Regulated Clinical Research Information Management (RCRIM) Technical Committee Meeting Minutes
September 1, 2009
First Name / Last Name / Affiliation / E-mail Address /Becky / Angeles / ScenPro /
Lisa / Chatterjee / Digital Infuzion /
Julie / Evans / CDISC /
Joel / Finkle / Image Solutions, Inc. /
Myron / Finseth / Medtronic /
William / Friggle / Sanofi Aventis /
Patricia / Garvey / FDA /
Scott / Getzin / Eli Lilly and Company /
Norman / Gregory / FDA /
William / Gregory / Pfizer /
Terry / Hardin / PerfiTech /
Ed / Helton / NCI /
David / Iberson-Hurst / CDISC /
John / Kiser / Abbott Laboratories /
Wayne / Kubick / Lincoln Technologies (CDISC) /
Rebecca / Kush / CDISC /
Pierre-Yves / Lastic / Sanofi Aventis /
Mary / Lenzen / Octagon /
Jason / Rock / Global Submit /
Lilliam / Rosario / FDA /
Karin / Sailor / Medtronic /
Steve / Sandberg / Mayo Clinic/Foundation /
Abdul Malik / Shakir / Shakir Consulting /
Kris / Spahr / Merck & Co., Inc. /
Chris / Tolk / CDISC /
Ed / Tripp / Edward S. Tripp and Associates /
Gary / Walker / Quintiles /
Mead / Walker / Mead Walker Consulting /
Steve / Ward / Lilly /
I. aECG Recirculation Ballot
The negative ballot on the reaffirmation of aECG has been withdrawn. No recirculation ballot is necessary
II. Project Review
The attached spreadsheet was reviewed at the meeting. Edits were made to modify the target date of the Laboratory Test Result Abnormality Assessment message. The Drug Stability Reporting (eStability) realm was changed to Universal.
Ed Tripp will forward the completed spreadsheet to HL7.
III. Update of three year plan
The three year plan was modified to reflect current ballot plans and the revised plan is attached.
Motion to approve the plan was made by Steve Ward and seconded by Pierre-Yves Lastic.
There were none opposed and no abstentions. Motion carries.
Ed Tripp will forward the completed spreadsheet to HL7.
IV. Update of SWOT
Motion to approve the SWOT was made by Mary Lenzen and seconded by Ed Helton.
There were none opposed and Pierre-Yves Lastic abstained. Motion carries.
Ed Tripp will forward the completed document to HL7.
V. New Project Proposal: Submission Type Coding
Topic postponed for 2 weeks
VI. New Project Proposal: EHR to Clinical Database
Topic postponed for 2 weeks
VII. Atlanta Agenda
Changes made to Q4 Monday to add Vocabulary update. Note, David Iberson-Hurst will co-chair Q4 Monday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. There were changes made to Q3 Thursday to remove Laboratory Test Result Abnormality Assessment from the agenda (update will be provided at the General Business Meeting. Unfinished business was moved to Q3 and Q4 Thursday is amended to TBD.
End of Document