Minutes of the Readers Executive Meeting 21st February 2017
Imogen Clout, Ian R Watson, Beryl Adamson, John Patterson, Lesley Combe,
Rosemary Neill, Gwyneth Hodgson, Joan Robinson, Peter Rainford, Patrick White
The meeting opened with a minute’s silence at which Alan Pycroft and the other
Readers who have recently died (Ged Marks, George Steven, Christine Hodgson)
were remembered in prayer
MINUTES – approved
MATTERS ARISING - Imogen asked for clarification about the financial decisions
that had been taken at the last meeting. It was therefore decided to take the
Treasurer’s Report out of order and revisit the discussion from the last meeting.
Current Bank Account. £1,923.66
+£2,500 (diocese)
= £4,423.66
CCLA Deposit. £5,165.55
Shares. 8668.83
The shares cannot be touched and yield an income of £3-400 a year. The diocese
pays the Readers’ Association £2,500 each year. About £1,800 has to be sent to the
Central Readers’ Council for the capitation fee for Readers. The balance in the
current account shown above, is after the payment of the capitation, which
has already been paid for this year.
At the last Executive Meeting a decision was taken to provide a fund of £500 for
the assistance of Readers CMD.
Following a full discussion it was proposed by I.C. and seconded by B.A. that
Sheffield Readers Executive set up a 'Pamela Richardson Education Fund'. This
would be for £3,000 coming from the deposit account. Its purpose would be to
assist Readers with the cost of educational courses they wished to take to further
their ministry. This would be publicised and applications for assistance would be
considered by the Readers Executive.
Motion carried unanimously.
This motion supersedes the motion for the funding to be £500.
New Treasurer – a suggestion was put forward to ask Peter Smithers who may have
some experience. (He has subsequently been asked, but declined.)
A working party consisting of IC, BA, PW, PR, has been set up to revise the
constitution. The initial meeting was cancelled because of Imogen's knee
operation. They agreed that they would meet in the near future and prepare drafts
for consideration by the whole committee. The meeting to do this should also be
opened to other Readers who might be interested, and should be publicised.
Date for Constitution discussion - Wednesday 29th March ACTION - IC Book room
Discussion on the format - deferred to the May Agenda
Date: 14th June 2017 – please note that this is not the date in the previous
Bishop Peter has agreed to attend the tea party and the evening.
Discussion on the format of the evening. Bishop Peter would like to leave by 8.30
which means a shorter talk than in previous years, or perhaps a sermon.
Reports to be in by May 9th .They are to be sent to Ian and he will distribute them.
Imogen will post them on the website.
This is on 1st April in London. The committee were asked if any of them proposed
to attend. There were no volunteers. It was noted that Martyn Snow is now the
The CRC is looking for two new Reader and two new Warden members. They are
looking for people standing from the north. Imogen will stand as one of the warden representatives.
The committee was reminded about the new report:“Setting God’s People Free”.
Imogen had included the link to it with her Warden’s Report.
It was pointed out that one of the authors was +Philip North. There is the
possibility that we may be asked to be a pilot Diocese. It was agreed that there
should be further discussion of the paper at the May meeting
Please see the contents of that report.
There was a discussion about the new bishop and his suggestion to have a day
together. The committee felt that this would be better than 2 evenings particularly
in the light of the divisions in the diocese and the gossip that might be caused.
Suggested date Saturday July 22nd 2017 was agreed even though first day of school
Venue – to be arranged.(In the light of +Philip’s withdrawal, this has been cancelled.)
JR reported that she had sent in the returns for the number of Readers. She had
worked out that there were 67 male Readers and 63 women who were licensed, in total with those who were over 70 that made 95 men and 94 women.
Imogen said that her figures were a little different and she and Joan would need to
compare records.
PR reported that Argentina were thinking about creating profiles of their Readers
as we had done. He hoped to send them some of ours. Action - IC to give PR a CD
of profiles
From Laughton GH reported that there had been concern about the impact on
women priests who feel disappointment at the appointment of +Philip North.
How can we support them? IC reported that there was to be a meeting of WATCH
Wednesday 22nd February at St Mark’s Broomhill.
IW spoke about a get together at Ecclesfield Church with a fish and chip supper
which had been successful.
PW apologised that he would not be able to attend any further meetings this year.
His vicar is very ill and he is having to do a lot of support in his parish at Whiston.
Date of next meeting 29th March – for the handbook and constitution and then 9th
May 2017