Before preparing this application, review the eligibility and criteria outlined below. The application must be received by the due date and submitted to:

Kent Community Foundation

PO Box128

Kent, WA 98035

Attn: CCC Scholarship Committee

Applications may also be submitted as a single PDF document on line at . If needed, please contact for technical assistance.

Due Date: April 1st

As part of its commitment to education, the Covington Chamber of Commerce (CCC) Trust will provide a $500 scholarship to a high school graduating student pursuing a business career.

Eligibility: Candidates must be graduating seniors from Kentwood High School, Kentlake High School, students in private accredited schools or home schools in the Kentwood-Kentlake service area. The funds will be forwarded on behalf of the selected students to an accredited public or private two-year/four-year college or vocational-technical institute within the State of Washington in which the student will be enrolled for the coming school year.


1. An overall grade point average greater than 2.0 during Grades 9 – 12.

2. Completion of the “Hire-Me-First” program, or employment by a Covington area business for at least six months during high school enrollment, or involvement in the Covington community, i.e. Chamber office, assisting in school reading programs, mentoring and other programs. (Include as part of letters of recommendation).

3. Evidence of abilities, potential, motivation and desire to succeed.

4. Financial need.

5. United States citizenship or legal alien status.

Students must submit, as attachments, to the following with the completed application form:

1. Official copy of high school transcript or comparable.

2. Letter (up to 200 words) describing your career plans.

3. Financial plan describing estimated costs for upcoming school year, as well as how you plan on meeting these costs

4. Minimum of two letters of recommendation (one must be from an adult who served in a supervisory role for a community or school activity). These letters should comment on your abilities, potential, motivation, and desire to succeed.


All information requested below should be printed or typed.


Address:____________________________________________________ Phone:_______________________

Street City Zip Code

e-mail address _________________________________________

Information regarding vocational-technical school, community college or university that student will attend in forthcoming year:

Name of School: ______________________________________________________________

School Address: ______________________________________________________________

Street City Zip Code

Anticipated major or training program: _____________________________________________

School and Community Involvement (separate sheets – include subject title):

Provide information regarding your participation in school clubs and community organizations. State the name of the group(s), the years involved, for example, vice-president, fundraising, chair, etc. Attach additional sheet if necessary.

School Activities:

Name of Club/Organization Years Involved Responsibility

__________________________ __ _______________ ____________________

__________________________ _ _______________ ____________________

Community Activities:

Name of Club/Organization Years Involved Responsibility

__________________________ _____ _______ ______ ___________________

__________________________ _____ ____________ ___________________

School Attendance Information:

Provide requested information regarding the schools attended Grades 9 - 12. Home-Based Instruction Students provide copies of your “Declaration of Intent to Provide Home-Based Instruction” for each year, Grades 9 - 12.

Name of School Date of Entrance Period Attended

______________________ ______________ _____________________________

______________________ ______________ _____________________________

School Attendance (to be completed by school designee)

Number of excused absences:_______ Number of unexcused absences:________

Expected graduation date:__________

School designee signature:___________________________ Date:________________

I hereby certify that the information on this application and all information contained in any attachments are true and correct.

Applicant’s signature:________________________________________ Date:___________

If I am a winner of this scholarship, I give permission to be interviewed and/or photographed and for the use of my name for Kent Community Foundation use including web site, videos, publications, newspapers and radio/television media.

Name (Please Print):________________________________________________________

Signature:________________________________ Date:___________________________

If under 18 years of age:
Parent/Guardian Signature (Please Print):_______________________________________

Signature:________________________________ Date:___________________________

The Covington Chamber of Commerce Trust and the Kent Community Foundation do not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, creed, color, marital status or national origin.