POFT 1319
Blinn College
1. Course: Records & Information Management
2. Instructor: Karen Bean, Information Management, Classroom Building, Office 19; phone 830-4023; e-mail
3. Course Description: Introduction to basic records and information management. Includes the life cycle of a record, manual and electronic records management, and basic filing procedures and rules. Three class hours per week. Credit: Three semester hours.
4. Course Prerequisites: None
5. Course Objectives or student learning outcomes: See attached Learning Outcomes.
6. Required Textbooks, supplies, and materials:
Records Management by Read, 8th Edition, South-Western Publishing Co., 2005
Records Management Projects by Read, Eighth Edition, South-Western Publishing Co., 2005
7. Outline or description of course content: See Daily Schedule, next page.
8. Course Requirements:
A. Achievement of all competencies on Scans Competencies
B. Completion of chapter assignments, computer jobs, filing jobs
C. Completion of tour/survey
D. Completion projects
E. Completion of all quizzes, major exams and semester exam
9. Tentative calendar for major assignments and exams: See Daily Schedule, next page.
10. Criteria for grading all assignments and determining final grade in the course:
A. Quizzes and Major Exams: Short answer questions will be graded on content, grammar, accuracy, and organization of ideas. Points on objective portion determined by correct answers.
B. Computer Assignments: Points based on thoroughness and completion on time.
C. Business Tour/Survey: Points based on participation
D. Chapter assignments, computer jobs, projects, and filing jobs: Graded on accuracy of work and completion on time
E. Final Exam: Essay/short answer questions graded on content, grammar, accuracy, and organization of ideas. Points on objective portion determined by correct answers.
F. Point Distribution and Evaluation Percentages for the course:
Quizzes and Applications 25%
Simulation 20%
Unit Exams 35%
Final Exam 20%
11. Instructor’s policies:
A. Attendance Policy:
The College District believes that class attendance is essential for student success; therefore, students are required to promptly and regularly attend all their classes. Each class meeting builds the foundation for subsequent class meetings. Without full participation and regular class attendance, students shall find themselves at a severe disadvantage for achieving success in college. Class participation shall constitute at least ten percent of the final course grade. It is the responsibility of each faculty member, in consultation with the division chair, to determine how participation is achieved in his or her class. Faculty will require students to regularly attend class and will keep a record of attendance from the first day of class and/or the first day the student’s name appears on the roster through final examinations. If a student has one week’s worth of unexcused absences during the semester, he/she will be sent an e-mail by the College requiring the student to contact his/her instructor and schedule a conference immediately to discuss his/her attendance issues. Should the student accumulate two weeks worth of unexcused absences, he/she will be administratively withdrawn from class.
B. Late assignments: Jobs are due on the date designated at the beginning of class. Late assignments may be turned in at the next class for half credit. Late assignments will not be accepted after the next class.
C. Make-up work: Students are expected to be in class each day, but especially on major exam days. Students not in attendance and taking the exam on the scheduled day will be allowed a make-up exam with a 10% penalty for the first exam missed, a 20% deduction for the second time a major exam is missed, and a 30% deduction for the third time a major exam is missed. The make-up exam may or may not be the same as the regularly scheduled exam, and could contain more problems. The make-up exam must be scheduled with the instructor and must be made up before the next exam.
D. Dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated. This includes copying work from another student or student computer diskette and turning it in as your own. Depending on the severity of the dishonesty, one may receive either a zero for the assignment or fail the course. All persons involved in the copying or granting permission for copying will be punished.
E. Housekeeping. Please keep work area neat at all times. At the end of the period, please pick up and throw away any waste paper, and put chairs back in proper place. No food or drinks in classroom.
F. Coursework Completion. All coursework and projects must be completed by December 12.
G. Final Exams are given at the time stated; late-comers must complete their exam by the time of the stated exam ending; students absent the day of the final exam will lose 200 points allotted for the exam.
H. ADA Statement: Blinn College would like to help students with disabilities achieve their highest potential in college. In order to receive accommodations on examinations or assignments, proper documentation must first be provided to the Office of Disability Services. You must then self identify and conference with the ADA office to begin receiving accommodations in the class.
I. Civility Statement: Members of the Blinn College community, which includes faculty, staff and students, are expected to act honestly and responsibly in all aspects of campus life. Blinn College holds all members accountable for their actions and words. Therefore, all members should commit themselves to behave in a manner that recognizes personal respect and demonstrates concern for the personal dignity, rights, and freedoms of every member of the college community, including respect for college property and the physical and intellectual property of others.
Revised Fall 2007
(stated as workplace or SCANS competencies)
SCANS / COURSE OBJECTIVES / EVALUATIONInterpret Filing Rules and Procedures
Demonstrate reading skills / a. read filing rules / Filing Jobs
Acquire, evaluate data; demonstrate writing skills / b. read filing instructions / Filing Jobs; exam items
Manage materials / c. locate materials for filing / Filing Jobs; finding tests
Manage space; organize/maintain information / d. place materials in correct order / Filing Jobs; exam items
Understands systems / e. make corrections to order / Filing Jobs
Demonstrate Filing Systems
Manage and organize materials; acquire/evaluate data/ organize/maintain information; understands systems; monitor/correct a system performance / a. alphabetic / Exam items;
alphabetic filing exercises
Save as above / b. numeric / Exam items;
numeric filing exercises
Same as above / c. subject / Exam items;
subject filing exercises
Same as above / d. geographic / Exam items;
geographic filing exercises
Select equipment and tools; apply technology to specific tasks; maintain/troubleshoot technologies; process information with computers / e. computer / Exam items;
computer filing exercises
Analyze And Evaluate Filing Systems
Acquire, evaluate data; interpret/communicate data; demonstrate problem solving and decision making / a. tour and evaluate filing systems / Tours of businesses;
Follow-up reports on tours
Demonstrate creative thinking; decision making; problem solving, thinking logically; seeing with the mind's eye; interpret and/or communicate data; design and/or improve systems / b. organize filing systems / File Organization Project;
Exam items
Demonstrate decision making, problem solving, thinking logically / c. evaluate file management plans / File Organization Project;
Exam items
WEEK /Daily Agenda
/Possible Points
/Points Earned
1 / Course OutlineCourse Inventory
Chapter 1, Review and Discussion, p. 28
Chapter 1 Quiz / 15
2 / Chapter 2, Applications, p. 54-55, 2-1, 2-2
Chapter 2, Job 1, p. 57, Simulation
Chapter 2 Quiz / 15
3 / Chapter 3, Applications, p. 76-77, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4
Chapter 3, Job 2
Chapter 3 Quiz / 15
4 /
Exam 1, Chapters 1-3
/5 / Chapter 4, Applications, p. 102-104, 4-1, 4-2, 4-3
Chapter 4, Job 3
Chapter 4 Quiz
/ 1515
6 / Chapter 5, Review and Discussion, p. 131
Chapter 5, Applications, p. 132-133, 5-1, 5-2
Chapter 5 Quiz
Chapter 5, Job 4 / 15
7 / Chapter 6, Review and Discussion, p. 176-177
Chapter 6, Applications, p. 177-178, 6-1, 6-2
Chapter 6 Quiz / 15
8 / Jobs 5-7, p. 179 / 15
9 / Exam 2, Chapters 4-6 / 150
10 / Chapter 7, Review and Discussion, p. 211-212,
Chapter 7, Applications, p. 212-213, 7-1, 7-2, 7-3
Chapter 7 Quiz / 15
11 / Jobs 8 and 9, p. 214 / 15
12 / Chapter 8, Review and Discussion, p. 242
Chapter 8, Application, p. 242-244, 8-1, 8-2, 8-3
Job 10
Chapter 8 Quiz / 15
13 / Chapter 9, Review and Discussion, p. 272-273,
Chapter 9, Application, p. 274, 9-1, 9-2
Jobs 11 and 12 / 15
14 / Chapter 10, Review and Discussion, p. 305,
Chapter 10, Application, p.306-308, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3
Chapter 10 Quiz / 15
15 /
Exam 3, Chapters 7-10
/ 15016 / FINAL EXAM / 200
Total Points / / 1100
Revised Fall 2007