Eric L. Richards


Graduate: Indiana University School of Law–Doctor of Jurisprudence (JD) - December 1976

Undergraduate: Indiana University AB (Political Science) - May 1974


July 2003 - Present Professor of Business - Indiana University

August 1982 - June 2003 Associate Professor of Business - Indiana University

August 1979 - July 1982 Assistant Professor of Business - Indiana University

August 1977 - May 1979 Assistant Professor of Business - University of Kansas


Teaching Awards:

2005 Trustee Teaching Award (Awarded in 2006)

2005 Harry C. Sauvain Undergraduate Teaching Award

2003 Trustee Teaching Award (Awarded in 2004)

2003 Schuyler F. Otteson Teaching Excellence Award

2003 Trustee Teaching Award–Finalist

2002 Best Case Writing Award, Academy of Legal Studies in Business and Center for International Business Education and Research

2002 Trustee Teaching Award–Finalist

2002 Alpha Kappa Psi Teacher’s Excellence Award (Honorable Mention)

2001 Harry C. Sauvain Undergraduate Teaching Award

2001 Alpha Kappa Psi Teacher’s Excellence Award

2000 Teaching Excellence Recognition Award

1994 Harry C. Sauvain Undergraduate Teaching Award

1994 MBA Teaching Excellence Award

1993 Dow Technology Innovation Teaching Award

1993 MBA Teaching Excellence Award

1992 President's Award (Indiana University Distinguished Teaching Award)

1992 MBA Certificate of Recognition (Outstanding Teaching)

1991 Alpha Kappa Psi Alumni Award (Highest rated Professor in the School of Business)

1991 FACET Award (Teaching Excellence at Indiana University)

1991 Alpha Kappa Psi Alumni Award (Highest rated Professor in the Business Law Dept.)

1991 MBA Teaching Excellence Award

1990 Student Choice Award For Outstanding Faculty

1990 Schuyler F. Otteson Teaching Excellence Award

1990 MBA Teaching Excellence Award

1989 MBA Teacher of the Year Award

Research Awards:

2001 Outstanding Paper Award, Tri-State Business Law Association

2000 Outstanding Paper Award-Runner-Up, Tri-State Business Law Association

1999 Outstanding Environment and Business Paper, Academy of Legal Studies in Business

1997 Ralph C. Hoeber Award, Outstanding Article, Volume 34, American Business Law Journal

1986 Best Paper Award (2nd Place), Tri-State Bus. Law Association

1983 Best Comment Award, American Business Law Journal

1982 Holmes/Cardozo Award (Outstanding Paper), American Business Law Association


In Scholarly Journals:

* E. Richards, Federal Election Commission v. Colorado Republican: Implications for Parties, Corporate Dialogue, and Campaign Finance Reform, 40 American Business Law Journal 83 (2002).

*Awarded: Outstanding Paper Award (Tri-State Business Law Association (2001).

* E. Richards, The Emergence of Covert Speech and its Implications for First Amendment Jurisprudence, 38 AMERICAN BUSINESS LAW JOURNAL 559 (2001).

*Awarded: Outstanding Paper Award-Runner-Up, (Tri-State Business Law Association (2000).

* E. Richards & M. McCrory, The Sea Turtle Dispute: Implications for Sovereignty, the Environment, and International Trade Law, (In Press) 71 University of Colorado Law Review 295 (1999).

*Awarded: Outstanding Environment and Business Paper (1999 Academy of Legal Studies in Business)

M. McCrory & E. Richards, Clearing the Air: The Clean Air Act, GATT and the WTO's Reformulated Gasoline Decision, 17 U.C.L.A. Journal of Environmental Law and Policy 1 (1998/99).

* A. Langvardt & E. Richards, The Death of Posadas and the Birth of Change in Commercial Speech Doctrine: Implications of 44 Liquor Mart, 34 American Business Law Journal 483 (1997).

*Awarded: Ralph C. Hoeber Award for Outstanding Article (1997 Academy of Legal Studies in Business)

E. Richards, The Jurisprudential Sin of Treating Differents Alike: Emergence of Full First Amendment Protection For Corporate Speakers. 17 Memphis State Law Review 173 (1987)

* E. Richards, The Gutting of Gramm-Rudman: Implications for Bureaucrats, Budgets, and the Balance of Power. 22 New England Law Review 1 (1987)

*Awarded: Outstanding Paper (2nd Place) (1986 Tri-State Business Law Association)

E. Richards, Raising the Banner of States' Rights to Prevent Private Abridgement of Speech, 23 American Business Law Journal 155 (1985).

E. Richards, Antitrust and the Future of Cost Containment Efforts in the Health Profession, 62 Nebraska Law Review 49 (1983).

* E. Richards, Exploring the Far Reaches of the State Action Exemption, 57 St. John's Law Review 274 (1983).

*Awarded: Holmes/Cardozo (Best Paper) Award (1982 National Meeting of American Business Law Association)

E. Richards, The Rise and Fall of the Contribution/Expenditure Distinction: Redefining the Acceptable Range of Campaign Finance Reforms, 18 New England Law Review 367 (1982-83).

* E. Richards, In Search of a Consensus on the Future of Campaign Finance Laws, 20 American Business Law Journal 243 (1982).

*Awarded: Best Comment Award (1983 American Business Law Journal)

E. Richards, Corporate Non-Financial Disclosure: Preserving the Right to Know in an Organization Society, 19 American Business Law Journal 441 (1982).

E. Richards, Reconciling the Tension Between Anticompetitive State Regulations and the Sherman Act, 19 American Business Law Journal 539 (1982).

E. Richards, New Federalism and Judicial Commitment to the National Interest, 56 Indiana Business Review 20 (August 1981).

E. Richards & C. Krider, The State's Assault on Oil: Special Interests v. Consumer Welfare, 18 American Business Law Journal 477 (1981).

E. Richards, Special Interest Legislation: An Attack on Free Enterprise. 1980 Business Horizons 19 (April).

E. Richards & D. Whitman, Louisiana Power & Light: Examining the State Action Immunity, 17 American Business Law Journal 386 (1979).

C. Hewitt & E. Richards, Will Detroit Edison Turn Off Parker's Power? 15 American Business Law Journal 379 (1978). Reprinted in Public Utilities Law Anthology (1979).


LAW FOR BUSINESS, 10TH ed. (Irwin/McGraw Hill Publishing, Inc. 2008). An undergraduate business law textbook co-authored with A. James Barnes and Terry Dworkin.

PERSONAL LAW (West Publishing Co. 1999). A textbook for undergraduate law students.

LAW FOR GLOBAL BUSINESS (Irwin Publishing Co. 1994). An international business law textbook for graduate and undergraduate courses.

ESSENTIALS OF BUSINESS LAW AND THE REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT (Irwin Publishing Inc. 1994). An entry level undergraduate business law textbook co-authored with Terry Dworkin and A. James Barnes.

Research in Refereed Proceedings:

E. Richards, Demand, Decentralization, and Disclosure: Government Designed to Face the Challenges of the 1980's, 1981 American Business Law Association National Proceedings 741.

E. Richards, Midcal: A Responsible Check on Special Interest Legislation, 1981 American Business Law Association Regional Proceedings 127.

E. Richards, Sovereign Compulsion: Antitrust Under Siege, 1980 American Business Law Association Regional Proceedings 145.

E. Richards & D. Burns, Licensing: Consumer's Friend or Foe?, Two Selected Papers of American Business Law Association Regional Proceedings 63 (1978).

Other Research Publications:

E. Richards, World Trade Organization Modifications, Global Connection, Vol. 2, No. 6 (March 1995)

E. Richards, Customs Modification and Informed Compliance Act, Global Connection, Vol. 2, no. 4 (January 1995)

Invited Research Presentations:

M. McCrory & E. Richards, International and Environmental Implications of the Reformulated Gas Rules under the Clean Air Act, Tri-State Academy of Legal Studies in Business (1995)

E. Richards, The Modern Commercial Speech Doctrine: Distinguishing Reality from Rhetoric, presented to Poynter Center's First Amendment Seminar (1988)

E. Richards, An Analysis of Proposed Minimum Mark-up Legislation in the State of Indiana, prepared for the Indiana General Assembly, Legislative Council, [Interim Study Committee] (1984)

E. Richards, An Analysis of Proposed Gasoline Retail Divorcement in the State of Indiana, prepared for the Indiana General Assembly, Legislative Council, [Interim Study Committee] (1984)

E. Richards, State Imposed Divestiture of the Petroleum Industry, prepared for the Kansas Senate, Judiciary Committee (1979)

Other Teaching Texts:

BUSINESS L201: LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS. A learning guide designed for the Independent Study Program (1990 & 1995)

BUSINESS L303: COMMERCIAL LAW II. A learning guide designed for the Independent Study Program (1990 & 1995)

STUDENT WORKBOOK (co-authored) (accompanies LAW FOR BUSINESS, 1st & 2nd editions)

MANUAL OF TESTS (co-authored) (accompanies LAW FOR BUSINESS, 1st & 2nd editions)

Teaching Articles:

* E. Richards, American Pharmaceutical: Balancing Corporate Profits with Global Demands for Affordable Medicine, An International/Ethical Business Law Case accepted for publication in the CIBER Case Collection of the European Case Clearing House (2002)

* Awarded: Best Case Writing Award, Academy of Legal Studies in Business and Center for International Business Education and Research (2002)

E. Richards & E. Gumnior, Revealing, Addressing and Redressing Ethnocentricity: Teaching International Business Law with Process Response Journals, Eleventh Annual Conference on Languages and Communication for World Business and the Professions (March 1992).

Active Students--Wiser Teachers: On the Use of Journals in an International Business Law Class, Write To Learn, Vol. III, No. 2, October/November 1991.

Martial Arts and the Law, (appears in Burns, An Introduction to Karate for Student and Teacher, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., 1977, p. 36).

Course Development Grants:

Enhancing the Freshman Experience through Closer Linkage of In-Class and Out-of-Class Learning in L100-Personal Law. Summer 1994.

Using Technological Innovations to Internationalize and Personalize Business Law Instruction. Awarded Dow Faculty Fellowship for 1993-1994.

Courses Designed or Substantially Revised:


L574-Managerial Aspects of Law (new course for arts administration majors).

L506I-Law for Global Business (new international course that fulfills the L506 requirement in the MBA program).

L100-Revitalized the content of L100 by incorporating critical reasoning and collaborative learning exercises, as well as computer exercises and material of unique interest to freshman students.

L506-Internationalized the content of L506 (the basic graduate business law course).

L201-Internationalized the content of L201 (the basic sophomore level business law class).

L411-International Business Law (new course).

X102-Intensive Freshman Seminar (variation of L100 taught in Summers 1994-2002).

X102-Intensive Freshman Seminar (variation of L201 taught in Summers 1990-1993).

Honors L201-Redevelopment of L201 lecture course for honors seminar.

L201-Independent Study Course offered through School of Continuing Education (complete revision).

L303-Independent Study Course offered through School of Continuing Education (complete revision).

B649-Regulation of Business (new course created at University of Kansas).

B649-Corporate Rights and Responsibilities (new intersession course created at University of Kansas).

CPA Business Law Review--Annual updating of materials and coordination of teaching for review course taught every spring.


Presenter: International Contracting - 2002 Legal and Ethical Environment of International Business Seminar, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Presenter: Teaching International Dispute Resolution, Faculty Development Program in 2000 Legal and Ethical Environment of International Business, Denver, Colorado.

Presenter: Selected Methods of Improving Critical Thinking in International Business Law, Faculty Development Program in 2000 Legal and Ethical Environment of International Business, Denver, Colorado.

Presenter: "Downsizing Large Classes," Post-Lilly Teaching Fellows Retreat, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Racine, Wisconsin (1994).

Presenter: "Teaching International Business Law with Process-Response Journals," Conference on Languages and Communication for World Business and the Professions, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI. (1992)


Presenter: International Contracting and Arbitration - 2002 International Business Law and Ethic Seminar, Indiana University

Presenter: Legal Aspects of International Trade - 1988 & 1989 Partnership Program, Indiana University

Presenter: Society and the Law - 1979-1982 Savings & Loan Program, Indiana University

Presenter: Regulatory Environment - 1980 Farm Bureau Program, Indiana University

Presenter: Public Utilities and Antitrust - 1980 Edison Electric Institute, Indiana University

Presenter: Government Regulation of Business - 1979 Cities Service Program, University of Kansas

Presenter: Training Sessions for Developmental Training Center. Designed and conducted a program of instruction guiding personnel on the physical techniques for and legal implications of physically moving autistic persons.

Presenter: Training Sessions for Monroe County Sheriff's Department. Design and conduct ongoing training sessions on physical management for police officers.

Leadership Seminars:

Alpha Kappa Psi (Spring 1990)

Interfraternity Council (Fall 1990)

Panhellenic Association (Fall 1990)

Alpha Delta Pi (Fall 1990)

Greek Leadership Conference (Spring 1991)

Leadership I.U. Retreat (Spring 1991)

Phi Mu Retreat (Fall 1991)


Kelley School of Business (Productivity-Based Summer Grant (Summer 2004)

Indiana Center for Global Business, Examining the Dispute Resolution Process in the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement: Will it be Suitable for NAFTA?" Summer 1992

Indiana University School of Business, The Continued Vitality of Statutory Prohibitions of Corporate Political Speech, Summer 1985

Indiana University School of Business, Raising the Banner of States Rights, Summer 1984

Indiana University School of Business, Legal Implications of Private Bans on Comparison Shopping, Summer 1983

Indiana University School of Business, Redefining the Acceptable Range of Campaign Finance Reforms, Summer 1982

Indiana University School of Business, Corporate Speech: A Right or an Obligation?, Summer 1981

Indiana University School of Business, Sovereign Compulsion: Antitrust Under Siege, Summer 1980

University of Kansas School of Business, Petroleum Divestiture: Legislative Overkill? Summer 1979 (relinquished upon acceptance of a faculty appointment at Indiana University)

University of Kansas School of Business, Political Disclosure: Limits on Corporate Power, Summer 1978



Member, Faculty Search and Screen Committee (2001)

Chairperson, Undergraduate Curriculum Development Committee (1995-1998)

Chairperson, Faculty Recruiting Committee (1984-1986)

Chairperson, International Course Development Committee (1988-1990)

Coordinator, Recruitment and hiring of graduate assistants (1981-1988)

Member, Research Proposal Committee (1989)

Member, Faculty Teaching Seminar Committee (1994-1995)

Member, Graduate Curriculum Revision Committee (1994)

School of Business:

Associate Chairperson, Kelley Direct Program (2006 to present)

Member, MBAa Program Evaluation Committee (2007 to present)

Member, Budgetary Planning Committee (2007 to present)

Member, Kelley Direct Policy Committee (2006 to present)

Member, Research Policy Committee (2004 to 2006)

Chairperson, Senior Lecturer Review Committee (2004 to 2006)

Chairperson, School of Business Faculty Excellence Committee (2001-2003)

Member, School of Business Lecturer and Clinical Faculty Task Force (2001-2004)

Chairperson, School of Business Undergraduate Honors Program (1996-1999)

Chairperson, Academic Fairness Committee (1989-1993 and 1995-1997)

Chairperson, MBA/JD Committee (1981-1984)

Coordinator, CPA Business Law Review (1981-1991)

Faculty Leader, Honor Code Committee (1990-1992)

Steering Committee, Indiana Global Business Competitiveness Council (1991-1992)

Steering Committee, NCR Electronic Classroom (1991-1992)

Coordinator, Hiring and supervision of AIs (University of Kansas, 1977-79)

Member, Faculty Development Seminar Committee (1994-1996)

Member, Teaching Excellence Committee (1994-1996 & 2000-2001)

Member, Academic Fairness Committee (1987-1988)

Member, MBA Policy Committee (1980-1986)

Member, MBA Strategic Planning Committee (1982-1983)

Member, MBA Grants and Financial Aids Committee (1980-1983)

Member, Undergraduate Policy Committee (1979-1980)

Member, Committee on Withdrawals (1979-1980)

Member, Faculty Recruiting Committee (University of Kansas, 1977-1979)

Member, Continuing Education Committee (University of Kansas, 1978-1979)

University and Community:

Member, Global Citizenship Committee (2006 to present)

Member, Global Learning Faculty Community (2007 to present)

Member, Faculty Colloquium on Excellence in Teaching (FACET) Statewide Selection Committee (1990-2004)

Member, Vice Chancellor’s Committee on the Freshman Seminar Initiative (1999-2000)

Faculty Advisor, Indiana University Individualized Major Program (2000-2004)

Chairperson, University Summer Sessions Advisory Committee (1994-1996)

Participant, Conference on "Perspectives on Faculty Roles and Rewards," October 14, 1994.

Member, Freshman Programs Advisory Committee (1994-1997)

Conference Co-chair, Faculty Colloquium on Excellence in Teaching (1993 and 1994)

Chairperson, University Judiciary (University of Kansas, 1977-1979)

Director, Indiana Public Interest Research Group (1980-1982)

Campus Selection Committee, Faculty Colloquium on Excellence in Teaching (1992)

Selection Committee, Intensive Freshman Seminar Program (1992-1993)

Faculty Advisor, University Division (1980-1992)

Faculty Advisor, Honors Division (1987-1988 & 1994-1995)

Faculty Advisor, University Hapkido Club (1979-1990 & 1993-1995)

Faculty Advisor, University Taekwondo Club (1981-1983)

Faculty Advisor, MBA/JD Club (1987-1988)

Faculty Advisor, Panhellenic Faculty Friend Program (1990)

Instructor, Developmental Training Center (passive restraint) (1985-1986)

Instructor, Monroe Country Sheriff's Department (passive restraint) (1987-present)