons to adjudicate university-sanctioned cases of wrongdoing.
Teaching Orientation Marshall University (Fall 2006). Marshall University.
The workshop allowed for training in the use of WebCT and online creation of distance learning courses.
Freshmen Orientation Mentor @ IUP (2004-2006). Regular attendee at the voluntary freshmen orientation to welcome the freshmen to the department. I believe this is a good opportunity to allow the freshmen to meet new faculty and become comfortable with them.
Teaching Application (CRIM 804) (2004). Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Completed the required course work to become eligible to teach at Indiana University of PA as well as completed all requirements regarding the appointment of teaching association at IUP such as peer reviews, department and university evaluations, and required readings and paperwork.
University Judicial Board. (2004-2006). Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Appointment, through training, to the judicial board requires qualified persons to adjudicate university-sanctioned cases of wrongdoing.
WebCT (2003). Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Workshop involved the detailed application of WebCT (online tool for communication for students and professors) and the practical uses of WebCT for students and professors.
Web Page Design (2002). Marshall University.
Workshop involved detailed application of the intricacies of web page design for teaching assistance in posting syllabi to the web and developing home pages.
Publications (Criminology and non-Criminology) & Book Reviews
Active Research: Currently developing an article with second author (Rhonda Staffoni) detailing 24 life course changing behaviors and the affect with physical, psychological, and sexual abuse with intimate partners. Under Review.
Salem Press (2009). Encyclopedia of American Immigration. German Immigration (crime). German Immigration and the rise of crime due to immigration. (Encyclopedia)
Salem Press (2009). Encyclopedia of American Immigration. Contract Labor Laws. The Contract Labor Laws through out society detailing immigration and the effect of economy, society, and crime. (Encyclopedia).
Salem Press (2009). Encyclopedia of American Immigration. Smuggling of Immigrants. The human trafficking and smuggling of immigrants into the United States. (Encyclopedia)
Salem Press (2009). Encyclopedia of American Immigration. Immigration Act of 1990. (Encyclopedia).
Salem Press (2008). Great Events from History: Modern Scandals. The Drug Trials: Pittsburgh Pirates and MLB Suspend 21 Players for Distribution of Cocaine. (Encyclopedia)
Salem Press (2008). Great Events from History: Modern Scandals. University of Georgia Accepts Resignation of Jim Harrick Sr. after Academic Fraud Charges Emerge. (Encyclopedia)
Salem Press (2008). The Nineties in America. Sports Scandals (overview). (Encyclopedia).
Salem Press (2008). Great Athletes, Second Edition. The Career of Jerome Bettis (Encyclopedia)
Salem Press (2008). Great Athletes, Second Edition. The Career of Michael Cooper (Encyclopedia)
Salem Press (2008). Great Athletes, Second Edition. The Career of Joe Dumars (Encyclopedia)
Salem Press (2007). The Nineties in America, “crime”, Midnight Basketball. A historical look at midnight basketball and its role with crime prevention in the 1990s (Encyclopedia)
Book Reviews:
Dynamic reaction: International and cross cultural readings on police stress and coping.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Reviewed Fall 2006
Hess, K. & Wrobleski, J. (2007) Police Operations: Theory and Practice 4th Ed. Wadsworth Publishers. Review Fall 2007
Dempsey (2008). Introduction to Private Security. Cengage Learning. Review completed Summer 2008.
Volunteer Work / Activities
Quality Education Program (QEP) Participation: (2008-2009). Helped organize and facilitate programs designed to encourage student participation involving victim awareness, drunk driving, and violence on campus (Western Carolina University).
LAE/APS Organized Fund Raisers (2006-2008)
Through Marshall University organizations, I participated and helped run fundraisers for feeding the troops, homeless, and organizing donations to local domestic violence shelters. Programs, which I also ran and/or participated, include Bowling for Kids Sake, and similar programs designed to bring the community and Marshall University students together. (2006-2008)
Big Brothers/Big Sisters
Active volunteer in the Wheeling, WV, Indiana, Pa, and Huntington, WV areas from 1997-2008.
Community Watch Programs (1998-2000)
Active member in restoring community watch programs in my hometown of McMechen, WV.
Physically and Mentally Challenged Volunteer
Participated in Wheeling Jesuit University’s programs to assist the mentally and physically challenged in monthly outings (1996-2000)
Supervisor: Carolyn Danzell
Weed and Seed Mentor
Mentor for the troubled juveniles at the Samaritan House as part of Wheeling Jesuit University’s juvenile justice course. (1998)
Supervisor: Larry Driscoll
McMechen City Council
Ran for McMechen City Council (1998).
Mock Riots
Participated in the Mock Riots at Moundsville Penitentiary for the education of correctional staff and the implementation of modern riot gear (1997-1999).
River Sweep
Community clean up and river sweep of the upper Ohio Valley (1993-2006)