☺The Seventh Grade Smile☺

7th Grade Newsletter—Monday, May 6, 2013

Mrs. Robinson’s Math News for the week of May 6 – May 10, 2013

Weekly Objectives:

●Review for the final exam (which is 20% of their semester grade)


  • Always review your notes! Please review your Spring Break Packet (Hint, Hint…Wink, Wink) in preparation for your final exam which is quickly approaching.


●Parents, please make sure that our students are coming to school prepared to do work EVERYDAY. School is not over! They still need to have the essentials to do their assignments in all of their classes: pencils, paper, etc.

●Students need to take a few minutes EVERY night to review their notes from class (which means that they must also pay attention and take GOOD notes).

●Please begin returning the math textbooks that were check out. Any lost, damaged, or stolen books will have to be replaced at the parent’s expense.

●The final exam for Math will be given on Thursday, May 16, 2013.

Ms. Burks/ Social Studies

  • Students are currently giving oral presentations with their group in class.
  • If any project is late, there will be several points deducted for every day the project is late (The deadline was Thursday, May 2, 2013). The points can range from10-20 points a day.
  • There will be a study session for the final exam in class after the last presentation has been presented. Each student will receive a study guide for the final exam on Friday, May 10, 2013.
  • Progress reports will be given to each student no later than Friday, May 10, 2013.
  • The final exam for Social Studies will be given on Friday, May 17, 2013.
  • Reminder… As Mrs. Robinson stated above, each student needs to come to school prepared to work every day. The school year has not ended yet.
  • The food festival is still scheduled for Friday, May 10, 2013.
  • If any student needs to make up tests, quizzes, or any other work, I will be at school on Saturday, May 11, 2013 from 8:00-11:45 a.m.

Ms. Muhammad/Science

The final exam for Science will be given on Wednesday, May 15, 2013.

Ms. Binns/Language Arts

Review Project Rubric

Periods 3,4,6, and 8

Students are to teach two chapters that I assigned to them from the packet using a power point, poster board, a game, dry erase board, or handouts. Each presentation should not exceed 20 minutes. Each chapter is worth 100 pts. Therefore, you can receive 200 points for completing both chapters. There should be a lesson plan (see handout) turned in for each chapter. The day of your presentation, I need your lesson plans along with any handouts you’re going to distribute.

Due Dates:

Chapters 1, 2 – May 6

Chapters 3, 4 – May 7

Chapters 5, 7 – May 8

Chapters 7 & 8 May 9

Group # 1 Chapters 1 & 8

Group # 2 Chapters 2 & 7

Group # 3 Chapters 3 & 6

Group # 4 Chapters 4 & 5

Periods 1, 5, & 7

Mock Trial major role participants will meet in my classroom this week to practice your roles for the upcoming mock trial.

Monday- Witnesses

Tuesday- Lawyer’s

Wednesday – Jurors

Thursday – Witnesses, Jurors, Lawyers & some audience members

***If there are not any changes, three classes (Ms. Burks, Ms. Binns, and Coach Smart’s homeroom) will be travelling by bus to Hapeville Career Academy to present a mock trial on Thursday, May 9, 2013. Each student, from one of the classes listed above, received a permission slip…The permission must be returned ASAP to Ms. Binns or Ms. Burks.

  • The final exam for Language Arts will be given on Friday, May 17, 2013.

Mrs. Jiles/Reading


  • This Friday is the last day to turn in any make-up reading logs. I will not accept any Reading logs after Friday, May 10, 2013.
  • We will be taking a quiz on Wednesday, May 8, 2013, on Chapters 1-8 from the novel, "Trapped between the Lash and the Gun."
  • Students will receive a study guide next Monday for the final exam. The final exam in Reading will be administered next Thursday, May 16, 2013.
  • Students will receive a progress report in Reading next Monday.
  • Have a great Hapeville Week!!!

Mr. Williams/SpanishI & II

Saludos Padres,

  • The final exam will be on Wednesday May 15, 2013.
  • Be on the lookout for Progress Reports. Students are not getting official communications from me signed by parents or they are not returning the signed documentation. Please make sure you inquire about progress reports and send it back to me signed so we can all be on the same page.
  • Make Up Credit. ALL STUDENTS are receiving an opportunity to redeem points from this semester. Students are creating their version of the final exam which is due Thursday. Students have been forewarned that if the test is not creative, detailed or comprehensive enough they can receive negative credit on this assignment which was designed to redeem lost points.

Mr. M. Williams

7th Grade Spanish Teacher

Boys' Basketball Coach
Hapeville Charter Middle School

"A nation or civilization that continues to produce soft-minded men purchases its own spiritual death on the installment plan."

-Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Coach Smart/PE & Health

  • As a reminder, eat right and exercise at least 30 minutes daily to maintain a healthy and rejuvenating lifestyle.
  • There have been some changes with the field day activities…Stay tuned for further information…
  • The final exam for Physical Education will be administered on Tuesday, May 14, 2013 during class.

Mrs. Jefferson/Enrichment

The final exam for Enrichment will be administered on Tuesday, May 14, 2013 during class.

Ms. Branch/Ms. Bowles/Resource

Continue to study and stay focused in all your classes.

Counselor’s Corner (Sabrina Barnes)

Stay tuned for upcoming information on Tuesday, May 7, 2013…

Healthy Hornets

Make physical activity a regular part of the day. Choose activities that you enjoy and can do regularly. Fitting activity into a daily routine can be easy — such as taking a brisk 10 minute walk to and from the parking lot, at the mall, or at the grocery store. Keep it interesting by trying something different on alternate days. Every little bit adds up and doing something is better than doing nothing.

A good example would be walking the dog for 10 minutes, (not watching the dog), before and after work or adding a 10 minute walk during your planning period (or fifteen minute morning/afternoon break) can add to your weekly goal. Mix it up. Go to the gym, take a swimming class, or find a sport that you enjoy, (e.g., tennis, racket ball, basketball, etc...). To be ready anytime, keep some comfortable clothes and a pair of walking or running shoes in the car, office or classroom.

“Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.”

Edward Smith-Stanley (1752-1834) – English statesman, three times Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

~~M. Jefferson


“A Taste of African, Asian and Mediterranean Foods”

The 6thand 7th grade students will get a chance to enjoy cultural foods from countries in Africa and Asia! It will be an experience you will never forget!

Date of event:Friday, May 10, 2013

Time of event: During 7th and 8th periods

Place of event: Hapeville Middle School Cafeteria


Final Exam Schedule

Here is another reminder of the final exam schedule even though the dates are listed above under each subject…

  • Tuesday, May 14, 2013: P.E. and Enrichment (final exam will be given during class period)
  • Wednesday, May 15, 2013: Science and Spanish
  • Thursday, May 16, 2013: Mathematics and Reading
  • Friday, May 17, 2013: Social Studies and Language Arts
  • Monday, May 20, 2013: Make-up Day: If any student is absent during the week of final exams, the make-up date will be the following Monday.

***Students may check out of school after 12:30 PM by a parent or guardian only. Buses will not run until regular schedule.

***This week is Teacher Appreciation Week…If you would like to donate items such as donuts, coffee w/creamer, sugar, bagels w/cream cheese, juices (orange, cranberry, apple, etc.), pastries, brownies, cupcakes, milk, fruit and paper products, please send the item(s) with your child to school. Your child can give the item(s) to Mrs. Evans or Ms. Burks. Thank you very much for your support.***

"Hall, Juree" <>



"Justin Ross" <>

"Julie de Flores" <>

"Judi Grubbs" <>

"Judi Grubbs" <>

"Judi Grubbs" <>

"Judi Grubbs" <>

"Julie de Flores" <>