Creative Climate Leadership
Application Form: Slovenia 2017
Please send your complete applications to with the reference “Application: CCL Slovenia YourName”
Personal Details /Name
Email Address
City and country you are applying from
Telephone number
Your role
Grant applicants only
There are limited grants available for travel, accommodation and tuition for freelancers or self-employed participants. Would you like to be considered for a grant? / YesNo
Can you confirm that you are self-employed and have not received the backing of an organisation to attend this training course? / YesNo
Can you confirm that the grant will be used exclusively to access the CCL training course? / YesNo
Can you confirm that if you receive funding from other sources to attend the course, you will no longer be eligible for the grant application? / YesNo
Please tell us what difference the grant will make to you (500 chars)
Small Organisation Applicants only
There are a small number of places at a reduced price (€350) for organisations with an annual turnover of €50k. Would you like to be considered for this reduction? / YesNo
Equal Opportunities
Gender / FemaleMaleI'd prefer not to say
Age / 18-2425-3435-4445-5455+I'd prefer not to say
Do you need anything to support your participation, for example, accessibility support?
Art form
Biography (500 chars)
Why have you applied to this programme and what would you like to get out of it? (1000 chars)
What does “creative climate leadership” mean to you?
(1000 chars)
How have you engaged with environmental sustainability in your work to date?
(1000 chars)
Tell us about an idea you are either starting to develop or would like to develop that connects culture and environment. Tell us about how you hope the CCL course will support you to make this happen. Tell us about the challenges you are facing to make this happen.
(1000 chars)
All successful participants on the course commit to running a dissemination event to share their learning when they return home. Describe what you want to do for your dissemination event.
(1000 chars)
Please send us up to three links to your work.