minister Credential
USUALLY The second Application
CRC Churches International – Victorian State Council
Applicant First Name & Surname
Applicant email address
Senior Pastor
Aspired Credential
Email completed form to Credential Committee Secretary, Credential Secretary
Important Instructions:
1. A Contents page (pg3) follows this one and
2. For first application be aware that sufficient Theological training will have occurred as well as competency coaching and a coaching report should have been lodged with the Credential Secretary 6 months before applying. The suitability of this particular application can be checked on the Ministry Guidelines (pg4).
3. This Application is a locked Microsoft Word Form.
Click in the grey areas to type in content.
Unlocking will be necessary to insert other files. Unlock the Form and relock it as follows.
Firstly check you have a Review Tab. (Note: If you do not have a Review Tab, go to File> Options> Customise the Ribbon, and check the Review option)
Click on the Review Tab> Padlock Icon & Select Stop Protection
Click in the space for the insert and go to the Insert Tab > Picture > From File
Repeat as often as required then
Relock document [Review> Padlock Icon](usually already open)>Yes,Start Enforcing Protection.
Subsequent unlocking and relocking in the same session should be possible if the dialogue panel remains open without going to the Review Tab.
4. Save this application adding your name to the title eg “John Christian Minister Application” and save your updated copy often.
5. Be prepared to complete this application over a week or two part time. It will be difficult to complete this application in even a long sitting, as there is information and evidence that will need to be gathered and entered.
6. It is not advisable to begin this application anywhere near the closing day for the next intake for this reason. Late applications will be held over to the next intake. So be aware of the closing dates from the CRC state calendar.
7. This application is largely designed to be filled out by the applicant with the assistance of their coach, where required.
8. The last two sections are designed to be filled out by the coach and another minister. Eg Senior Minister & Coach, or if the Senior Minister was also the coach then the Senior Minister and a Nominating Minister which maybe the second coach or another National Minister from another church.
9. Do not print this application out (nor handwrite on upon it) and send it in. It must be saved and emailed to the Credential Secretary and reviewed for errors and omissions that may need liaison, as well as circulation to Credential Team members.
10. The application will be signature pages will be available at the Credential Team meeting for signing. The senior pastor will usually attend with the candidate. If the senior pastor is not available, the coach or a nominating minister would attend with them and sign on behalf of the others. In the case of overseas applications other arrangements will be made for Skype interviews and signing.
11. Be aware that the information in this application will be used by the CRC in the assessment of the application and possibly: future applications; the process ministry development; evidence in any adjudication or legal matters upon which the information may be relevant; and will be archived accordingly with the Credential Secretary and or the State Secretary.
Contents of this Application
MINISTRY GUIDELINES INFORMATION for this credential (see over)
Sections Filled Out by the Applicant
(Use Control Click on the Hyperlink to navigate to that section)
Section 1 Personal particulars
Section 4. Ministerial Particulars
Section 6. VOWS
Section 7. Equivalence Mapping to CRC Training
Section 8. Application Fee & Payment Proof
Section 10. Filled Out by the Church
10.1 Coaching Minister’s Credential Assessment Report
10.2 Nominating Ministers Declaration
The requirements depend on the credential being sought. So the following excerpts from our guidelines will indicate which credential may be appropriate.
“3.2. Minister’s Credential.
Issuing Authority: State Council or its nominated officers.
3.2.1. This Credential is issued by the State Council or its nominated officers and may be given to such persons who have completed the requisite competencies for a CRC Minister and who are functioning as:
• The Senior Minister or Assistant/Associate Minister of a Local Church while still gaining experience, or
• The Senior Minister or Assistant/Associate Minister of a Local Church who continues to perform an effective Ministry solely related to a particular locality.
3.2.2. The Minister’s Credential is a recognition of an effective and fruitful Ministry being performed in a particular area of service and applies only to the office or position concerned.
3.2.3. The Minister shall work under the covering of an approved Coaching Minister appointed by the Issuing Authority. The objective is that the appointed Minister has a close ‘mentoring relationship’ with the Local Minister.
3.2.4. A Minister will be registered with the Australian Government as a Minister of Religion and an Authorised Marriage Celebrant.
(Ministers, who because of the change to the credentialing process have not completed the Ministry Competencies, can apply to the Issuing Authority for a Marriage Celebrant’s licence. A decision will be made based on:
• The applicant having completed the competencies pertaining to a Marriage Celebrant’s training and responsibilities.
• The length of time the applicant has held a Minister’s Credential. (Normally, [at the discretion of the Issuing Authority] a period of at least twelve [12] months would be considered a minimal requirement.))
3.2.5. Any person issued a Minister’s Credential shall be a Member of the relevant State Council, with voting rights, except for constitutional or Credential matters [subject to consistency with the relevant State Constitution], and is an Associate Member of the National Council without voting rights. Such persons are expected to attend all State and National Councils and Conferences.
3.2.6. A Minister’s Credential should normally be held for a minimum of three years before a person may be invited by the Issuing Authority in consultation with the Coaching Minister, to complete an application for a National Minister's Credential. (Refer 3.4)
3.2.7. A Minister’s Credential may be held in perpetuity, for the duration of one's Ministry life.
It is recognised that in some cases the Minister in a local church fulfils a very significant and ongoing Ministry role that will continue through the Minister’s lifetime. Due to any number of circumstances the person concerned may Minister to a relatively small number of people or may not move from their one place of Ministry due to secular employment or other circumstances.
The person holding the Minister’s Credential may simply not have the Ministry calling or is not available for Ministry to the larger body of Christ. It is therefore the intent of this document that the CRC Churches International gives due honour and esteem to those who may hold a Minister’s Credential in perpetuity.
3.2.8. Before a Minister’s Credential is granted it is expected that the required Ministry Competencies training courses (or their equivalent acceptable to the Issuing Authority) are completed or are in the process of being completed.
3.2.9. The Issuing Authority has the right, in exceptional circumstances, to waive elements of the training requirements normally incumbent on the Minister – however all pastors being considered for a Minister’s Credential must demonstrate that they have successfully completed the competencies required for a “Minister’s Credential”.
3.2.10. If the area of Ministry function for which this Credential was issued should cease, the Credential lapses forthwith.”
Scroll to Continue or Back to Contents
Section 1. Personal Matters
Note: Click on the grey area to insert your information or make a selection
Part A – Update Contact Particulars
1. Current Contact Details:
Number & Street
Locality Postcode
Postal Address (if different) Post Code
Telephone No/s Home Office
Mobile Email
Check here and go to Section 2, IF you have NOT partnered in engagement or marriage since your last application and this is NOT your first application.
Check here and go to Part C for Partners particulars if this is NOT your first application BUT you HAVE partnered in engagement or marriage since your last application.
Part B – Particulars for a first application
Check here if this is not your first application BUT you have married or engaged since your last application then go to Part C
2. Date of Birth
3. Gender
4. Place of Birth
5. Nationality
6. Are you a member of a CRC Churches International Church?
6a If so, which Local Church
Address: Street etc Locality
Postcode Tel
6b How long have you been in this Church?
7. When were you saved
7a. In what Denomination or Church?
8. When did you receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4, 10:44-46; 19:6) and speak with tongues as the initial evidence?
8a. Where and with what denomination or Church?
9. When were you baptised in water by emersion?
9a. In what Denomination or Church?
10. Have you consistently followed Christ since your conversion?
10a. If not, please supply details
11. Are you prompt at paying accounts/bills?
12. Do you have any physical weakness or emotional problems that would hinder you in an intense or pressured environment? (If yes, please attach explanation)
13. Have you ever been involved in a Church dissension? (If yes, please attach explanation)
14. Please check the terms which best describe your day to day attitude to others:
Warm-hearted Critical Tolerant Passive
Sympathetic Contemptuous Respectful Enthusiastic
Aggressive Kind Abrupt Patient
Moody Self-centred Generous
15. Please check the terms which best describe your attitudes and personality:
Reliable Rigid Consecrated Lazy
Apathetic Uncommitted Legalistic Carnal
Adaptable Honest Weak-willed Self-motivated
Spiritual Extroverted Introverted Genuine
Determined Procrastinates Careless
16. Do you get on well with others?
17. Do you have any personality traits which impair your relationship with others?
(If yes, please attach explanation)
18. Have you
A drug dependency e.g. tobacco, alcohol, barbiturates etc.?
A Gambling habit or difficulty?
Used illegal drugs?
Been involved in community disturbances?
A criminal record?
Undergone (or currently undergoing) any psychological or psychiatric therapy?
Had problem with pornography?
Had a problem or had concerns raised to do with child abuse in any way?
Had any inclination toward a same sex lifestyle?
A reputation for involvement in behaviour indicating moral/ethical weaknesses?
(If yes, please attach details)
19. How do you rate yourself in the following areas?
Maturity - Personal development, ability to cope
Motivation - Self discipline, sense of purpose, depth of commitment
Reliability - Dependable, diligent, responsible
Emotional Stability - Poise, mood stability, reaction to stress
Judgement - ability to analyse problems
Oral Expression - clarity, coherence
Interpersonal Relations - Rapport, courtesy, manners, understanding
Empathy - Sensitivity to needs of others
Work Habits - Stamina, conscientious, perseverance, resourceful, initiative
Leadership - Creativity, curiosity, confidence, charisma, decisiveness
Personal Appearance - Cleanliness, grooming, dress habits
Integrity - Truthful, moral character, keep your word
Academic Ability - Studious, making progress in personal education
Reaction to Criticism - Able to handle negative and hurtful situations
Preaching Ministry - Particularly in regular church service
Co-operation - Teachable, attitude toward supervision, able to work with others
Sociable - Accepted by others, not withdrawn or anti-social
Devotional Life - Prayer, spirituality
Communications Skills - Share ideas effectively with others
Convictions - Commitment to beliefs
Adaptability - Able to cope with changing situations
Tolerance - Able to allow another point of view, patient with others
Tact - Think before speaking, able to keep confidence
Modesty - in behaviour and dress
Christian Experience - Consecration, growth in grace, Biblical knowledge
Check here if you do not have a partner in Engagement or Marriage and go to Section 2
Part C Engagement and Marriage Partner’s Particulars
1. Partner’s Name?
3. Have you ever been divorced?
3a. Has partner (if any) been divorced?
3b. If yes to question 2 and/or 2a, please give details
4. When was your partner saved?
4a. In what Denomination or Church?
5. When did your partner receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and speak with other tongues as the initial evidence?
5a. Where and with what denomination or Church?
6. When did your partner get Baptised by emersion?
6a. Where and with what denomination or Church?
7. Is your home/marriage conducive to success in the ministry? (If no, please attach explanation)
8. Does your partner get on well with others?