Nicholas Pyeatt
Curriculum Vitae
Contact Information
Pennsylvania State University-Altoona
3000 Ivyside Park
129H Smith Building
Altoona, PA 16601
Office: 814-949-5752
Cell: 814-932-7833
Academic Appointments
Assistant Professor, Political Science, Pennsylvania State University-Altoona, 2010-present
Adjunct Instructor, Political Science, Guilford College, 2009-2010
Ph.D., Political Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2010
Concentrations: American Politics and Comparative Politics
Dissertation Title: Ideology and Candidate Emergence: Entrants Against Congressional Incumbents
Dissertation Adviser: George Rabinowitz
M.A., Political Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2006
B.A., Political Science and History, Austin College (Sherman, Texas), 2000
Graduated: Cum Laude
Peer Reviewed Publications
Pyeatt, Nicholas and Alixandra B. Yanus. Forthcoming. “Gendered Perceptions and Reelection Incentives in the U.S. House of Representatives.” Journal of Women, Politics & Policy.
Pyeatt, Nicholas. Forthcoming. “Strategic Entry and Congressional Behavior: Primary Challenges to House Incumbents.” Journal of Political Science.
Pyeatt, Nicholas. 2014. “Incumbent Ideology, District Ideology, and Candidate Entry in U.S. Congressional Elections, 1954–2008.” The Social Science Journal 51(2): 181-190.
Other Publications
Pyeatt, Nicholas, Joshua Branch and Nicholas J. Rowland. 2012. Review of The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism by Theda Skocpol and Vanessa Williamson. Sociological Viewpoints 28(1): 74-78.
Manuscripts Under Review
Pyeatt, Nicholas. “Polarization, Party Unity and Ideology in Primary Elections, 1956-2008.” Invited to revise and resubmit at Legislative Studies Quarterly.
Pyeatt, Nicholas and Alixandra B. Yanus. “Sending Mixed Signals: The Role of Gender and Partisanship in Evaluations of Political Leaders.” Invited to revise and resubmit at Politics, Groups, and Identities.
Pyeatt, Nicholas and Alixandra B. Yanus. “Increasing Women's Political Participation: The Role of Women-Friendly Districts.”
Pyeatt, Nicholas and Alixandra B. Yanus. “Breaking the Statehouse Glass Ceiling: A Research Note Examining Women-Friendly Districts in the State Legislatures”
Manuscripts in Progress
“Polarization in the Congress, 1952-2012: A Theoretical Explanation.” (with Stuart Elaine MacDonald and George Rabinowitz)
“Representation and Women-Friendly Districts in the State Legislatures.” (with Alixandra B. Yanus)
Recent Conference Papers
Pyeatt, Nicholas and Alixandra B. Yanus. “Breaking the Statehouse Glass Ceiling:
Women-Friendly Districts in the State Legislatures.” Presented at the State Politics & Policy Conference, May 2014, Indiana University.
Pyeatt, Nicholas and Alixandra B. Yanus. “Increasing Women’s Political Engagement:
The Role of Women-Friendly Districts.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, January 2014, New Orleans.
Pyeatt, Nicholas and Alixandra B. Yanus. “Linking Descriptive Representation and Institutional Approval: A Case Study of the House of Representatives.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, August 2013, Chicago.
Pyeatt, Nicholas. “Polarization, Party Unity and Ideology in Primary Elections, 1956-2008.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 2013, Chicago.
Pyeatt, Nicholas and Alixandra B. Yanus. “The Politics of Picking: Risk Aversion and Rational Adaptation among Female Incumbents.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southwest Political Science Association, April 2012, San Diego.
Pyeatt, Nicholas, Adam Chamberlain and Sarah Shair-Rosenfield “The Formation and Success of Challenger Parties in Federal Systems.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southwest Political Science Association, April 2012, San Diego.
Classroom Teaching Experience
- Lower and Intermediate Level Courses: Introduction to American Government, Campaigns and Elections, Politics and Film
- Upper Level Courses: Political Opinion, Political Parties and Interest Groups, Political Parties and Elections, Analyzing Public Opinion [Quantitative Course], Analyzing Electoral Politics, Congress and the Presidency [Writing Intensive Course]
Other Teaching Experience and Student Enrichment
- Supervised Kathryn Conrad, “Obama Healthcare Act and Controversies with Congress.” Presented at the Pennsylvania Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Harrisburg PA, April 2013.
- Supervised Joseph Costlow, “Balanced Budget Amendment.” Presented at the Pennsylvania Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Harrisburg PA, April 2013.
- Supervised Justin Girven, “Glass-Steagall to Dodd Frank, An Overview of Interactions Between Congress, The President, and the Financial Sector.” Presented at the Pennsylvania Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Harrisburg PA, April 2013.
- Supervised Adriana Rosa, “The Juxtaposition of Two Influential Wars and How it Affects the Presidency.” Presented at the Pennsylvania Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Harrisburg PA, April 2013.
- Supervised Makayla Zonfrilli, “Power Shift to States: With a Hypothetical Amendment Would the Founders and Modern Politicians Support Such a Change?” Presented at the Pennsylvania Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Harrisburg PA, April 2013.
- Discussant, “Core Curriculum/General Education” American Political Science Association Teaching and Learning Conference, Long Beach CA, February 2013.
- Supervised Samantha Cessna, Internship with Americans for Prosperity Foundation, Summer 2012.
- Supervised Justin Girven, “Greek Confidence and the Struggle for Fiscal Responsibility.” Presented at Pennsylvania Political Science Association, March 2012, Allentown, PA.
- Discussant, “Simulations and Role Play I: American Politics and Institutions” American Political Science Association Teaching and Learning Conference, Washington D.C., February 2012.
Service to the University (Pennsylvania State University-Altoona)
- Member, Faculty Senate, 2011-present
o Member, Curricular Affairs Committee, 2013-present
o Member, Research Committee, 2011-2013
- Member, Art and Humanities Division Executive Committee, 2013-present
- Faculty sponsor, Political Science Club, Fall 2012- present
- Member, First Year Book Selection Committee, Arts and Humanities Division, Spring 2012 and Spring 2013.
- Member, Arts and Humanities Division Head Nominations Committee, Spring 2013
- Member, Summer Internship Scholarships Review Committee, Spring 2013.
- Peer Evaluator, Arts and Humanities Division Peer Evaluation of Teaching Committee, 2011 and 2012
- Peer Evaluator, Education, Human Development and Social Sciences Division Peer Evaluation of Teaching Committee, 2012
- Organized Political Science Program speaker, Alixandra B. Yanus, “Sending Mixed Signals: The Role of Gender and Partisanship in Evaluations of Political Leaders”, Penn State Altoona, September 2012
- Member, Committee to Award the Elizabeth and George Gardner Best Essay on the Meaning of Citizenship, Ethics and/or Leadership, February 2012
- Co-organized Gardner Fellowship Lecture by Manesh Shah, “Evolving Treatment of Race and Ethnicity under the Law,” September 2011
Grants Received
- Advisory Board Award for Research and Creative Activity, Spring 2012 and Spring 2013
- Undergraduate Research Award, Spring 2011, Spring 2012 and Spring 2013
Service to the Discipline and Memberships
- Active Reviewer: Journal of Politics (2008 to present), Political Research Quarterly (2009 to present), American Politics Research (2010 to present), American Journal of Political Science (2011 to present), Politics and Gender (2012 to present), Canadian Political Science Review (2013 to present), Journal of Political Science (2013 to present), Politics & Policy (2014 to present), Journal of Women, Politics & Policy (2014 to present).
- Manuscript Reviewer: Pearson, CQ Press, Westview Press
- Panel Discussant, American Political Science Association Conference, August 2012.
- Panel Discussant, Midwest Political Science Association Conference, April 2010.
- Panel Chair, Southern Political Science Association Conference, January 2010.
- Panel Discussant, Midwest Political Science Association Conference, April 2009.
- Member: American Political Science Association (Legislative Studies and Women and Politics Research Sections) and Midwest Political Science Association
Thomas Carsey
Pearsall Distinguished Professor of Political Science
Department of Political Science
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
361 Hamilton Hall, CB #3265
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3265
(919) 962-1207
Stuart Macdonald
Professor of Political Science
Department of Political Science
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
361 Hamilton Hall, CB #3265
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3265
(919) 962-0402
Nicholas J. Rowland
Associate Professor of Sociology
Pennsylvania State University
E. Raymond Smith Building 128H
Altoona, PA 16601
(812) 360-7074