Coping Skills Strategies for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students

Problem: Teaching coping skills for hearing loss is a crucial part of the job for a teacher of deaf and hard of hearing students. Getting students excited and eager to learn about this topic is a challenge for teachers. Trying to find new ways to present this important information is an endless task. In this exciting new age of rapidly developing technology, this problem was addressed by integrating coping skills topics with technology (computers and Powerpoint).

Solution: The use of technology brings significance and excitement to learning by engaging students in activities and making them more meaningful for them. Technology can provide information and tools to help students identify problems, brainstorm ideas, discuss possibilities, test ideas, and draw conclusions. By using computers and the Powerpoint program, learning coping skills for hearing loss became more fun and students began to take ownership in this knowledge.

By utilizing our current coping skills curriculum and a template for a “Jeopardy” game made by fellow colleagues, students were able to develop a Jeopardy-type game for the topics included in coping skills for hearing loss. The project ended up being a semester long project in which students took much time researching and learning about coping skills.

Impact: Significant interest was taken in this project by students, their parents and colleagues. The initial product has been taken to new extremes by furthered improvements by more students and teachers. As a result, the previous feelings of distaste for learning about hearing loss and how to cope with it became a topic of excitement for kids who were ready, willing and eager to learn more about these skills.

Please feel free to contact me for more information and/or if you are interested in seeing the powerpoint that was developed.

Brenda Schmidt