Curriculum Vitae
Ellen J. Prager
1992 Ph.D., Geology (Marine Geology & Physical Oceanography)
Minor: Environmental Studies
Louisiana State University, Coastal Studies Institute
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
1987 M.S., Marine Geology and Geophysics
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
University of Miami
Miami, Florida
1984 B.A., Environmental Science/Geology
Wesleyan University
Middletown, Connecticut
2003 - President, Earth2Ocean, Inc
Consultant, Freelance Writer
Clients include University of Miami Rosenstiel School, U.S. Commission on
Ocean Policy, Celebrity Cruise Lines, and StormCenter Communications, Inc.
Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Miami Rosenstiel School
2000 - 2002 Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science,
Assistant Dean
University of Miami, Miami, Florida
1998 - 2000 Freelance Writer and Consultant,
Projects include two popular science books for McGraw-Hill (The Oceans,
and Furious Earth, the Science and Nature of Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis), children’s books (SAND, Volcano, and Earthquakes) for the National Geographic Society.
1996 - 1998 U.S. Geological Survey, Research Geologist
Principle investigator studying sediment properties, wave energy, and transport processes within Florida Bay and coral reefs. USGS representative on various program management committees and for the National Ocean Conference, focusing on education, research and exploration.
1995 - 1996 Caribbean Marine Research Center, Associate Director
Director of the National Undersea Research Center on Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas. Supervised staff, budget, research, diving, submersible, and day-to-day operations at the marine laboratory.
1992 - 1994 Sea Education Association, Woods Hole, Faculty Scientist
Taught oceanography on shore and at sea as chief scientist during semester long undergraduate program.
1988-1991 Louisiana State University, Research Assistant
ADCP Cruise - Papua New Guinea, Supervisor field work - Bahamas Banks density cascading study, Fiji - preliminary reconnaissance of local coral reef environments and diplomatic relations.
1987-1988 Shell Offshore, Inc., Environmental Engineer
Coordinator of environmental impact studies, oil spill response planning, aquatic toxicity testing and environmental permitting. Also initiated the company’s involvement in the Rigs to Reefs program.
1985-1988 University of Miami, Research Assistant
Cruises: Galapagos Islands Coral Recovery 1982-1983 El Nino, Diving supervisor - South Atlantic Bight - Current Meter Retrieval, New Jersey - Seismic Equipment Testing, Submersible dives during USGS deep-water survey of Florida's outer shelf.
1987 Enviropact, Inc., Consultant
Shallow groundwater hydrology in southeast Florida, environmental assessment and planning in coastal marine environments
1987 Marine Resources, Part-time Instructor
Marine science educational program
Key Largo, FL
1984-1985 West Indies Laboratory, Laboratory Supervisor
Teaching, diving and field assistant in tropical marine sciences
St. Croix, U.S.V.I.
1983 NOAA Hydrolab, Support Diver, Research Assistant
Underwater Habitat Program
St. Croix, U.S.V.I.
Prager, E.J. 2004. Navigating the Ocean’s Unmarked Highways. Explore, In-cabin magazine,
Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines; In Press.
Prager, E.J. 2004. Ocean Business: Future Success or Bankruptcy? Gulfshore Business, In Press.
Prager, E.J. 2004. Sleeping with the Fishes. Gulfshore Life, March, pgs 114-116.
Prager, E.J. 2004. Our Ocean Future: Potential Wealth, Immense Challenge, Naples Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, February.
Prager, E.J. 2004. The Oceans: Who’s Minding The Store. Aqualife Magazine, March.
Prager, E.J. 2004. The Big Business of Fish. Gulfshore Business, Feb. Issue, pgs 24-26.
Prager, E.J. 2003. The Dreaded Visitor (Red Tide). Gulfshore Business, Dec. Issue, pgs 20-22.
Prager, E.J. 2003. Why the Ocean Matters. Explore, In-cabin magazine, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, pgs 8-14.
Prager, E.J. 2002. Secrets of the Sea bi-weekly column. WTVJ/NBC 6 EcoWatch,
Prager, E.J. 2002. Earthquakes. National Geographic Society Children’s Books, Washington DC.
Prager, E.J. 2001. Volcano. National Geographic Society Children’s Books, Washington DC.
Prager, E.J. 2001. How do squid and octopuses change color? Scientific American, May, pg. 100.
Prager, E.J. 2000. Coral Reefs at Risk. In World Book Science Year.
Prager, E. J. 2000. The Oceans, with Dr. Sylvia Earle. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Prager, E. J. 2000. SAND. National Geographic Society Children’s Books, Washington, D.C.
Prager, E. J. 1999. Furious Earth, the Science and Nature of Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Prager, E. J. 1998. Dispatches from the Aquarius Underwater Habitat,
Prager, E.J. 1998. Project YOTO Drifters. AAAS Science Education News, v. 16: 2-3.
Prager, E.J. 1998. Comment: The Year of the Ocean. Geotimes, v. 43(7): p. 5.
Prager, E., Shinn, G., Lidz, B. and R. Halley. 1997. Coral Death: Human Influence or Nature’s Way. US Department of the Interior, People, Land and Water, v. 4(6): p. 8.
Prager, E.J. 1991. Anatomy of a Galapagos Beachrock. Sea Frontiers, v. 37(1): 36-39.
Prager, E.J. 1988. Curious Nodules on Florida's Outer Shelf. Sea Frontiers, v. 34(6): 355-358.
Prager, E.J. 2002. Scientists and K-12 Education, Panel Summaries 2000 National Marine Educator’s Association; Currents.
Williams, E., Prager, E., and D. Wilson. 2002. Research Combines with Public Outreach on a Cruise Ship, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union.
Prager, E.J. 2001. Public Outreach: Slow Progress. Invited Editorial, Ecological Society of America Newsletter.
Prager, E.J., and R.B. Halley. 1999. Florida Bay Shell Deposits, Indicators of Seagrass Die-off
or Storms. Jr. of Coastal Research, v. 15(4): 1151-1162.
Prager, E.J. and R.B. Halley. 1998. The Origin of Shell Layers in Florida Bay: Storm Events or Seagrass Mortality, Mollusk Blooms and Cold Front Passage, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 79 (1): 35.
Prager, E.J., and R.B. Halley. 1997. Bottom Type Map of Florida Bay, USGS Open File
Report #97-526.
Prager, E.J., Halley, R.B., and P. Orton. 1997. Sediment Resuspension, Surface Properties and
Seagrass in Florida Bay, Proceedings USGS South Florida Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale.
Prager, E.J., Halley, R.B., and M. Hansen. 1996. Sediment Transport Processes and Sea-Floor
Mapping in Florida Bay, 1996 Florida Bay Science Conference, Program and Abstracts:68-69.
Prager, E.J. 1996. Book Review of Sedimentary Structures and Early Diagenetic Features of
Shallow Marine Carbonate Deposits, by R.V. Demicco and L.A. Hardie, SEPM Atlas Series No.1: Geotimes, v.41(7):33-34.
Halley, R.B., and E.J. Prager. 1996. Sedimentation, Sea-level Rise, and Circulation in Florida Bay, USGS Fact Sheet, #FS-156-96.
Prager, E.J., Southard, J.B., and E.R. Vivoni-Gallart. 1996. Experiments on the Entrainment Threshold in Well-sorted and Poorly Sorted Carbonate Sands, Sedimentology, v.43: 33-40.
Prager, E.J. 1995. Carbonate Sand Transport: Flume Studies to Examine Entrainment in Well and
Poorly Sorted Sediments, 1st SEPM Congress on Sedimentary Geology, Congress Program
and Abstracts, v. 1.
Prager, E.J. 1992. Modeling of Circulation and Transport in Terrebonne Bay, Louisiana and
It’s Implications For Oyster Harvesting Management, Ph.D. Dissertation, Louisiana State University, 145 p.
Prager, E.J. 1991. Numerical Simulation of Circulation in a Caribbean-type Backreef Lagoon:
A Preliminary Study. Coral Reefs, v. 10: 177-182.
Prager, E.J. 1991. Modeling of Bay Circulation to Better Understand the Relationship Between Particle Flux and Environmental Forcing, Coastal Depositional Systems In The Gulf of
Mexico, Conference Abstracts, SEPM: 202-203.
Prager, E.J., and Ginsburg, R.N. 1990. Carbonate Nodule Growth on Florida's Outer Shelf and Its Implications For Paleo-environmental Interpretations Within the Geologic Record, Geologic
Society of America, Southeastern Regional Meeting, v. 22.
Prager, E.J., and Ginsburg, R.N. 1989. Processes of Carbonate Nodule Growth on Florida's Outer Shelf and Its Implications For Fossil Interpretations. Palaios, v.4: 310-317.
Prager, E.J. 1987. The Growth and Structure of Calcareous Nodules on Florida's Outer Shelf, M.S. Thesis, Univ. of Miami Press, 88p.
Good Morning America, Larry King, Lou Dobbs, Fox News, etc-Tsunamis, Dec. 2004/Jan. 2005
Gulfshore Living Radio, Regular visits 2004
Explorer of the Seas, Media Event, June 2004
The EcoZone Radio Show, May 2004
WTVJ/NBC 6 Ocean Commission Report Release, April 2004
Galapagos Media Cruise, Celebrity Xpeditions, March 2004
WINK/CBS Currents around South Florida, January 2004
Workshop on Science and the Media, NSF/EPA/NOAA sponsored, URI, Nov. 2003
International Council Cruise Lines, Media Day, NY Nov. 2003
WINK/CBS Ft. Myers, NPR, ABC/NBC Naples, Naples Daily News, Red Tide June 2003
WTVJ/NBC 6, Wise Seafood Choices and Pew Commission Report, June 2003
WTVJ/NBC 6 and Miami Herald, World Ocean Day, June 2003
Learning Channel, Mysterious Worlds, Interview re: Bermuda Triangle, June 2003
WTVJ/NBC 6, Various Topics, Fisheries, sharks, invasive species, etc 2002
Discovery, Inside the Bermuda Triangle, Interview 2002
WTVJ/NBC 6, Coral Reef Crisis, EcoWatch special, August 2001
Ask CNN, Various Topics June 2001
NBC Nightly News, Explorer of the Seas Project, air-date March 2001
Discovery, Science Live, Florida Bay Research, 2001
Invited Guest, WLRN TV, January 2001
Invited Guest, CJBK Talk of the Town Radio, London, Ontario, 2000
Panelist, LA Times Book Festival, April 2000
ABC News, Planet Earth 2000
Invited Host Researcher, Broadcast live 5 times per day, Jason Project 2000
Invited Radio Guest, World Today, CKNW Radio, Vancouver
Today Show, NBC, August 1998, Aquarius Mission, living underwater
Invited Guest, Fishing Zone Radio Show, April, August 1998
Invited Speaker, Weather Summit, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, January 2005
Invited Speaker, Sea-Space Symposium, Ocean Publicity, Cozumel, November 2004
Invited Speaker, Greater Naples Leadership Class, Ocean Issues and Solutions, October 2004
Wesleyan University, Underwater Adventures: Living beneath the waves, June 2004
National Ocean Research Leadership Council, ORAP update, February 2004
Miami Children’s Museum, January 2004
Greater Naples Leadership, Coastal Issues and Challenges, January 2004
International Council Cruise Lines, Media Day, NY Nov. 2003
Oceans and Human Health, Presentation on Red Tide and Q&A, Naples, June 2003
Leadership Florida, Oceans Panel/Ocean Education, Mote Marine Aquarium, June 2003
Cool Creatures of the Sea, Oceans Day, Tallahassee Florida, April 2003
U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy, Invited Testimony on Education and Outreach, February 2002
AMS Annual Conference, Education Symposium, January 2002
Oceans and Global Security, Panelist and Presentation Capital Hill, CORE December 2001
Cool Creatures of the Sea, Miami, November 2001
Invited Panelist, National Marine Educators Association, July 2001
Steering Committee – NSF Centers for Ocean Science Education Excellence, May 2001
Oceanology International Speaker, Explorer of the Seas Project, April 2001
Invited panelist, NSF Proposal Review, Washington DC, January 2001
Invited Speaker, Ocean Caucus, Capital Hill, Washington, DC, July 2000
Invited Speaker, Jason Educators National Workshop, Milwaukee, 1999
Invited Panelist, Science Communications and Working with the Media, NOAA, May 1999
Invited Evening Speaker, Finals, National Ocean Science Bowl, April 1999
Invited Panelist, Florida Forum on Ocean Conservation, Feb. 1999
Invited Speaker, Washington Chapter Explorer’s Club, Living Underwater, Feb. 1999
Invited Speaker, Mote Marine Laboratory, Monday Night Lecture Series, Jan. 1999
Invited Speaker, Environmental Careers Organization Annual Conference, Nov. 1998, 1999
1999 Proposal Review Panel, National Undersea Research Program, NOAA
Subcommittee Co-Chair, Exploration, Education and Research, 1998 National Ocean Conference
Invited Speaker, Sigma Xi Society Banquet, Improving Science Literacy, May 1998
Project Oceanography Broadcast, Year of the Ocean, April 1998
American Geophysical Union, February, 1998
1998 Proposal Review Panel, National Undersea Research Program, NOAA
Proposal Review Panel, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary monitoring projects
Invited Speaker, Florida Aquarium, Exploring Coral Reefs Around the World, 1997
Invited Host, Project Oceanography Broadcast, Underwater Research Techniques, Sept. 1997
USGS South Florida Symposium, panel moderator and speaker, August 1997
Invited Presenter, Distance learning broadcast on the International Year of the Reef, March 1997
Invited Speaker Florida Bay Science Meeting, Dec. 1996
Invited Speaker Water Quality Modeling Workshop for Florida Bay, 1996
Expert Review of Florida Bay Modeling Activities, 1996
SEPM Congress on Sedimentary Geology, 1995
Massachusetts Marine Educators Regional Mtg, Key Note Address, 1992
Ocean Conservation and Tourism Alliance, ICCL/CI, March 2004 -
Ocean Research Advisory Panel, National Oceanographic Partnership Program, 2003 -
Adjunct Associate Professor, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, 2003 -
International Ocean Drilling Program, Education Steering Committee, 2002
International Gamefish Association, Trustee 2002 - 2003
NSF Centers for Ocean Science Education Excellence Steering Committee, 2001
Florida Ocean Alliance, Board of Directors, 2001 -
Wave TV, Board of Advisors, 2001
Marlin Submarines, Advisor, 2001
Explorers Club, Fellow National 1995
Program Management Council Florida Bay Research, 1997 - 1998
USGS South Florida Ecosystem Program Steering Committee, 1997 - 1998
American Geophysical Union
The Oceanography Society